
2008년 12월 27일 토요일


grrr first time in my life, can't see any of my family members waiting after coming out from arrival gate..I waited for around 20mins b4 making a call to them..said this time let me wait wor, since last year they waited quite long for me to come out from arrival gate, swt!!!anyway still, I'm back^^the difference this time is that we didn't go back home straightaway, but stayed overnight at my xiaugu's house in Selayang, and went for shopping in Jusco that night also..kaka..


well, the next day only I got home, my lovely home in SB..on the way back, my dad thought of visiting his old headmaster, but he wasn't in..well, my home did welcome me back, by electricity cut-off around evening, though only back part of it, my room, kitchen, dining room and toilet!!!wa lao!!!circuit problem......and somemore waiting for me next, forgot already whether it started on Saturday or when, my streamyx just can't get connected..ouch 2 days without internet, already frustrated by the speed as slow as tortoise..할 수 없이, the only thing I can do is going to CC, online for the sake of Utopia, what a commitment...hmm the speed there sucks as well:|


no a single change in my house, and not much change to my hometown as well, just the old pasar spot flattened..wonder whether they still can't make any positive change to this little town or not..all remain the same, my place fishermen did take part in the mass 罢海行动 too..zzz..finally, hooray that can celebrate Solstice Fest. at home for the first time in more than 3 years..

2008년 12월 13일 토요일


on this planet we call it 'EARTH', in this country we call it Korea, in this city we call it Seoul, in this area we call it 'Gocheok', in this school we call it DongYang Technical College..there's a mysterious 'wonder space', I call it '본관 307옆의 관리실'>>'control room beside room no.307 in Main Building'..

this is the place where I spent most of my daytime at..this is the place where I earned some pocket money..this is the place where I lingered at when there's no class, during weekdays of course..this is the place where I called as my 'office'..this is the place where I can speak as much 반말 as I can since end of last year..this is the place where plenty of serious, crappy+crazy conversation between me and my colleague took place..this is the place where I learnt a really little bit of new stuffs, and got to know few of ppl..

well, why I call it as 'wonder space' ler?? here, I can sleep in front of computer, can watch live sports, can chat loudly, can eat, can murmur to myself, can study and do work(kononnyer), can social, can berlagak as I'm a pro(:D), can almost everything..the most important thing is, there's an unknown aura which can suck tension before exams off u, no stress to urge u to study even the exam is half an hour ahead..hmm for a 'irresponsible' student like me, isn't this a 'wonder space'?:P..almost forgot to mention, here, gave me another status, called as '근로 학생':P..

2008년 12월 9일 화요일


今天, 小王我迎来在东洋最后一次期末考的第一个考试日..上午考汉语会话(莫笑莫笑)时, 老师竟以普通对话的方式, 几乎杀我个措手不及, 连最最基本的问候语"你好吗?"也答得不伦不类, "我好, 很好"..说出来贻笑大方..接下来状态是稳定了, 但还是舌头打结, 句子没连贯性答非所问..虽然老师不像有在对我的表现加以评分, 但我只能给自己打个刚刚及格的分数吧..(要是小姑是考官, 那我恐怕得落个重考的下场>.<)

下午的哲学大考, 我也不晓得我有没有在准备考试..前后大概略翻了三遍, 该背的没背, 不该背的更是不用说..结果呢? 长篇大论的是写了满满一页, 也不知有没有讲到重点..时间一分一秒的溜走了, 同伴们也弃我于不顾了, 拍拍屁股走了..偌大的考场, 只剩下我与说来还蛮体贴的女教授, 没有笔走龙蛇` 横书如飞的"沙沙"声, 只有教室外等着入场应考生的吵杂声..意识到周围空洞的我, 感觉到在我背上滚动的汗珠, 谁叫你不脱外套啊? 热不可耐的我, 敷衍了事的`无奈的` 心不甘` 情不愿的草草了事, 两句不太长`不太短的理论为我的答卷画上'句点'..交上了答卷, 向教授说了声"辛苦了", 她瞄了一眼, 原本想再说些什么"谢谢` 一个学期辛苦了"之类的话, 结果只好腼腆地` 十七年求学生涯以来第一次成为最后一个离开考场的那位..(真是与有荣焉)..无论如何, 总算是小小的解放吧^^

(今天, 想要骗骗 Hasrul, 原本是我的拿手把戏, 但不知为何, 只看着他的脸就忍不住笑了出来, 谎只撒了一半..看来像是精神错乱的征兆@.@

2008년 12월 3일 수요일





委託進行該項民調的英國健康性愛推廣慈善機構特倫斯希金斯信託(Terrence Higgins Trust)政策主任鮑爾表示:“在信貸危機之際,英國人著名的 ‘堅挺上唇’ 精神有些動搖,但其他方面還是很堅挺。”


next week will be our exam week, and so-called our last week in be honest, I think I will miss this college, at least by a little bit..what I have been doing towards the 'last' week? in a total mess!!!

since last week I have been having a quite busy life, left home at 9 in the chilly morning and got home around 8 in equal chilly, class, work, meeting, doing work and assignments in contrary, no one will find me busy or doing work at home, and all might be thinking that I'm lepak, having no stress at I hope what others see and think is the truth..however it turned out to be so saddening, I'm facing the stress, well, as usual not from the exam but from piles of suffocating works..

yesterday, I left home at 9 and got back at 8 again..I skipped one of my class to attend the final year event organized by our college, coz I am so so lucky to win an online-lucky-draw, for the first time in my life!!!though it's only a 10000won coupon, I am happy enough with it already..(it will be more ideal if I'm the one who won the on-the-spot lucky-draw, either PMP or digital camera will please me enough:P)..and congrats to teck sheng and kuan sian who won prize for well-done note, and big big congratulation and applause to teck sheng and fellow colleague heng chiang for winning the video competition, 1 million won!!!must belanja oo:)..after the ceremony me and hc went to library, in order to finish our assignment so to submit afterwards..actually I'm the one who insisted to do so:P.. and went to the 6:20pm Philosophy lecture, since I skipped it in the afternoon..ended up can't stand the tireness, and I drowsed halfway through the lecture, suffering from headache as well, guess it's due to the lack of sleep at the previous night..guess need to get some sleep when got home..and just now, I experienced what is so-called '头痛欲裂'.. the end had a tablet of Panadol@@ouch I wanna go home, and have gau gau rest, and want baba mama to take care of all!!!

