
2007년 11월 28일 수요일

Am I a fool??

sometimes will come to this kinda question.."why r u so so stupid??".."r u a fool?"..sad that everytime can't give a single answer to it..

questions like these also can't solve..a simple fact, theory also can't understand..what lar!!!
keep doing like this bring no good, not even a single little reward or feedback..why keep doing it?? sometimes it brings harm somemore..r u such a fool that dunno to stop even knowing that u r actually knocking door of an empty house??no one will answer u!!!

ya it's easy to say:"let things go when it's hopeless."..tell you how many times dee don't waste ur time anymore..but then..mayb too stubborn, a stubborn coward..why don't u go and give everything in one bet??coz u r a damnit coward..u scare that failure will be waiting there..u scare u will lost u rather do it in a coward way, even knowing that it won't bring u the thing u longing for, and will never bring u to the destination..

ahew u stupid coward fool=.=

2007년 11월 26일 월요일


我想飞 想飞
鼓起勇气 看得起自己

我要别人能看见 另一个自己

想飞 想飞
我要寻找另一个自己 另一个自己

哦 这样太刺激

想飞 想飞
经历 风雨



2007년 11월 25일 일요일

뭐라 해야 되는지...

이상하게도..하루에 가장 많이 하는 일이 뭔가??호흡 말고 먹는 일이야..몇 번이나 먹는가 말도 마..한 두 시간마다 한번 먹는 걸 걸..너무 심하다..누군가 해법 좀 가르쳐 줘~~

어젯밤도 영화를 봤다..'쏘우 4'라는 영활..공포편으로 분류해도 될 까??사실은 무서움이 하나도 없고 그냥 끔찍한 거뿐이지..작년인가??'쏘우 3'을 봤기는 했는데 아무 이상한 느낌도 없었고 웃기까지..이번에 한 장면에 왠지 토하고 싶은 느낌이 생겼더라..왜 왜 왜??그래도 대단한 영화였다..아 이번에 새 극장에서 봤거든..멀기는 좀 한데 크고 화려한 극장ㅋㅋ

시험은 이주일만 남았나??아직도 헤매고 있다...요즘 오랜만에 '생활적인' 생활을 하고 있으니 다행이네..계속 이러도 싶다..왠지 모자란 것 좀 있지만..분명히 뭘 바라고 있는 거..잘 안 되어도 괜찮아..희망을 가지고 살아라 목준아..이 세상에서 다른 찾아 다닐 만한 거 무수히 많아..만족을 느낄 줄 알아야 진정한 행복이겠지...참 뭘 좀 쓰려고 했는데 생각 안 나네..정말 늙은가 보다..

2007년 11월 22일 목요일

worth a thought...

all these from something I heard from someone...

hmm..guess I quite used to stay in a group(or lepak with) of Malays friends..and surely u can hear about something that u seldom, or never hear b4..Syidi, one of the macho guy in our batch..he's kinda nice man, with he talked bout his study in college, and his plan for the coming final..ya since we 're in different major there's no chance to know about their by one..all the subjects were mentioned..with the scores in mid-term, and the mininum condition to do a comeback during the final..don't wanna deny that I have a feeling of paiseh, re-thinking of the scene happened during the afternoon, though I just responded with some jokes and laughs this afternoon..seriously such plan never occur in my mind, not even for a single second..and very shameful to say that none of the subjects that I have the confidence to score an 'A+'..haha comeback is just like a term used in football or sports event for me..

and another thing..he said mood and spirit to study like being affected abit...guess what??coz there's no gal..zzz..but for pride..just that he wants pride in front of gals..kaka never think of this kinda theory:P..secondary school time we fought for prizes, anugerah..never tired of trying to get more prizes than so realistic..then Physics story followed..ya a sad story for almost all of us..just let it be a history to forget^^at nite class being lectured gau gau by the lecturer somemore..critisized so teruk..I hurt de lor me lor since I never complete my job as a student, to study hard as u said..ya study is a job for student..but it will be different case for scholars(lolz I'm not blowing any trumpet here and be boasting the status!!)..just that so hard can grab a chance to study'll be a waste if u don't take this chance to experience something different, different system, different life, culture and etc. during the period u r is also one kind of study..

