
2007년 8월 25일 토요일


wanna talk bout my title 无言以对(wu yan yi dui)...meaning can't even say a word when facing certain situations...hope that I didn't explan it wrongly^^hehe the purpose I put this Chinese idiom for my title...hmm...mayb I think that when I found myself been under this kinda situation, doing a post will be one of the best way...not only speechless under situation happened with things or ppl involved, something speechless to myself also...I wonder whether this should be considered as psycho problem or else...haha won't let it disturbing or spoiling my life also...just sometimes it makes me down...haha seems like I already addicted to a bad habit...always don't like to use things the proper way...even idioms also:P...lolz...anyhow this is my own way...learn things...then use or apply them as I like, following my own style and my own will...I won't mind even anyone said it's weird(though sometimes I do)...

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