(glad to feel the concern still^^)

2008년 11월 29일 토요일


昨天是外婆的大寿..外婆也有六十多` 将近七十岁了吧..前天老爸考我, 让我猜隔天是什么日子..也许我太醒目或太孝顺了吧, 灵机一动猜到是外婆的生日^^不久前小姑才告诉我我们家族一年一度的扫墓日子又过了..祖父祖母的坟..这两之间差不到两周的日子, 屈指一算我已四年没到了吧.."求学在国外, 身不由己"啊.. 我还蛮在意这两大日子的, 或许这就是在长辈与兄弟姐妹眼中的好孩子吧:P

从我呱呱坠地那刻起, 从来没有机会体会祖父祖母的爱..普通小孩都可轻易做到的, 坐在总喜爱把玩孩孙的老人家膝上撒娇`讨这讨那的, 竟是我兄弟姐妹四人无从体会的遗憾..已是不可及的祖父祖母, 也只能从残久的照片`从长辈口中接触了..祖父母是以传统持家, 祖父在长辈口中更是标准的'重男轻女'主义者..从懂事起, 每逢农历十月十四到祖父母坟前祭拜`打扫成了我们家族的常年活动..祖父祖母, 我没机会让您老疼, 也没机会孝顺您俩..偶尔, 我希望您俩能出现在我梦中, 疼疼我, 让我过过当孙儿的瘾..也非常感谢祖父远度重洋, 来到这仔芝麻大小的鱼米之乡, 与祖母一起把老爸和他一大群的兄弟姐妹带到这世上来, 也让我们这第三代有了存在的可能..也让我们一族在这弹丸之地称'王'道帝^^这四年来, 我能做的只有暑假或寒假回家时, 在您俩灵前报个到`上注香, 以及在离家前向您俩叩首告个别..

从小, 永远慈祥如一的外婆就非常疼爱我们兄弟姐妹四人..我想, 是因为老妈是外婆的长女??还是因为我们的乖巧与懂事??:P..也许自小就没了祖父母, 我们只管把外婆叫"婆婆", 每每吞了个'外'字..偶尔, 长辈们会拿我们开个玩笑, 说我们强占了表弟妹的祖母..当然, 没有人会介意这芝麻绿豆的小事..对于我, 饭吃得越多, 年纪越大, 离家越远, 越是感到家人长辈爱的可贵..每当订回乡的机票时, 总是抱着能赶上外婆寿辰日子的些小希望, 虽然老爸总说不必强求..外婆, 就算您老不太可能会到访我们年轻一族的部落格, 孙儿在这祝您:"福如东海, 寿比南山, 福寿与天齐(^)"..

2008년 11월 26일 수요일


what do I concern about recently??exams??holidays??money and etc?? I just can't convince myself to concern about any of these..

well, I'm going to call my study life an end and entering society as a part of it in about 2 years, if and only if nothing happens abruptly(hopefully)..recently I talked quite frequently with my colleague hc about career and global economy..sounds serioussss??hmm some may think that it's too early to talk about this kinda stuffs now, by the way gets to know about it earlier is better than late right?? or some may say that future is full of unknowns and uncertainties, so it's vain to talk about it too early..every opinion has its point, but this is not my main concern either(too)..

this sem I'm the one who attend the most heavy elective courses among all of us(I guess??).. Korean cultural History, Philosophy, Leadership..and I'm attending Leadership class alone, compare to other subjects where I attend together with some friends..well, some may think that it will be troublesome and hard if attending alone, since it is taught in Korean, and I thought so too at the start..well, it isn't that hard, just that every week must hand up at least one assignment..the class itself is quite fun, go to the class and talk with ur group members, maybe doing little presentation if u r chosen..just like go to class and have fun..

why I explain so much about Leadership class??stuffs taught(or discussed, more precise) in class aren't about how to become a leader, how to lead ppl or far what been discussed are more about self-development, we call it 자기개발 in Korean, and 自己開發 in Mandarin(lolz..)..know better about urself, have ur own target, mission and vision, self and time management..these kinda stuffs aren't hard to learn right, some are even general knowledge.. well, u think u r 'developed' enough??I will definitely answer "NO" for myself.. when u look at others and make some comparision, surely u will find ur own strength, and ur own weakness too..the higher stage u get to, the more weakness u will find out, perhaps.. I'm not sure whether the 자기개발 I learnt means to develop urself from there, but I would like to define it as improving urself in whatever fields and aspects possible.. and, this is my biggest concern now..

2008년 11월 20일 목요일


09 Jul 1990----------06 May 1983-------------21 Jul 1981

三个桑巴产的"黄金右脚"让本人想起了"既生瑜, 何生亮"这句名言..

虽然本人既不如孔明先生有借东风的通天本领, 也不似周瑜都督般有有美貌如花的小乔, 但若假设本人是诸葛亮(或周瑜), 那谁会是我的周瑜(或诸葛亮)??

2008년 11월 13일 목요일


am I on the right track??in pursuit of my dream, or to-be-called as greed??

untitled, again@@

DYTC's students' committee election just over yesterday..candidate no.3 emerged to become the new 'leader', according to xy..well, I already forgot their manifesto though had been reading it for few times since last week..and as I remember, one of the 3 candidates promises to improve the food quality of school canteen, and personally I agree with that manifesto, strongly X 100!!!why??-->>I am suffering from it since last week, and guesss will continue till sem over:'(

for information of those who never been to the school canteen or not that concern over it, there are 양식, 한식, 일품 and rameon for u to choosee there..not to talk about 양식, everyday 까스..and other menu, maybe nice only once in few days??what did I eat today??한식, where the staff gave me damn lots of rice, with 짜장 sauce, and cold cold ham@@ and a bowl of almost-cold soup..whether for convenience or what lar, I gotta bong cang the canteen everyday, but ended up-->>mou dam hou sek, so kesian..but can do nothing, since I want to work so much, gotta tahan for anoter few weeks, or else everyday eat bread, kimbab or dabao something from outside..aiks..started to miss the life, where I can layan friends eating outside, or cook myself at home, rameon, spaghetti, fried this fried that also don't mind..just walked out from the contron center to check whether all the computer labs opened already or not, and saw funny stuffs,, students facing computer screen with starcraft or warcraft or any other games, while the lecturer talking in front..wakaka this is our DYTC students do^^

2008년 11월 8일 토요일

Obama vs McCain

since Obama won the American election, reports, interviews, articles..u can see all these whether from newspapers, news, internet and all other media sources..aiyo anything wrong or weird with a candidate with black-skin won the election??come' on lah don't be so racist and colour-ist please!!!

2008년 11월 4일 화요일


2nd day working in computer lab in school..didn't really know what to do to get the time spent, I simply surfed on internet, tried to access as many sites as I remember..and this caught my eyes:

Women get more education and the number of them engaged in employment has increased. But the number is still far behind that of men, and the disparity in income between males and females is high, according to a report.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and the Korean Women's Development Institute released a report on the changes of Korean women's life Monday at a symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the nation.

The report showed that only 5 percent of women in 1966 were high school graduates, but the ratio rose to 32 percent in 2005. The ratio of females with college diplomas jumped to 20 percent from less than 1 percent during the same period.

In 1970, 38.2 percent of women were employed, while 48.9 percent of females were in 2007.