talking about Wed..finished Maths exam only mah..why after that got the feeling like holidays only..went for dinner..took so long time to finish..then after dinner lei..can accompany our 배달 guy xy go here go nice will it be if everyday can do stuffs like that..loafing syllabus, assignment and homework pressing..though in a chilling winter nite, having an ice-cream, no matter indoor or outdoor is kinda life life..

2007년 11월 19일 월요일


提早降临的冬天, 我太低估你了..还差点儿因此废了双手=.=除了白吟吟的雪, 冬天还有值得令人期待的吗??也许..'浪'`'荡'点儿也没关系..至少能拉近彼此..折腾` 吊了大伙儿一天的胃口, 终于还是放榜了..正如所料, 是烂得可以..或许浆吧..应该杀鸡还神??再差也想象中来得好..哪怕是一点点..然而, 失去的, 正如泼出的水, 挽也挽不回..该叫做无力回天吧..如不是那么在意笔身外之物, 倒是没什么值得悲哀`怨天尤人的..就让它随着秋季 成为过去吧..毕竟也痛过了..甚至怀疑了:"年头做错了决定??真是致命呀.."..弃械投降了吗??不晓得..应句老话:"休息是为了走更长的路.."..于我, 路在何方呢..

厌倦了`也享受了解陌生`再由了解到陌生..自身`周遭..都如变幻风云般深不可测..明知近不得..却硬是要身陷其中..却是为了什么呢..是不是见到的`接触的越多,就越容易迷迷失掉最单纯` 最简单的自己..说到了心坎里去了..人类这复杂的动物, 总是有把事情弄的极其复杂的倾向..今天, 分明跟自己说了:"算了吧"..明天却又再牵肠挂肚, 久久不能自已..叹道:"不过弱冠, 何来如此多的感触!!"..答案..何处去找..就让它成为不解之迷吧..又有谁人会费劲去找`做这吃力不讨好的苦差事..

六十出点头..并不是那么在意..而是..抚心自问..倒底都在干些什么..抬头一望..墙上贴着: 别忘了你是谁!!我是谁??不下于十来个的化身..倒底化成了哪个..'一身是胆', 满肚苦水倒还差不多..又向谁吐呢..笑, 是真心在笑..哭, 也是放怀痛哭..

双眼..透视力越来越强..有些事, 看明了凭添苦恼..有些看了哭笑不得..有些则让你不免抿嘴一笑..跟你会心一笑的, 也是自己..自言自语..所言所语的, 都是些在对话中找不到的料..一些不可低估的料..


2007년 11월 16일 금요일

a just just...

act nothing special to post also..just that dunno what to this baby nite..supposed to be busy from now on..haiz..the weather just don't allow me to have a walk outside..even walking alone is much more better than facing the LCD screen doing nothing..

ya one report handed up today..but things not finished yet..can someone find an excuse for me..excuse for what huh??excuse not to care..excuse to let it be..nothing dee I'm free from the stressful and miserable exam period dee..but then still feel at a lost..argh it's so challenging when u can't find out what's going wrong..when u got feeling like this u will be able to understand the meaning of '답답하다' fully^^SP ar I wanna chat with u...guess u r darn busy with ur study gut.. hmm today I come up with this:

"when u feel there's a hope,
it will be put off by something in no time
when u feel despair,
a ray of hope will be shining there, luring u to carry on
it takes no time to get a wound,
but takes long time to get it recover
a small strike will make a shining point dim,
but it will be a tall order to get it shining back
cups of beers can make u drunk,
but hours of sleep always needed to get awake back..."

