
2008년 12월 27일 토요일


grrr first time in my life, can't see any of my family members waiting after coming out from arrival gate..I waited for around 20mins b4 making a call to them..said this time let me wait wor, since last year they waited quite long for me to come out from arrival gate, swt!!!anyway still, I'm back^^the difference this time is that we didn't go back home straightaway, but stayed overnight at my xiaugu's house in Selayang, and went for shopping in Jusco that night also..kaka..


well, the next day only I got home, my lovely home in SB..on the way back, my dad thought of visiting his old headmaster, but he wasn't in..well, my home did welcome me back, by electricity cut-off around evening, though only back part of it, my room, kitchen, dining room and toilet!!!wa lao!!!circuit problem......and somemore waiting for me next, forgot already whether it started on Saturday or when, my streamyx just can't get connected..ouch 2 days without internet, already frustrated by the speed as slow as tortoise..할 수 없이, the only thing I can do is going to CC, online for the sake of Utopia, what a commitment...hmm the speed there sucks as well:|


no a single change in my house, and not much change to my hometown as well, just the old pasar spot flattened..wonder whether they still can't make any positive change to this little town or not..all remain the same, my place fishermen did take part in the mass 罢海行动 too..zzz..finally, hooray that can celebrate Solstice Fest. at home for the first time in more than 3 years..

2008년 12월 13일 토요일


on this planet we call it 'EARTH', in this country we call it Korea, in this city we call it Seoul, in this area we call it 'Gocheok', in this school we call it DongYang Technical College..there's a mysterious 'wonder space', I call it '본관 307옆의 관리실'>>'control room beside room no.307 in Main Building'..

this is the place where I spent most of my daytime at..this is the place where I earned some pocket money..this is the place where I lingered at when there's no class, during weekdays of course..this is the place where I called as my 'office'..this is the place where I can speak as much 반말 as I can since end of last year..this is the place where plenty of serious, crappy+crazy conversation between me and my colleague took place..this is the place where I learnt a really little bit of new stuffs, and got to know few of ppl..

well, why I call it as 'wonder space' ler?? here, I can sleep in front of computer, can watch live sports, can chat loudly, can eat, can murmur to myself, can study and do work(kononnyer), can social, can berlagak as I'm a pro(:D), can almost everything..the most important thing is, there's an unknown aura which can suck tension before exams off u, no stress to urge u to study even the exam is half an hour ahead..hmm for a 'irresponsible' student like me, isn't this a 'wonder space'?:P..almost forgot to mention, here, gave me another status, called as '근로 학생':P..

2008년 12월 9일 화요일


今天, 小王我迎来在东洋最后一次期末考的第一个考试日..上午考汉语会话(莫笑莫笑)时, 老师竟以普通对话的方式, 几乎杀我个措手不及, 连最最基本的问候语"你好吗?"也答得不伦不类, "我好, 很好"..说出来贻笑大方..接下来状态是稳定了, 但还是舌头打结, 句子没连贯性答非所问..虽然老师不像有在对我的表现加以评分, 但我只能给自己打个刚刚及格的分数吧..(要是小姑是考官, 那我恐怕得落个重考的下场>.<)

下午的哲学大考, 我也不晓得我有没有在准备考试..前后大概略翻了三遍, 该背的没背, 不该背的更是不用说..结果呢? 长篇大论的是写了满满一页, 也不知有没有讲到重点..时间一分一秒的溜走了, 同伴们也弃我于不顾了, 拍拍屁股走了..偌大的考场, 只剩下我与说来还蛮体贴的女教授, 没有笔走龙蛇` 横书如飞的"沙沙"声, 只有教室外等着入场应考生的吵杂声..意识到周围空洞的我, 感觉到在我背上滚动的汗珠, 谁叫你不脱外套啊? 热不可耐的我, 敷衍了事的`无奈的` 心不甘` 情不愿的草草了事, 两句不太长`不太短的理论为我的答卷画上'句点'..交上了答卷, 向教授说了声"辛苦了", 她瞄了一眼, 原本想再说些什么"谢谢` 一个学期辛苦了"之类的话, 结果只好腼腆地` 十七年求学生涯以来第一次成为最后一个离开考场的那位..(真是与有荣焉)..无论如何, 总算是小小的解放吧^^

(今天, 想要骗骗 Hasrul, 原本是我的拿手把戏, 但不知为何, 只看着他的脸就忍不住笑了出来, 谎只撒了一半..看来像是精神错乱的征兆@.@

2008년 12월 3일 수요일





委託進行該項民調的英國健康性愛推廣慈善機構特倫斯希金斯信託(Terrence Higgins Trust)政策主任鮑爾表示:“在信貸危機之際,英國人著名的 ‘堅挺上唇’ 精神有些動搖,但其他方面還是很堅挺。”


next week will be our exam week, and so-called our last week in be honest, I think I will miss this college, at least by a little bit..what I have been doing towards the 'last' week? in a total mess!!!

since last week I have been having a quite busy life, left home at 9 in the chilly morning and got home around 8 in equal chilly, class, work, meeting, doing work and assignments in contrary, no one will find me busy or doing work at home, and all might be thinking that I'm lepak, having no stress at I hope what others see and think is the truth..however it turned out to be so saddening, I'm facing the stress, well, as usual not from the exam but from piles of suffocating works..

yesterday, I left home at 9 and got back at 8 again..I skipped one of my class to attend the final year event organized by our college, coz I am so so lucky to win an online-lucky-draw, for the first time in my life!!!though it's only a 10000won coupon, I am happy enough with it already..(it will be more ideal if I'm the one who won the on-the-spot lucky-draw, either PMP or digital camera will please me enough:P)..and congrats to teck sheng and kuan sian who won prize for well-done note, and big big congratulation and applause to teck sheng and fellow colleague heng chiang for winning the video competition, 1 million won!!!must belanja oo:)..after the ceremony me and hc went to library, in order to finish our assignment so to submit afterwards..actually I'm the one who insisted to do so:P.. and went to the 6:20pm Philosophy lecture, since I skipped it in the afternoon..ended up can't stand the tireness, and I drowsed halfway through the lecture, suffering from headache as well, guess it's due to the lack of sleep at the previous night..guess need to get some sleep when got home..and just now, I experienced what is so-called '头痛欲裂'.. the end had a tablet of Panadol@@ouch I wanna go home, and have gau gau rest, and want baba mama to take care of all!!!

(glad to feel the concern still^^)