Despite the growing number of working women, they do not earn as much as men ― the average annual salary for men increased to 41 million won in 2007 from 2004's 26 million won, but that for women was almost half ― 21 million won in 2007 from 12 million won in 2004.

Public posts saw the largest improvement in women's social status. Females made up 49 percent of people passing exams to become government officials last year, compared to 3.2 percent in 1992. In an exam selecting foreign affairs officials, the ratio grew to 67.7 percent in 2007 from 10 percent in 1992.

But Korea ranked 63rd among 93 countries in the United Nations Development Program's gender empowerment measure in 2007, which shows women's status based on the ratio of female politicians, public officials and professionals.

Amid such changes, the average age at which women got married rose to 28.1 in 2007 from 24.5 in 1987. That of men during the same period also increased to 31.1 from 27.3.

Consequently, women are giving birth to babies later on in life ― in 2005, 50.3 percent of women delivering babies were in their 30s and 47.6 percent were in their 20s, while the ratio of 20-something mothers was over 60 percent up until the middle of the 1980s.

In 1970, 91.5 percent of all marriages were between men and women marrying for the first time. The ratio decreased to 73.9 percent in 2005, with the number of marriages involving people getting married for the second time rising.

now already 21st century, where equality between male and female is greatly promoted..well, I never expect the condition in Korea still remains about the same, even already been here for 3 years..even in M'sia, numbers of female students in high education institutes overtook numbers of male students..worth a thought?As a guy, I more or less wish to see how the society will appear when the equality is reached..perhaps a better living condition, or rather become controversial??no one will opinion is that the equality means the social roles played by male and female, there will be something that can't be changed anyhow..

oh well, back to my title, working life..even though it just started for 2 days, but I think, and hope I will enjoy it..not to talk about earning money, at least I no longer stay in room, sitting in front of com, doing nothing, sleeping, wasting time..can't deny that now really sleep less than before, but don't care lah..November, everyday go out before 9, 5 only get home, or even late than that if going for to sprint up and down on basketball month and more, I will be on the flight back, back to my Big Big River again^^

2008년 10월 27일 월요일


human being,
always seek for perfection
always act due to their desire
but still, there's God upon us, human being,
judging and controlling what mankind doing on this earth
sometimes, we are given something from God
sometimes, God takes away something from us
sometimes, we gain something just like that
but we will lose something instead of the things we get
everything in this world needed to be in balance
a rule, a phenomenon that can't be opposed
so, don't complain when u lost something
so, do appreciate when u r given something
Am I a stubborn person??
for the stubbornness, I collided hardly on wall quite some times
and I learning from there
to avoid myself from colliding,
or to collide even gently
when u feel something's going wrong
when u feel somebody's looking or glaring or staring at u differently
that's the time
the time for u to re-think, to find out what's going wrong
thus to work on it
to prevent things from getting worse
to send things back to the right track
the track that things should be on

2008년 10월 25일 토요일


试 考完了
知我者如我 尚不知为何 更何况不知我者如他人
时光飞逝 人来人往 人聚人散
我 仍踏在原地 左顾右盼
或许 没了目标的日子要比往常难过吧
引句:"知我者谓我心忧, 不知我者谓我何求"

2008년 10월 15일 수요일

bla bla bla~~

hoho tmr(today morning to be precise) will be my turn to do my presentation for Korean Cultural History!!!issit the reason I stayed up so late??no no no I should have my presentation rounded up even before 1, but since wz's here, then I layan the 'GUESS THE SKETCH' for few rounds(I promised that won't touch it b4 exam:P) lor..that guy is really super brilliant!!!(in small small font size-->>why all so crazy over it??yea I admit I did go crazy while playing, but only tonite:))

what did I learn today??wanna talk mainly about 철학 philosophy..the topic today is: what made u say that u r u??all about identity, existness, continuity...and so, how to distinguish people or object from the others??how to claim that A is same with B or different with C??by outlook, appearance??or by internal, by soul??I promise, if u aren't ready with ur mental, u will get ur brain twisted and turned gau2..

well, what made me to write this here??a sentence from the lecturer is the prompt I guess..are u always the real YOU??or there's some sides that are still unknown to u and others as well?? the one that appears in front of other people, is the real YOU??or a disguised one??hmm this made me think, deeply..some are disguising themselves in front of people all the time..hmm what about me??I think I do sometimes..disguising..and, when I'm not, I'm showing the real me, the original MC..
after class we guys did play basketball in school..well, undeniable one of the time that I'm 'opening' myself, unleashing all the energy inside is the time when playing sports..I run, I sprint, I shout, I 'moo', I jump I heap I everything..or u wanna say that I'm 夸张`大动作 least I feel the happiness..I 骄傲, I lan shi, I ba bai when people praising me, kagum over my movement or shot..I blame myself, punch my own palm when making mistake or missing this is the real MC??yea almost!!!

haha now xiaugu also become a 'almost-full' blogger..few days ago she blogged about her name..why grandpa gave her the name..and, why I'm given name as 王睦俊 aka Hing Mok Chun aka MC aka aemc??because I'm a KING??because I can 和睦相处 mix well??because I'm leng cai??anyhow I own this name, I like it!!!thanks to 大姑 who made me this name muacks..我是王睦俊, 王睦俊是我!!!绝无仅有`유일한 목준이~~

2008년 9월 24일 수요일


某天 突然回忆涌上心头
某夜 突然想起你的笑脸
偶然 看见你曾用过的伞
偶然 听见你曾唱过的歌

大晴天 阳光晒走我心中的点点阴霾
下雨天 雨点在我心湖激起阵阵涟漪
你是阳光 你是雨水
是千方百计 天涯海角也摆脱不了的那个~~~

让我 用叶轻舟 将最美好的送给在水一方的你
让我 泛叶轻舟 载着你遨游夕阳夕下的爱琴海
让我用块磁碟 将最刻骨铭心的永远储存起来
让我用个相框 将最灿烂最窝心的那幕 表起来

爱琴海 爱琴海
舍不得 忘不了

啊 让我再~~

2008년 9월 9일 화요일


few days ago, due to my status like this:"用眼神牵手才是最烂漫的.", loojc asked me:"用眼神也能牵手?"..wah that sentence!!!nothing much, just a sentence my bro showed me:P.

just now back from class, my brain was filled up..imagine u just had a lecture starting from 3 and the lecturer was talking non-stop till 4:40..but, it gave me BIG BIG excitement..'삶과 철학'=='LIFE & PHILOSOPHY'..transfer system to Korea Univ made me to take this class, but now I think it's worth taking.."guys, what will a guy normally do when seeing a beautiful flower on the roadside", "did u all ask urself why are u all here, on this Earth while looking at the stars in sky?"...these are the 2 questions I picked from the questions the lecturer asked..well, all these might sound jiwang to certain ppl, but in philosophy, these are pretty great questions(though I can't get 100% yet what Philosophy is:P)..PHILOSOPHIA~~our lecturer, doesn't have any lecturer look, a lady who u might think she's still a student if u don't know who she is..wearing pair of trousers, kinda lepak style, hands in pocket while giving lecture, sometimes one hand out to make some motions, coooollllll.. Socrates, Plato and bla bla bla..those who I think should be shit-eaters b4 this, ok I will study ur sayings seriously:)..during class did fall asleep due to tiredness, but if can I really wish to give 2 gals behind me a BIG slap(sori>.<), kept bisik to each other while I'm trying to focus..damn..and yeah, finally lecture application over, and no more decision to make..u can change anyway, but it will only leave u with regret..lolz..