rules of nature??who said that?!!

weekend..tmr nite's annual dinner..most prepared something for that..ya mayb it acts to give a short break..luxurious venue..well make-up mates..delicious and inviting food..haha will be a great Saturday nite..ops must be alert..temperature will be killingly low..and windy..ouch a big preparation for the coming winter..Sunday..time for our Physics results to be announced..haha I asked my roomie dee to tell me the announcement of the results only at the late nite..a reasonable move to keep my mood for the day I guess..hehe..

half of November passed already..2007 also approaching its more month then will be going's too early to think of plan to have in M'sia..mayb needa plan for the one month left in Korea gut..aiya really dunno what to do now=.=here wanna post an advice:"don't underestimate the bad effect of insufficient sleep!!!"..ya for few weeks dee I barely slept longer than 6 hours per day..continuously..b4 this the only effect felt is keep fishing during won't matter coz mayb the failure to understand what the lecturers talking about is also a factor..but this week..even cycling in cold wind I can feel the tireness too..freshness gone though just woke up hour ago..argghh..and last weekend..guess what??can fall asleep sitting on my chair one hour after waking up..and during class..instead of a feeling that my inner side like being squeezed..very hard..and painfully..really scare of one day will loss consciousness like dailou, collapsing in a big crowd..I don't want that to happen!!!

2007년 11월 11일 일요일


finally had a weekend that can be called as 'W33K3ND'..I'm released from all binds..Friday..long awaited Friday..ya Friday nite party was nice..everyone finished exam dee..and all with nice nice mood I guess..swt Xein didn't drop even one little drop of tear..others did so so many things for vege 돈까스, 호떡, jeli..haha some been very busy since afternoon preparing all these stuffs..and what did I do??went for a shop in Lotte since basketball cancelled..and went home cleaned up my dirty dusty messy desk:P..for 3 weeks didn't tidy it up..exam mah hor..야 야채 also 20 dee now..more and more..our batch really so nice..but then..I paiseh only after listening to 전자 ppl's description bout their course..what am I doing man in 기계??studying gak??nothing ler compared to others..hehe..stayed there till almost 2..kaka cold cold autumn midnite..不是盖的哦..

Sat..the whole day packed with activities..firstly I wish a very very late 'Happy D33pavalli' to all the Indians here..and thanks for the open-house..the tremendous food^^5 of us went for shopping in Myeong-dong straight long didn't travel out of this area dee..can't remember when was the last time since I had my last shopping..unlikely, we guys went for stuffs in our list..for the first time, I really feel the satisfaction of spending money like water.. haha very shuang..syok..aigh if money can be auto-refilled also..dunno whether is '乐极生悲' anot an accident happened on the way back..luckily it's nothing serious:P..auch my Sat not yet over..joined a movie somemore..crazy liao..siau liao..back from shopping..panic and frus over troublesome com..dota..and rushed for movie..midnite movie..arggh 3 only got home..a tiring day..

miserable Sunday morning..reformatted com..studied nothing except getting my Physics 80% done..isshh keeping troubling me only this com..even after reformatting..big big possibility can't play dota dee after this..sad:'(..why I screwed up my mid-term wor..if not I surely change a new com next year=.=k lar tmr a new new week..and surprise waiting^^

2007년 11월 9일 금요일

out of control...

