2010년 12월 27일 월요일
for most of the gang here, 2011 is like a, hmm milestone in our life, gonna step into another stage~
good luck and all the best to myself, and to all my mates!
me, had a whole week of sleepless nights, not sleepless but couldn't sleep well >.<
it's too 'kind' of me, hesitated again...
well, if I would be able to mend it later, fine...
if things go another way, just close up eyes and....
peoples tend to say, NEW y34r NEW Vision...
my personal missions for the first week of 2011 is~
1) get all my stuffs packed
2) shift to a new region, for 'rich'~ @.@
3) get ready to go back, pray hard that I wouldn't need to postpone my flight!
Good night, Earth people~
2010년 12월 5일 일요일
here goes my last 2 weeks as an undergraduate student.
these 2 are going to be a busy and tough one.
my main job now is to pass that disastrous subject to graduate safely,
and become a Samsung-man.
and then, go shopping, have a MT, and a merry Christmas.
shall I go for a trip before going back home?
Japan? anyone?
I'm flying back Korea on 5th Feb next year, while the ticket to go back haven't been bought.
for the whole week past, I was in a total down-and-weird mood, hopefully someone can tell me why.
lately, I've been spending time thinking something, denying it after that, and I fell into dilemma.
am I thinking too much? or is it because the thing itself is too complicated.
I've been seeking for that 'truth' for all this while, with no answer till then.
When will, when can I get the right and the last piece to complete the puzzle of mine?
2010년 11월 12일 금요일
2010년 10월 3일 일요일
2010년 9월 28일 화요일
usually ppl face difficulty to get into sleep at the night, but me, in this morning>.<
perhaps some reading? or get myself a better breakfast? =D
2010년 9월 23일 목요일
2010년 9월 16일 목요일

2010년 9월 8일 수요일
already pek cek before going home, lagi pek cek after knowing that internet out of service... whole night lao lao long... all the tasks i scheduled to be done at home couldn't be touched! couldn't follow 2 dramas that I'm into very much also! sweat... luckily I could still spend the 3~4 hours by watching some that I downloaded but put aside>.<
again, plan is always perfect... planned to visit tour agency to ask about travelling package for my family... price is not out yet for next year tour.. luckily I did make call before visiting straight... Hase, only 2nd week of the sem, already fully seated after lunch! no, no foul words...nevermind I still have my 4th floor nest^^ planned to stay here till dinner, till I finished downloading dramas to watch at night, till I finished my scheduled work, at least!
2010년 8월 20일 금요일
2010년 8월 12일 목요일
long long ago, I already got this habit... I only read Sinchew, the main page and opinion... My logic is that I found it frustating to read the news, mostly negative, from my point of view... So, I got used to reading only the opinion articles there... Some may want to say I'm radical or what, but those articles really expressed out what I have in mind, or most of C-blooded crowd in Malaysia?
Lately, issues about stop sending scholars abroad, goverment & public servants' efficiency... and then there is an article, about reason why our C-young generation not so fond of taking part in politics... the keyword is stated there: DISAPPOINTMENT... it's said that our C-youngsters don't see any chance, and hope out of this country, which I couldn't agree more... some politicans(including our 'legendary' M) complained, what do we want... All we want is just a 'fair' and promising stage, a platform for us to show, to utilize our ability... If this condition is secured and provided in motherland, who will want to cross the Ocean and land for their future? The
more I read, the more I nodded, I sighed... just pray that, I won't be sighing, at least lessened, after 2 years...........