2008년 8월 30일 토요일


a review of my going-to-be-over summer vacation(not to mention the internship full of hatred)..

we started from---->>>

and toward the border--->>>


and continued once again--->>>

back to--->>>

and ended up in--->>>

wow..I missed the main part of my vacation just after stepping into my 308 for 2 days..2 days only!!! thanks to the U-KNOW-WHAT spree that I didn't post a single blog(for nearly one month?), and lazy to write much also..let the pictures explain and tell all^^

2008년 7월 28일 월요일


no one expected that we used so much Korean in Vietnam huh??a story started with 'ban gap sem ni da' in Hue, Vietnam..yet, it will continue for one mỏre day, that's today..

I'm locked outside!!!

lolz I'm blogging here, but guess not enuf time to blog about my trip gut..coz just woke up kinda early just now, b4 8am..nothing to do so I came down to computer room, surfing net while others still sleeping(like pig??) in the chilling air-con room..wanted to go up and have a shower, but dunno the room is locked, and I chose not to press the bell, and came back here instead@@

2008년 7월 25일 금요일

so far so good, Hanoi^^

finally, I called my summer vacation started, and a real start now..23rd July, departed to Taipei just for transit, where the final destination is Hanoi Vietnam..arrived in Taipei and we 5 chose to stay in Xi Men Ding Backpackers' Hostel for one nite..yaya here going to promote EVA flights abit, not abit but alots:P..the food was nice, the entertainment available was tremendous, and was the cabin..yawww..well, saying the nite is still young(not really it's around 11pm dee that time?), so some suggested to go for a movie, in Taiwan man!!!and so ngam, The Dark Knight available already!!!so we paid around RM30 per person(??) and entered the so-called cinema..damnit it's so small, only not enough 10 rows in total??and the scene is freaking small, about half of the normal size that we use to have..and the price..haiz but nvm since pop-corn and coke included in the ticket price..well the movie was superbly nice!!!must watch it!!!kh even said he going to watch it again after getting back to Korea, just bçoz of it's really nice..2 and a half hours long, twist-and-turn story-line, action to watch if u haven't!!!so after the movie it's already 2:30am something, and we needed to go to airport by 6:30am..well just 2 to 3 hours of sleep..ok then around 11am local time in Hanoi, I had my first step onto Vietnam land..not expecting much lar act..and as expected the city not as advanced as those cities that I travelled to b4, even worse than M'sia, and my home-town as well..lolz..and, I admitted that I was a little bit dull, seeing the surroundings..not very well-planned and developed, a little bit dirty(the street), and the traffic in a quite mess..traffic-lights not really obeyed, enormous numbers of motorcycles wooing past, and passengers passing streets like in a madness..and the motorcycles like not following the traffic-lights at all..those disciplined way of passing road learnt in Korea gotta be thrown into rubbish-bin, and I doubting whether a Korean will be able to pass a single street even one day provided??lolz..and, after walking past few streets, can't hardly find a 'xiang yang' one restraurant or place to have meal, like Vietnameses never have their meal outside..didn't eat anything other than the breakfast provided in plane, and with a freaking hungry stomach..finally we met 2 ang-mo foreigners, sitting beside the street and were about to leave after having their meal..Kinn asked them about the food, and since the answer was positve, we parked there and had our first meal in Vietnam..glutinoused rice with chicken and some other materials..sincerely it tasted quite great, and the price also reasonable, around RM2 per bowl..after that we had noodles, egg cooked with special recipe, and fruits-shake..Kinn is just too active, asking around for direction, talking to most ang-mo's, pretty active in happened that we came to a lake in the city-centre of Hanoi, watching few youngsters fishing there, illegally we guessed..there a Vietnamese guy, same age as us, approached kh and started a long chat..and turned out that he became our guide for the rest of the day, bringing us around, explaining to us with his considered pretty English, brought us to have a nice nice dinner, Vietnam noodles with beef..awesome!!!we had some desserts similiar to some we have in M'sia afterwards, and back to our hostel I'm blogging here, while others doing other stuffs, reading in room, went out looking for supper..and tmr, we're going to Halong-Bay, and spend 2 days there..first day, we gonna have kayaking, wow first time in my's gonna be fun and cross my fingers praying that the weather tmr will be pleasing, and going to have caves-explore for the 2nd day there..sounds great rite??ok here's my trip so far, things getting more fun, and more exciting..yeah^^almost forget, not many handsome guys here, but most of the girls having good-looking features, and super-fit body..lolz..and I said, Vietnamese guys are the most lucky guys in the world:P..alots of pretty girls around, wear nicely, and dare to show!!!katok..

2008년 7월 23일 수요일

out of frustration, there're still something worth a laugh

hew..thanks to trip to Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand, I finished my internship 10 days earlier than others..ok gonna jot down some happenings that can be read with a laugh, maybe? after I was absent due to overslept, ppl in-charge of us, Ms. Park came to us during our recess, distributing new schedule and asking us to 'respect' our job..then dunno-who(Rubhen I suppose?) asked her whether will we be paid..then she said:"yes."..then comes the following conversation, made and performed by Rubhen himself-->>
Rubhen :"Excuse me but will we be paid for doing internship here?".
Ms. Park:"Yea of course we will pay each of you about 1.8million won, sorry that we can't
pay more than that.".
Rubhen :"Oh nevermind it's okay for us." ]

not funny?ok lor@@

though we working in factory actually, but I assume that it's something the same with working in company also-->>RUMOURS..
well this time we have 2 heroes..Chang Hang and Zhafri..(did I mention about the female supervisor that we call as 'bitch'?) Ha-na her name..she was really bad to us for the first and the 2nd day..just really hate being supervised by her..yet, one day, when almost all of us can't finish the required amount of work in time, everyone's rushing..she helped Chang Hang alone..then everyday calling him quite frequently..wah..then one day we were back abit late after lunch..then she started to not only merajuk, but like manja2 abit..asked Hasrul lah what time supposed to be if she said 5 mins b4 1(1시 5분 전)..then asked not we said that she not that fierce meh(난 안 무섭다매?) big of change..then one day, when it's almost the time to go home, she asked Chang Hang whether wanna go enjoy(singing kot) with her anot..but our hero gave a sad answer:"I need to go home."..cool2^^then ar..there's one day when all the workers (excluding us) got their salary banked in gut..then Ha-na treated us beverages as she promised.. but she limitted that the price must not be above 600won..I didn't realise that there's one drink, 싸이다 which costs 700won..then Chang Hang chose that..zz but she just merajuk plus manja abit nia..haha..
Zhafri of the 2 new become his partner, meaning sitting at the same table to work day, suddenly that auntie asked him to become her partner again(내 짝이 되자)..lolz..then praised alots, said what lar do well, fast and can become teladan wor..acted cute, saying "fighting" cutely somemore..eee all fur stood dee..