this week was just weird..until I can't find a word to describe..exam finished..double-birthday party on Tuesday nite..just wanna say hope that u did enjoy that 꼬치..and dunno why recently got so much things to talk about the Maths class..during the party,the nite before the class, we just talked about the lecturer..of coz lar mostly negative stuffs..but then he appeared to be different during this week class..he started to recognize and call our name, testing, keeping everyone on what kinda different class..and he did offend some of us..and with this harsh abit sentence:"how did u all get the scholarship?"..ok I did doubt how I get it also..but kesian for others:P..kasar..anyway did enjoy the class with different atmosphere^^and wanna post a message to Design of Machinary Elements' lecturer:"I want the re-test:'("..these few days keep questioning myself..why are u acting so extremely..I did act very weird rite..seems like harder to understand, to catch my own will and action..damn lar kena jampi or two weeks only after exam..the syllabus like flashing only..the more lecture I had, I found out more things that I should know but I didn't know..haha nice lar the feeling of emptiness like this..hmm look forward for this Saturday..time for an outing liao..there's like no fun in this darn Guro-gu.. here wish those birthday guys and gals:"EPY BIRTHDAY(^)" MP, JT and Xein..and for big big bro and LY, the coming up..anyone to start the countdown to the end of this sem and the day going back home??start start start!!

2007년 11월 6일 화요일


"千呼万唤始出来, 犹抱琵琶半遮面"

人 有个安身之窝
极须寄托的 却又何处为家呢


曾经的梦` 豪得可以的凌云志
唯有叹以一声: "唉~~~"

2007년 11월 5일 월요일


felt some warmth today..there's a knock on my house door while uncle standing outside, holding a tool in's so stupid of me who didn't even recognize that he's the owner of the house I'm staying now..b4 this all the stuffs we handled with his wife..and I so dumb, asked him how he came..stupid..yea he came just to fix my door, to make it tighter so that it won't be that cold during the coming winter..felt gratitude and touched^^haha I can only help with pressing the glass for him to do his work properly..thanks thanks matter it works anot..the warmth is there..lolz..

yea finished study for tmr exam liao..dunno lah how it's going to be..just enter the exam hall..sit down and spend one hour there lah..the outcome will be different story..yet it's not the exam which bothering me for the whole weekends..reports, assignments, homeworks..arrghh..can only have back life like before after finishing all those=.=missed the call from family while I'm dotaing..guess they pissed off with no response from me..auch gotta find an excuse liao when speaking to them next time..just don't have mood to call back today..aigh..baba mama must be sad, having a son like me..

recently quite bad-tempered..bad mood..emotional..until I even can't believe myself..before this no matter how my mood is, extremely excited, extremely down or else..I managed to control it.. didn't show in front of ppl..and was quite proud of this..but then sad to say things changed.. I did show my bad temper sometimes..bursted in front of others..sorry ya to those I did offend .. hopefully things will change back during the coming week..just finished dota just now..ya of coz I lost the game..kept cursing during the late stage of game..still feeling the frustration..something wrong with me brain just vacant, looking at the darn damnit Physics book in front..I just can't go to bed like this..must cool down first..and..wondering what kinda of day will tomorrow be..anyhow next week is going to be great..exam will be over for me..thought I'm the latest to have it finished..and will be a party-week also I guess..really need this kinda things to boost me up..hmm the posts recently all so so negative, despair and miserable..and hope this will be the last one..the last one..

(haha just watched a darn funny video^^now can't stop laughing pulak:P..thanks wor to that guy who found it..kaka)

2007년 11월 2일 금요일


花, 是美丽的
以期寒冬之后 立春之时

有盛开` 调谢之期
忘掉该忘的` 放下该放的

别再直直叫苦` 四处投诉了
知足常乐呀 你这大笨虫` 小傻蛋~~

2007년 11월 1일 목요일

over but not yet over..

a 40-minute exam kept most of us from DOTA..a 40-minute exam kept all of us sticked to the super-thick textbook..a 40-minute exam made us matter how that exam is, it's over now..but not yet over for me, 'thanks' to the exam which been postponedto next Monday..nothing to say bout the Maths so and ok je lor..glad to see everyone happy back, being cheerful again..but all like over-high liao..I think I made no difference, went crazy just like others..yeah weekend weekend~~

and hor..the weather really crazy ler recently..mayb should stop cycling to school liao..sad sad later can't have any sports liao lor..winter already knocking the door..promise dee to give myself a long long sleep..but still..I hang up till this late again..haih..