(another sigh: my hesitation and tiredness, made me miss the golden chance, maybe to achieve what I've been pursuing so far.... 앞으로 더 결정적, 더 결단하게 잘 해야 된다는...아싸!)
2010년 8월 10일 화요일
Sunday night... I reached in the evening, and as Sunday the week before, went out for dinner on my own... the difference is that I ate eel porridge this time... they said it's good for body, and costs only 5000 won!!! on the way back, I bought an ice-cream for 2000 won, paid double for the price I can get in Seoul...zzz... It took me whole night to digest the porridge... and ended up that I couldn't sleep well... I was wondering where did my housemates go... were they out for drinking, as it was 말복... was it possible that we don't need to go office on Monday, that's why they didn't come? and probably the porridge was too good, took so long time to be digested, and I suffered from itch for the whole night@.@
Consequently, tiredness was with me for almost the whole Monday... in the afternoon, one of my senior had to shift in order to empty up an apartment unit... again, I became a temporary cleaner, mopping the floor, cleaning, moving this and that>.<... didn't expect at all, that I have to do all these during my intern... fine... we called it experience... and because of the shifting, we didn't go back to site office, and my dinner>>?... he gave me 10000 won, asked me to order food, while 3 of them going to meet their previous female colleague... kena dumped sial... okay that's fine! my disaster started once I got back in hostel, there's no number to order Chinese food... Since my housemates asked to wait and go out together for drinking, I took the ice-cream I bought the night before( I couldn't eat that time due to indigestion) to tahan, and when clock showed 9:15pm, I gave up, and started to cook myself rameon... when I was almost done, the call came, I couldn't find any timing better than this!!! gotta settle it fast, and got to the beer where the others were... Got back around 11:30, online a while, but the stomach was still filled up with meat and beer... thanks God that I 'only' needed to wake up and go toilet for 3 times!!!
today, Tuesday... I expected another tiring day, yet, it turned out to be disastrous as well... those fellows, they got back at 3 in the morning, and the guy that in charge of taking us to work and back home, was late!!! it started to rain somemore while we're waiting... What happened so? we were super late to office, and didn't take breakfast in the first place, sial... and my stomach started to cause trouble.... until an hour plus after I had my breakfast around 9, rameon again!!! Nevermind, I'm fine now, and going to depart for an interview with HR staffs in Pyeongtaek... guess it will wrap up the rest of the day, and 3 more days to go... Grant me ur blessing for the rest of my intern, I pray, deep in my heart....

2010년 8월 4일 수요일

Today, the away kit came out... And I found it nicer than the home kit!!! Go go I'm going to buy both!!!

Well, everyone was expecting shockingly cheap ticket from Air Asia...no no, not only the crowd expecting, but some articles or advertising materials said so!!! As expected, they really provide unbelievable low price, RM99 or 36000won for one trip, including tax but not food on the plane and luggage charge... even so, it's cheap!!! Imagine, one can go and come back again from M'sia for less than 100000won!!! Then, we can see from Facebook, everyone posting, saying that they booked already once the booking was open...
What about me? I don't care... Or, I couldn't care... I'm having my internship with Daewoo E&C, and there's high hope that I can enter the company after graduation, though I do worry abit due to my lack of spirit? positiveness? 'commotion' created by colleague saying that I'm playing during office hour... haha, online-game, Facebook, blogging, and whatever... Okay don't care about that first... Assume that I'm on the list when the company makes announcement on 31st of August... And all will start working right on 1st January 2011, according to reliable source... So, is there any possiblility for me to go back for my last student vacation?? >.< I couldn't take part in fight for cheap ticket to go back during winter...
What do I care, so? I'm, I've been working my mind, on my family trip to my convo here next February... Parents are coming for sure, and Dad said he wants the whole family to come, with my sister and brother... Luckily, my little brother is already here, hehe, no worries^^ So, I want to settle ticket for them, at least for my sister and brother... lolz... If I can book Air Asia tickets in Promo for them, it will save me tones of $$$~ Yet, I have to match with the schedule, and there're a lot of uncertainties there... Possibility that I'm already working, some unexpectable factors, sister-and-brother schooling schedule... I've to call them this weekend when I go back up to Seoul... Uncle, aunts are coming too... Air Asia ar Air Asia~~

2010년 8월 2일 월요일
a view of power plant in Dangjin, located into Hyundai Steel Factory... the place where I will be having my intern for 3 weeks... shot from office, a view of the 4th boiler...
Snapped this using my handphone while following a Chinese supervisor... structure with all the pipes.. and stairs in yellow... 3 megapixels... not bad right?:P

wanna shoot my appearance wearing in safety suit... too sad that came out so dark... insufficient of light kot, and angle problem....