hmm..though we already working there for weeks, but very few only will choi day one auntie or dunno how old she is lah, sitting at the table beside me, doing examining work..talked to me quite frequently, asked me to re-grind those I didn't grind perfectly..then during lunch time, they came and sat beside me and Chang Hang, asking few questions, and asked me to buy 과자 for her, and of coz belanja us..ohh I thought she kinda friendly at first..yet the next day, where I made a super big mistake that shook the whole working department quite seriously, then no more dee..lolz..haha I'M THE WORST PERFORMER mah..

day b4 last day, Friday..whole day I did quite well, without any more hour to go..who knows suddenly Ha-na brought in one set of grinded chips, scolding "인간 뭔데".. straightaway realised that some probs happened, then my name was called..with face like tiger, she asked me how come this can happen, all the chips being arranged in the totally wrong way, the whole set..ngam2 the monitor entered, and asked who's the one who did..yea it's me who did the grinding work, and it's the monitor himself who did the examining and dimensioning work..after hearing that he straightaway went out of the room..wa lao..hmm..there's no way for me to believe and admit that I did the mistake, whole set wrong..if only one tray or so been arranged wrongly then I still can admit, but the whole set!!!no that set not done in the same day, but from the day b4 my answer is myself also can't believe it, and refused to go back to my place and kept looking at her..well, and coolly, she asked whether I feeling wai wat, innocent..and a big 'YES' from me..ok she said will keep watching over my performance..come' on lah I will be having my last day tmr:P..wah really kik..must be the monitor!!!

well, even that incident happened, I still asked him to fill in my evaluation form..and on the next day, surprisingly I got 40 out of 50 for my not bad what with performance like this..yet, Rubhen realised that I only scored 4 out of 8 for my kena scolded one if I hand this up in school..but who cares?!!bye bye stupid SIGNETICS..and fighting for the rest of 7, while I'm going for my tour^^nite..

2008년 7월 13일 일요일


from the title can know dee this won't be a positive post..

a disaster-like story started like this, from last, having my 3-week internship, gotta get up from bed early as 5:30am..and need to catch the SIGNETICS' 'bas kilang' by 6:50am.. yeah Tuesday 8 of us continued back our internship, after a 4-day-off till Monday..then on Wednesday, our 'bas kilang' broke down, after moving not even more than half a a result, we were late for like half an hour, like other staffs..dunno how much gaji will be cut off@@ can't remember any special event happened on Thursday liao..

and on Friday, I, MC became the first one to 'gantoil' gau gau..I woke up late!!!act not b'coz of waking up late lar, I did wake up at the first alarm, but I lied back after that, until a call from hc.. dunno whether my 2nd alarm failed to wake me up or my hp really no battery..when the phone rang, immediately I told myself:"shit!!!"..6:48am, 2 minutes b4 the bus' departure..hc also told me to rest at home, 어쩔 수 없이 gotta tell lie to the ppl in charge, simply with a better excuse than, whole day dota and drama at home@@some asked why am I home, why I came back so early from night, we went for a movie, War of Chi Bi, the most high-cost Asian movie..sadly, it will be boardcast in 2 parts, so commercial one=.=aigh next day got 10-hour work..

Saturday!!!oh f***ed one representative visited the room where we work at..closing the door, he showed his real colour, not like usual looked just kind..questioning about our so-called 'commitment', all 8 of us and all the unties having part-time there.."u all come here to play?".."what are all these?"..oh just like shit..finally, he said:"if not doing properly, then u all don't need to come."..wah ok give us holidays then u alone with all ur crews go and grind those damn damn chips..days b4, our team monitor was scolded badly by a conductor, so loudly in front of all workers, didn't give face at all..I felt kesian with him that moment, but today(Saturday), it's proven that I was wrong to feel kesian with him, blasting us(especially me, Rubhen and dunno who else) who didn't complete 2 sets of chips..oh really u can cover all the work even without us??do it then!!heww until 6pm on Saturday, and we found out that>>no bus provided to Sindorim!!!gotta take the only available bus till So-sa Station, not far away from home lar act..but from 6:20, a little busy traffic, we reached around 8, with hungry and super-tired body@@aiks..sad sad Saturday..

first and the final Monday for me in SIGNETICS..on the way to work in the morning, traffic in Monday's morning was as busy as usual..that f***ass monitor set 3 hours for us to finish grinding 320 chips..did try to do as fast as I could, but still failed to make it, and of course we didn't know the price to pay for it, 3 of us were given so-called first warning, with our name jotted down..DAMN!!!ok from those who managed to did it, no need to be so 'yim jim', simply do all agreed last Saturday, they want quantity, we give, but no quality!!!

Tuesday..nothing special happened??all ok but just like usual, no one back in good mood.. hc's turn to 'gantoil', just 7 of us..same, 3 hours for one set of chips..the frustration today>>even though obviously can't finish by 5, he still asked us to finish it, almost all ppl rushing in helping..finish then only end for were left off at 5:05, 5 minutes late..though it's only 5 minutes, it may cost us alot if we miss the bus!!!really f***!!!haha can remember that I still in a super black face even after reaching home..lolz:D

Thursday..again, we were given kuliah(as hc said) by the representative..and b4 that I kena sounded by the f monitor again, asking me to did properly(똑바로 해)..wa liao didn't tell me what I did wrong, left me in sweat and blur blur question mark..hng the representative threatened us that if things still going wrong then we won't get any credit for our internship..what the fUCK!!! and those who doing part-time may get fired??can't really hear what he said clearly..the prob caused was that some of the chips have some sides that totally not grinded..wondering, am I really the 害群之马??maybe coz carelessness may happen when speeding while grinding, as being asked to do fast..but on Wednesday the worker who doing examining work asked me to re-grind again those chips with some sides that I didn't grind at come still got??arrgghhh..later only found out some did the same mistake too..but why always me!!!aigh the worst performer among 8 of us..sobz..yet, today something pleasing and funny happened..but since all here complaints and curses only, so save it for next time:P..2 days left, and tmr I need to hand the evaluation form to the *** monitor to fill, where he just sounded me today@@another, the 2nd B+ awaiting..