from Wednesday till Friday, I was working on this~~
how?? nicely made?? I like the way I made my PPT, haha!
I was trapped there with JY and another 2 old technicians for 45 mins to one hour!!!! after finishing work up there, we took the lif and wanted to go down, and it stopped after going down only few meters... OMG we just talked about accidents that may happen in site, and it came to reality today!!!... called for help, and been unconcerned by workers passing by!!! let me describe the scenerio of the 'fun'~
Panic, frustrated, helpless... my feeling at that moment... but well, and funny, since nothing can be done, and the wind was blowing gently, I started to drowse there, not sure when can we get down there, and whether will the lif lost of 'grip' and drop on free fall... and according to JY, the 2 old technicians started to make fun of us:"We are old already, die also not a big deal... but you 2 bachelors... better write a will now."... LOLZ!!! after 45 mins or so, a man came with a long rope... he tied one end on a pillar, threw another end for us to tie on another pillar, so that we can tie our safety belt on the rope, and 'crawl' on a horizontal support to that end... if anyone falls while crawling, he will only fall onto a platform which is around 5 meters below, yet, it is scary!!! moreover I just found out that I got little, not serious acrophobia few days ago=.= a scene that seems only happen in movie, and I experienced it, crawling over the support at elevation around 40 to 50 meters... hmm... guess I still can be considered as 身手不凡 right@.@ we managed to make a great escape!!!
A more detailed view of the lif... before leaving, I went to take a shot... see! the lif is still hanging there... they said it will be there until the next day... we might have to stay there overnight, and 'makan angin' if we failed to get out, I guess... according to the technician, Daerim Industry staff cut off the electricty for certain process, without any warning nor notice... and, couldn't imagine that when we asked for help, no one really pays much concern and effort to get us out!!! 寒心>.<
The place where I took bus back to Seoul... only 2 trips daily...
Can see how 'cuak' I look after the accident?? funny thing is that, dinner after that tasted super great... LOLZ... also, I noticed that the world is really beautiful>.<
Snapped from the bus I took, with cars speeding past... I was heading back to Seoul... wanted to snap the sea and the bridge... but....
Alright... one weekend spent in Seoul, kind of satisfactory... again, dan dan da lang~~ I went to watch the 17th Women's Junior Handball World Championship, held in our univeristy, Korea University's Hwajeong Gymnasium^^ Norway beat Russia in the final, and Montenegro grabbed the 3rd place after defeating South Korea... and I got a 'couple' shot with the great no.6, beauty and woman of the match, Stine Bredal Oftedal^^ and thanks to her(her performance actually), I got a free treat in Coldstone... haha 2nd time in 2 weeks~~

now, 2nd weeks in site started, meaning only 2 weeks left~~ already planning for this weekend, and hope that they won't kacau me from going back~
2010년 7월 27일 화요일
2010년 7월 23일 금요일
bye bye...
here comes the last day of my first internship allocation, and next Monday I will be going to Hyundai Power Plant in Dangjin, and start my 2nd allocation there... pray hard that it will be as interesting as others said~~
recently, what I saw, what others said, really shook me... Unable to deny, I also started to worry, as that person did... something was done already, now I'm just waiting for the outcome... I hope it won't take a long time, and be a positive one... nothing can cheer me up that much, even the news that I heard and confirmed days ago~~Bless me:)
2010년 7월 21일 수요일
day off~
We, interns allocated in headquarter had been told already that today will be a chat with HR staffs in charge of us... I thought it will be an interview, yet it turned out to be an informal conversation... the purpose of it is to survey and collect opinions and ideas from interns, so that improvement and supplement can be made to the program in the future... Was it the way I wrote the questionaire too over? the staff, Mr. Park straightaway asked me, do I really don't have work at all? lolz... Well, this section is fairly good... Also, this is the only time I can listen to opinion from others... there I got a good news, superb one... chiang ge will be glad like mad I guess, if he got to hear this~~
After the talk, we were treated with lunch at a restraurant outside, followed by a short coffee-time in Cafe Bene^^ always try to order something not ordinary, I made a 'headshot' this time! White Mocha Frappeno... 쯔라짱>>
very very nice>>강추 strongly recommended!
just an advertising photo of the cafe.
After both our HR seniors left, we were on the half way back to our office, Main Tower... I was hold back by a Busan guy who likes to 'make fun' of me, asked to pay a visit to Seoul Historical Museum nearby... Holy-shit! I thought he was joking a moment ago... We ended up going in, the whole group! And the entrance fee is free! Daewoo will fire all 8 of us I think~ This is what I like, lepakness, freedom^^ Leaving office at 10, and got back at 3, gosh!