2008년 7월 9일 수요일

上班` 下班` 电玩` 戏剧...
空洞的生活` 空洞的心..
多想长着一对翅膀, 飞在空中


2008년 7월 7일 월요일

missed, y3t missed

monday, last day of my 4-day-holidays..and if I don't post anything here, then it'll be abandoned for at least one more month..

well, why I mentioned holidays while I'm having my summer vacation?the holidays meant are holidays for my internship, at a company processing semi-conductor, SIGNETICS, a US-based company..hmm, must say a great great thank you to our head of Department, Prof Oo, for getting us this job, which promises the most income, legendary..who knows, we happened to be rumbling just at the first day starting the internship.

back to the very first day, 8 of us(thanks god there're 8 of us!!!) woke up superb-early in the morning(around 5), went to Sindorim in order to catch the bus provided by the company..actually it's quite satisfactory that the company is not that far away(need to wake up b4 6am wor)'s just that the working time starts at 8, till 5 in the evening..ok just after we arrived, dunno who is the staff we should refer to, watching other staffs and workers arriving for work, and finally we were provided something(so-callled and looks like 'shoe condom) to wrap our shoes b4 entering the office..wah..sitting and borak in the education department, while waiting for the ppl in-charge to register for us, and decide the department to send us to..we're given one whole set of uniform as well, deducted from our salary=.=ok here go the work that we need to do..have a look at our outfit first.

hair must be covered, mask, handgloves plus finger-coat at each finger..damn ggot..and here's the chip we need to work out and the tools needed, sandpaper..

let me introduce the things that we need to do..after being briefed about the steps and methods by the supervisors, we started to grind the chips given..omg chips given in trays, 5 trays once and each tray contains 60 chips!!!well, we need to grind one chip firstly 45 degree to the sandpaper, then 90 degree then horizontally..every direction grind twice, and all 4 sides of the chip, so 24 times each chip..imagine if u r pro and skillful enough, 2 chips grinded per minute, 48 times grinding@@

about our working environment and a rectugle-shaped room, very bright, with some tables and 2 ion blower attached to wall at each table, 4 microscopes for examining the chips grinded..our co-workers are all female, ladies or women having part-time, and few male seniors or supervisors..wearing mask all the time, didn't talk much during working, while 8 of us are the source of noise, boraking, until been sounded somemore:D..

ok now I understand the feeling already..go to work, waiting for lunch time..after lunch waiting for the time to go home..guess this will be a help for my working career later??of coz NO!!!I'm not going to have such a boring job later with my degree..yet lunch time is our best moment besides the time we are off..2 menues provided, both nice everyday, got ice-cream somemore at the first day^^just kesian our Malays mates, like eating as vegetarian only while 4 of us enjoying the meal..and a comfortable room for workers to rest after lunch, with luxurious sofa and LCD TV..

on the 2nd day, already felt sleepy and panas even just started working for half an's the response, showing the unsatisfaction.(nah mid-finger .!.sorry too rough:P)

we tried to require for change of work, or at least for a switch in work daily or weekly..really sick of doing the same action, same thing everyday, every minute and every second..well, we tried to make fun of the work, chit-chatting, playing with the chips with unknown, it's time to show creativity in playing puzzle^^

2 words just to show the frustration:P

chips and finger-coats that look like condom..lazy to upload the video shot, but hc posted it.
for the 2nd day, around 200 chips grinded, more than 15 pcs of sandpapers used?lolz..

I guess they just wanna make us to have the 归属感, required us to work like the company's staffs as well, only one day-off every 2, we need to work on Saturday as well, where the working hour is longer, from 8am to 6pm=.=luckily can get off on Sunday, if not gotta work from 6am to 6pm, 12 hours!!!the 'bas kilang' that brings us there will depart right at 4:25..insane..

now, life is like: go to work early in the morning, back from work and have entertainment for few precious hours><..maybe I should feel grateful that I can be off earlier, working just 14 days due to my trip to S.E. Asia:P..well, on the 3rd day, since there aren't that many chips to be processed, so we were ordered to do slowly, and to our gladness, given 4-day-off, from Friday till Monday due to lack of chips to be processed also:D..yet, as Rubhen said:"di samping kegembiraan hati sedih gak"..coz can't earn money..hc:"기뻐하면서 마음에 피가 흐르고 있다"..wow2..anyway, happy continue back chips grinding, and KAOGONG DAJI^^

2008년 6월 30일 월요일


one more day, my lepak-till-sien life will come to it's end@@xy sh hk r leaving hours flight to them, back to motherland..

what's so called holidays..dramas finished in one day also no prob..or else keep gaming the whole day..well, we can have party anytime if we wish to(just had one just now)..unbelievable, I like miss home abit ler, feeling very mood to watch Euro's final later liao..if not I will be tired, and sleep till 12 or 1 in the noon tmr..sick of it, like few days ago..

yet, guess I will complain in another way after getting my internship starts..everyday wake up at 5 in the morning, go to work and come back around 7 or 8 in the evening with a tired body due to works and travel..ouch!!!still, it sounds like better, rather than sitting in front of computer, bothering on what to do, what to cook and eat during every meal time=.=


2008년 6월 26일 목요일

little too much recently

yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift..(so we call now as PRESENT rite?:P)
too easy to understand rite??yet it's very always appreciate what u having now..I miss my school life now, and hate the holidays which I having now, longed for week ago..guess I will miss holidays also after school starts back..lolz..what to do??this is called human being@@

give more, expect less
how many people applying this in their life??people use to expect more, much more than the effort they comes the argue whether process or result is more important..the more effort being paid, the process will be enjoyed, and no matter how the result come back it won't be a bother..

whatever u did, there'll be something left for others to track u, and for u to track urself back.. never deny any single and little thing..nothing that u did will leave thing as it be, even a light breeze will makes leaves rattling, or bring away dust as it blows..

不因失去, 只为曾经拥有

the complete versin is:"don't cry b'coz u lost it, but smile b'coz u had possessed..sad over lost or history is miserable, either looking forward to better and brighter future, or even feeling grateful over b'coz been blessed to possess it is wiser..

(stupid lar..guess too many dramas and movies watched dee..soon or later I can have my own 语录 dee:D..too free, till have time to think of those so-called value or apply-in-life phrases..lolz.. damn don't want holidays just for the sake of finishing exams!!!)

2008년 6월 17일 화요일

a good start anyway^^

supposed to be at top of world today..sadly things just turned out to be spoiler..

had last class for solidworks today..I expected the last class will be taking place tmr, but the lecturer just too kind to do it short and finish all today..consequently, I didn't make any preparation for my presentation(thought tmr mah:P)..yet, in my heart dunno how happy was I that time, at least can do it most spontaneously, and no need to bother about the preparatin of presentation file:P..was the only one among all of us who did in Korean, but didn't know whether it sucked?!! hmm it's a bit irritating doing the solidworks project, I picked a bicycle-tyre pump as my project^^ well the return, and greatness and proudness felt after completing it is just superb..proud with myself:D..and thanks Prof. Kim, ur English is good, and u r nice too..

woos..maths exam at 7..but I just can't urge myself to try on those seem-like complicated exercise.. my roomie said he makin cuak doing the practice, yaww.. I just decided to take a nap, watch a drama for the rest of time b4 exam..maybe too blessed, the exam came out to be pleasing, and for the sake of dunno what, I felt convinced that didn't study and practise lots..lolz.. our Prof. Lee just too kind I guess^^anyway had a great sem with him, and our class representative planned to get a gift for him?count me in man..

I just getting proud with my project, adding stuffs to it, saving and planning to show to others.. wtf my com!!!out of service again at this time, though I just lucky enough to save my works..feeling frustrated, format, format, and format again..decided to have a walk outside b4 I burst out, but..outside, the wind was cooling, so was my mood, cooled down..only few youngsters wandering around, seeing big amount of ppl digging books in library, and 2 so-called aunties or old women, disturbing ppl out if u meet any aged lady on night street@@aigh I'm writing here, of course my com cured, with my hard work, and not lack of foul words and some mumbling:P..ops and it's the 100th..hooray!!

2008년 6월 15일 일요일

everyday is baba's day

inspired by bro's blog..

he's reminded by friend, me?reminded by his blog and friends' doubt we're bros^^

a sentence that 4 of us laughed at while baba said it..and this only belongs to my family:P..really, we can't be proud of our baba more, being so so unique..

in my memory, there's no any celebration for neither father's or mother's day?!!a few times, we did suggest to have a meal outside for it, but rejected..what to do..for us, as long as all members are home, and have free time sitting together and doing whatever stuffs, every moment is family's day^^

recently, found out that I'm so so cha..yea being the eldest son in the family, I always treat bros and sis as never grown up, SUPER SS!!!but being aboard for years long, bro already grew more more matured, a sure after studying outside so long..hehe and I'm still the 'I' years before..wakaka..

2008년 6월 12일 목요일


考试周, 正碰上了EURO热..真扫兴!!!

그래도每夜每晚球照看, 毕竟四年一度:P..也不知是之前没有察觉还是什么, 前晚夜半听到的狗吠声, 似乎是在这儿的第一次?? 然而再普通不过的狗吠声却唤起了多年前的回忆..以前在家的时候也是蛮少听到的, 唯有在离家`在别处住宿的时候才有..好怪哦..

想不透, 这夏天是迟来了, 还是怪天气使然??冷气也无用武之地:P..憧憬着这将要 (抑或已然??)到来的夏天, 该会是多么美好的夏天呢??拭目以待哦^^

2008년 6월 7일 토요일


headache..unbearable pain from the ankle newly-sprained this evening=.=

my 2 roomies won't feel weird even if I laugh or murmur to myself, coz I'm doing it all the time..but, with the mood like going to bed already, suddenly I asked myself:"what 've I done today?"..hmm..strained my right ankle while my left one still not recoverd yet..and been so so noob till almost burn the cabbage for 7 ppl..arrgghhh..aigh what a day..only Friday man..

everytime like this..having a plan in my brain, just can't apply it well and seriously!!!eh, these few days I visited news website quite frequent, but I see nothing that is cheerful..oil price rising like rocket, inflation.."thing price rises, all rise..all rise except salary, allowance!!!these few days I'm carrying the tag 'mata duitan(money-minded) need to deny, I'm that kind of ppl what..

pathetically, last nite few of us went for a shop, to 'sapu' stocks for the coming 2-week the feel hor like real war gonna take place, everyone buy rice, food for storing:P..and we had party also last I wish we can have gathering like that everyday, getting mad around..maybe after 2 weeks, can get that dream comes true..haha really that cham meh..oh ya answer for this question in need:"what to do?!!"..I really dunno what to do, how to spend these 2 weeks!!!

2008년 6월 1일 일요일

something urgent

臭鸡蛋..你不是还蛮精的吗??为什么最近总是把'정신 없어'挂在嘴边?!!时间在流逝, 世界` 周边的人`全部`所有, 都在转变..变了又变, 一变再变, 根本无从捕捉..'stop and stare',以不变应万变??哈哈 最最原始`最最愚蠢`却是最最自得的做法..这个夏天也来得迟点了吧..笼罩着阴霿的心房得不到适时的阳光..时间流逝??在时光流逝的同时, 你又做了些什么??笨笨的`呆呆的, 做些往后想起都会后悔莫及的事??还在那儿怡然自得..等下一个天亮, 下一个黎明..

"天堂不是一个地方,不必费心寻找,那是心灵的一份归属感"..从健的部落格的评语处看到的, 蛮有意思的不是吗..心灵的一份归属感, 那该有多难找呀, 也许这就是评者把它比做天堂的道理吧..

2008년 5월 21일 수요일

call this as a dream??

imagine that:--->

every morning, u don't need an alarm clock to wake u up..u don't need to rush to school, rush to company or anywhere else..u don't need those biscuits, bread or anything that people use to have,just to settle breakfast fast..instead u can take ur time, enjoy ur hot coffee, half-boiled egg, bacon-toast or

after first meal of the day, gonna spend ur morning at home??or wanna have outing?? if u are living near a beach, maybe light breeze and pleasant sunshine will be too inviting outside:P..or maybe newspapers reading, TV, and etc..all can keep u up-to-date on what's happening around..

ok..what to have for lunch?? what to do for the whole afternoon?? maybe calling up few close friends, arguing about where to have lunch, and what to eat..maybe travelling miles and miles, just to have a lunch also won't be a big matter, since no rush for school or work..go for shopping, loafing around, or just having cups of teas while chatting in a well-decorated coffee-shop, under pleasant atmosphere^^go for latest grand movie in a grand theater..hoohoo no worries, no anxiety, nothing in this world makes u care..well-supplied with time, space, or probably massive financial resourses:)

a dream?? rather call it as an imagination, a wish,a longing that will come true one day..who is gonna make this happen?? YOU?? ME?? no one knows..


抑或是摒弃平凡, 一味追求最高`以臻完美??
以人而论, 人体构造是复杂的, 思想是复杂的, 人与人之间的关系是复杂的
似乎唯有复杂, 才能符合人类乃万物之灵的崇高地位
若凡是都能象解决算数问题时, 把一切都简单化

2008년 5월 14일 수요일

stupid Tu3sday:@

got 2 of my classmates like ate wrong medicine dee so kind approached when I was helpless in doing so noob till the welding rod kept sticking to the working table..ehh suddenly u 2 so kind approached and taught me??before we barely, even never speak up, didn't choi me at all what happened today?!! don't ppl choi me I happy dee:P..cheh so so cheap de me..

damn the whole afternoon did what??doing Japanese hw, writing Chinese characters only took 2 hours ++..hehe was having deep chat while doing hw mah..recently so so much homeworks, dunno how to squeeze time for it also=.= wah this week gotta start 2nd stage of tutoring??hehe means another 30pcs will be bagged in, and can go shopping again like last Saturday??yeah time really flows(or flies?) like rocket, only one month left for this 3rd sem..happy??sad?? both also got gut.. MC still haven't grown up, even 21 dee now..lolz..but got one good thing now, no stress, or only little bit:)..had 3-day holidays till Monday for the 2nd consecutive week. so went out for one whole Saturday..HI-SEOUL food fest, and a shop in Myeong-dong..only bought 2 clothes and 2 USB products, not much lar compared to OTHERS!!!really enjoy lai de like this, far away from home and school^^and beloved MU succeeded to retain the EPL title!!!yeah now only Moscow to conquer for double^^

what should I do now??entertainment, continue to works, or have a sleep..bye bye baby nite

2008년 5월 6일 화요일

paiseh I shouldn't expect much...