3 more hours, I will be off, back to home again... ㅠ.ㅠ...
last night, I had team dinner again, in a small group... of course, with an assistant director who likes alcohol, soju... aiks... With disgust and unwillingness to drink, 2 glasses of soju already opened me up>.<... Guess I must adjust myself mentally, in order to cope with this, a pretty cool advice from a senior^^ it doesn't count on the volume u drink... as long as the mood is good, u can go home safely and appear in office without problem the next day, it's considered well-done~
2 weeks I spent to build up acceptable relationship with most of the members in my team, and I have to accept the fact that I'm leaving next week! haiz got a hard feeling to leave... btw, even only amongs male, office gossip still took place, ouch! haha this sort of occasion, it's alright for me to just sit there, listen and enjoy from their conversation~
P/S: faster get back to ur own work!
2010년 7월 20일 화요일
Quote of the Day~
關照你的語言 因為他會變成行為;
關照你的行為 因為它會變成習慣;
關照你的習慣 因為他會型成你的個性;
關照你的個性 因為它會成為你的命運;
而你的命運 就是你的人生 ~~
Answer vs Problem
In school, problems are made based on answer... So, there will always be only one answer for each problem... Also, sufficient and ideal initial & boundary conditions are always provided... Jumping out from school, problem is always there for us to solve, therefore different person, different approach may get different answer in the end... Moreoever, we must always pay our effort to find out the initial conditions... And most of the tme, we suffer when finding this, and sometimes, the conditions found are not reasonable at all... OUCH!
2010년 7월 19일 월요일

lately, my belief seems to be changing, gradually... sometimes, I got a feeling from others' conversation that power of fate is irresistable... 因緣, affinity, is something that u can't analysis and explain with logic and scientific theory...
anyhow, whatever it is... HAVE A NICE DAY^^
2010년 7월 16일 금요일
this is early~

2010년 7월 15일 목요일
time to face the reality~

this is a view captured during sunset... at first, I planned not to download any of those sunsets photos from the forwarded mail, because I think sunrise suits more to my current situation and mood( LOLZ~)... well, I opted to change, and post it here... if not judging by direction sun rises from the east and sets in the west, can one tell whether it's sunrise or sunset in this photo?? things are always like that, could be 2 totally different things or views, depends on how u judge and think~~ learning to think in a simple way( from Prof. Kim of Solid Mechanics:P), and in the way u like.. this is gonna be a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L world^^
2010년 7월 14일 수요일
half has passed~
last week, due to my tension, dullness and newbie-ness, I was so so so awkward here... I was kind of reluctant to speak, even speak also, I made mistake, spoke without any confidence and fluency... as a result I was like an alien here... talked not much, reached home after office also didn't talk much... got more than enough rest huh my tongue and my mouth?~ one week in Korean company office, my Korean got worse, lousier@.@
well, after the team dinner, things did get better... i learnt how to acknowledge my superior before I left... I paid effort to remember their post, their name... my effort paid off... I started to feel my existence here noticed by others, though it's abit slow, taking almost one week... I started to feel the reality of becoming one of them, which I am more than happy with, except the drinking culture>_<... guess what? not even 2 weeks, I have to deal with alcohol for 4 times, one is going to be later... they didn't force, but since the participants are all the youngest, closer to me in age and generation, I decided to say 'YES'...hope that I can get home earlier than yesterday for DOTA~
ops... now I started to feel the stress of assignments and diaries... ouch... tomorrow, I must get all of those done, and have some time spare to search for more clothes~ it's really annoying to wear long sleeve during summer! money? don't care... money is earned to be spent!
2010년 7월 13일 화요일
from Kumho Asiana Main Tower~~
cool, right?^^
I'm under Power Plant Technical Team, granted a seat in 5th floor, opposite a female manager.. I will be paid for sitting here, looking at the screen surfing internet, fishing and so on, for 3 weeks.. after this, will be sent to a power plant, Hyundai Steel Mill in DangJin.. this will wrap up almost my whole summer vacation@.@

2010년 6월 12일 토요일
no wonder why 들어본 적이 있었던 같은 느낌~
2010년 5월 26일 수요일
这我们‘高丽大 机械本科’ 最为痛苦折磨的春季学期尾声的‘脚步声’已依稀可听,
可往往冲线前的那一刻总是最 killer 的。
不要紧,再多3周,我会竖起中指,喊声:“ 哪!丫你的!本大少不是挺过来了吗?”。
2010년 5월 19일 수요일
2010년 5월 9일 일요일
after finishing exam, awaiting me was an extraordinary week..last Friday, when I was having hard time tackling my last subject, I got a call from M'sia..the part-time offer which I replied few days ago, they offered me the opportunity..well, that started my totally-different week after exam..I was thinking of rejecting it, since I have to skip classes for it..but thinking back of the time and 'responsibility', I accepted it, and of course money played its role:P
Monday- I woke up early in the morning, went to airport to fetch my 'clients', a young woman and a young guy..I only found out that they are siblings, and the guy is even younger than me by one, Oh My God! after a brief introduction I brought them to 부천, where I reserved a hotel room for them..since they didn't mind to spend, we took a taxi around, to visit some agricultural stores selling fertilizer, oh ya they are from one fertilizer distributor in M'sia..the purpose of their visit is to negotiate on attempt to import fertilizer from one of the biggest fertilizer producer in Korea..well, the trip wasn't satisfying, and the outcome wasn't encourging..b4 I called it a day, I helped them to make an appointment with one of the staff in the producer company they aiming.
Tuesday- I was supposed to meet them at 9:30am, whereas the meeting time with the Korean staff was 10am..due to my tiredness, sleepiness and carelessness, I made mistake in taking subway to 부천..consequently, I was late for 15mins..phail! yet, I wasn't late for the meeting with the staff, sharp at 10 he was in the hotel already..he drove us to the company called KG, and on the way we did talk much, and he even offered help to get me into internship in fertilizer field, after hearing that I'm interested in working in Korea, wow~~ the company is located in kind of a rural area, and it doesn't have a look of a big cooperation:P..okay I better do not write much about the process of the negotiation and my translation and feeling, but as the director Park said, my Korean is not perfect yet>.<>.<..Thanks God that this job, trip and negotiation came with a happy ending..I got paid for 3 days, I didn't charge a high rate since I may have the chance to follow up in the future..I got great experience which I couldn't have gained it somewhere else, even in class, it's totally different story, I appreciat this, and I really mean it! and I got a big bro here, 큰 형이라고^^the only bad thing, I got home kind of late, and gotta stay up till 4:30am in order to finish my report, exhausted!
2010년 4월 24일 토요일

结果呢?? 引来一众集体大笑^^

2010년 4월 2일 금요일

春天小姐一来, 就为大家带来了娇艳欲滴的sakura,樱花嘛~
从二楼望出去,一眼看见含苞欲放的小花苞, 还真是让昏昏欲睡的我,为之一振!

2010년 3월 24일 수요일
无可, 无不可
真想找个人帮我'把把脉', 我到底是怎么了? 以物理学的角度来说, 压力是加于表面上的力所造成的..然而, 我丝毫没感觉到任何力的存在, 也找不着受力的表面..也许是快疯了吧...
还有, 不要再要我猜了..每次猜了, 又不由已的希望自己猜错..每次猜了, 景象又似乎变了不再一样..你是知道的啊, 猜迷语于我是一击不中就置之不理..
算了, 不写了!
2010년 3월 21일 일요일
花了十来万韩币考了两项英语测验, 真的是死了心..一开始的没信心, 还能自欺欺人的说是心理障碍. 然而, 白纸黑字的成绩单, 不由得我不心凉~ 相比之下,中文我本就顶呱呱(好自大哦~), 韩文, 至少比英文来得有信心..成绩`纷沓而来的赞美, 又不由得我不自我膨胀:P..在此附上近期的得意之作, 别见笑~
(배부르게 저녁을 먹고 집을 향해 걸어 가고 있었다. 봄 냄새를 맡고 따뜻한 햇빛을 즐기면서 걷고 있었다. 그 순간, 그 그림같은 순간에 세상이 참 아름답다. 어떤 놈이 길에서 담배를 피우면서 걷고 있다가 고개를 180도 돌려 연기를 내 얼굴에 불었다. 숨을 참느라 그 그림이 그려지지 못했다. 젠장!)
填饱了肚子(晚餐), 往家的方向走去. 闻着宛似春天的气息` 享受着温暖的傍晚的日光浴, 走着,走着. 那一刻, 就在那如画似图的那一刻, 世界是美好的. 在大街上吞云吐雾的一家伙走着走着,颈项180度旋转 一口烟迎面向我吐来. 只顾着闭气, 构想着的那美好画面也就跟着烟消云散了. 他丫的!
今天是有史以来我头次缺席了生日派对, 不好意思哦寿星公,在此祝你生日快乐^^我有不得已的苦衷`理由`藉口~ 今天荷包又一次大出血, 唉!