3-day holidays..anything done??nothing except everyone having a syndrome, like the exam is over forever..good sign..all so high in the hof, and heard that same condition in norae-bang also..HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all May-born friends:D..

few days ago, I will nod until my head drop off my neck if u ask me whether I'm happy..yet all fading away, with worries and uncertainties taking place..reason why failed to stay cool??not really..asked myself:"find one day we 'retire' also lor?"..guess if this happens I can win Lotto dee..can be so 有性格 like others??a big 'X' surely..made me remember one day, when I was on my way home from school..2 students from Health Society(?? ==동아리) asked me to help for a survey..I was given a few questions, related to health stuffs..hmm dunno how they built a graph with some numbers from the answers..they did explain to me on the outcome..and to my surprise, it's quite accurate, almost 85% about my characteristics and some condition I facing..what dee huh??oh ya that I always plan well for something, a schedule on how to study and prepare for exam for instance..sadly the plan or schedule always can't be carried on well till the so so zhun one..maybe the main source where all my stress come from ler 多愁善感的家伙..useless MC..MC useless..another week of stress, until 13th of May...garrrrr

2008년 5월 1일 목요일

I'm back!!!


this is what I wanna shout out after my last, Japanese exam, but nobody pui me go=.=if I go Anyang River and shout alone there sure all the Koreans think I'm gila, a crazy guy..during the whole exam week didn't drop by here dee..hmm April past..the month of the year..firstly, happy 21st BIRTHDAY to me, yh, ah chen, SP and ywen..jom casino hehe..wish all our April princes and princesses all the best and happy always^^

haha can't believe that I'm blessed so much during this exam, not to say 1 or 2 exams that I gantuil in..갑자기 dunno what to write:P..oh ya last nite, Tuesday nite, Japanese exam finished, we had a birthday party for a gal called ywen, stayed at norae-bang till 2.30am, even it's a Tuesday nite..and!!!I stayed non-sleep until 6 in the morning, be a witness to MU's success to reach the final of UCL^^so so syok..and slept like a pig until almost 12 in the afternoon:P..u need to suffer during the exam week, then only the joy of finishing exam can be felt, and appreciated.. yeah yeah yeah..hmm life goes on, cheers~~

2008년 4월 23일 수요일


really swt..had a chat with my cousin, who is also a Mechanical Engineer, wanted to ask for help to settle my report de act..erm since long time didn't chat dee mah borak-borak abit lor..sure lar ppl will ask about recent life or else lar..then suddenly he said:"everytime hear from u only academic, result, subject, course, but after u go korea better, at least can c u travel with frens"..isshh..sad and blur: do I really give ppl impression like this??erm then he asked me to enjoy my life, don't be like someone(who always kira-kira one)..then ar..mah tell him lor I did enjoy alots lar since coming here..and already kan kai dee, cincai grad cincai get a job suan liao, promise I live a life, a life that I want..and then

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

this sentence sounds like nvr come out from u

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

really boh

simpLICATion says:

I always say

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

i tot onli i, kok hau, xue ying will say so

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

say only, u can complain even get 99% mark

simpLICATion says:

dun judge me like that mah

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

this is how u r

simpLICATion says:


KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

at least this is ur impression b4 u go mah

simpLICATion says:

coz of my primary school mah

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

i dont fitnah u one, wen i, kok hau, xueying, my sister, yi lin come out yam char, we share the same opinion

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

but good to hear u say like tat, at least u become more to normal oready

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:


KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

u seldome come bck, bck pun tak mahu cari us,

KChian:- 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 says:

sudah drink air masin at korea, look down us, normal malaysian....

yuen wong ar..really 기가 막혔다 that time..MC==a study monster in others' eyes=.=but nvm lar he also dunno how lots I changed, since we really seldom meet up, back for 2 months only every year.. hehe at least you said I did change, a compliment ya??beh dong this saying: can complain even get 99%!!!haha maybe the one in ur mind is ur cousin years ago mah..remember to ajak me out yum cha mah when u all can I know whether u all are around ler??anyway thanks for ur critic and compliment^^

2008년 4월 22일 화요일

we talk something else~~

ok today no talk about neither exam nor study..(don't sound like I always complain here during exam weeks, wanted to actually:P)..let's talk about reading, but not TEXTBOOKS or MATERIALS FOR EXAM AND STUDY!!!

since when, I 'picked' back my reading habit..thought a 700++ -page 'Harry Potter' took me months or year to finish, but different case for Chinese novels, especially kungfu(wu xia) novels, modern(life) novel, even some sarcasm-style one..dunno why, maybe well-trained dee gua since I'm a child..

ok remembered dee..since I went back M'sia last winter..coz really nothing to do at home(for about 2 months!!!), so I terpaksa 炒冷饭, meaning reading back books that were read few times before(can apply in watching drama or something else too)..can't remember exactly the number, but I assume around 5 or 6 gua novels that I finished in the last month in M'sia before coming back here..haha remember during secondary school time, always kena kutuk nia doing so, hehe a bad bad habit hor..but compared to last time where I holding books to read, now I got E-book, novels that presented in computer file^^dunno where my bro 'stole' it from, I got from his laptop when back to M'sia, and bring back here..hmm for the last 2 sems, almost 75-80% of my leisure spent on playing PES, footballing half an hour after 10mins study:P..lolz..thanks god that game deleted after formatting my com, so meaning I can spend more time on study??OH NO(shake finger..)!!I got this freak E-book!!!

this sem quite 'miserable' if judging from the way I enjoy my life??lolz zero movie, zero game(excluding Utopia and dOTA), 1 or 2 dramas, and sports nia..hehe maybe not 多姿多彩 at all, or totally 古燥乏味, boring compared to others(??), so got one time I did really wonder where my time gone, not PESing, not watching something I know dee, 3 novels, long long novels!!!all about 50++ chapters!!!maler I read not less than others ler during 시험 기간, just that on different kind of the 4th one towards ending dee, its attraction is so so how how??it will sound nonsense rite if u tell ppl that u getting problems coz read too much dee?:D..haha I'm so so unique, so so 独一无二:P..bye bye gotta continue back, I hope to C++'s PERFECT C, but reality is always a cruelness=.=