上交了作业, 想去回合回合他们..可偏偏大展歌喉又不是我的'菜'..想带我的'帅哥'去欣赏欣赏夜景, 又似冷了些..唉, 上线网页聊了知心吧, 还蛮写意的叻..
2010년 3월 12일 금요일
내가 조금 전에 면담을 했다>>원래 맘을 먹고 하겠다는 것을 다시 망설이게 되었다..
맘을 풀지 못해 손을 떼지 못한다, 아니 손을 떼고 싶지 않다>>짐작해 온 것이 더욱 애매해 보인다..
맘을 먹고 거부를 '잔인'하게 하지 못한다>>맘 싸움을 맨날 하게 된다..
계속 쓰다 보면>>더 이상 뭘 써야 되는지 모르겠다..
열람실대신 멀티미디어실 컴퓨터 앞에 앉았다>>숙제를 하지 않게 된다..
블로그를 쓴다>>시간 낭비가 된다..
디카를 여동생에게 주었다>>눈 사진을 찍지 못했다..
눈 내림을 찍을 수 없다>>밖에 나가 놀 생각을 하지 못했다..
사진을 찍고 싶은 맘이 생겼다>>사진기를 하나 사고 싶다..
대표, 조장을 맡게 된다>>자부심이 생긴 반면, 책임이 많아져 스트레스를 좀 느낀다..
이제 밤마다 1시 전에 꼭 잠 잔다>>느낌이 좋다..
딴 생각을 할 때 딴 생각을 하고 평상시 바보처럼 보낸다>>라이브=굿~~(life is good~~)
멀리 걸어 학생식당에서 저녁을 먹는다>>행복을 느낀다(혼자서라도)..
인턴을 많이 신청해 보겠다>>신청서를 작성할 만하는가?
만약에 여름에 인턴을 하게 된다>>여행가는 시간이 있겠는가?
여름 방학 여행간다>>돈이 충분한가?
여행가지 않는다>>뭘 할 까?
인턴을 하지 않는다>>맘이 괜찮은가? 취직이 잘 되는가?
원하는 것이 뭔가?>>모르겠다 아직!
2010년 3월 7일 일요일
好了, EMO不见了..是时候医医肚子..
一时的心血来潮, 在加上'损友'的'怂恿', 本大少终于在'阔别'九个月后再次拿起锅铲^^
重新踏进高丽`开讲了一周, 不可不谓'感触'良多..
有些事, 真希望所看到的`听到的不是事实而是虚幻..
另一边又想不闻不'看', 潇洒'多多点'..
那天我们的佳佳少爷居然喝醉了..只好把他'连扶带拉'地带回家里, 谁叫他叫我作哥哥呢~
隔天早上起来, 趁室友们还在会着'周公', 一早就被他'吵醒'的我, 和他闲话起'家常'来..
聊着聊着, 居然还有在咱4433温暖窝的感觉..
羡慕吧? 羡慕也羡慕不来~~:D
昨晚与爸妈和妹连线, 听说我今早还要考试吓了一跳~ 又趁家里只有我一人, 在洗澡时开了个唱间, 请多多捧场^^
英语会话考试, 前后不到二十分钟, 居然要收七万块, 你好过去抢!!
不过从报考此次考试我似乎察觉了些什么..本议论纯属自构, 不认同者请多多包涵, 感觉被'刺'者请唾之一笑.
众生云, 雄性, 冲动动物也..
男人, 一来劲就是'GO GO GO' 勇往直前,途中遇到障碍`问题,统统'撞'掉或绕而避之,一旦先冲`冲`冲~
2010년 2월 26일 금요일
2010년 2월 6일 토요일
time really flies, it's February now..CNY is just one week from now, and on the 14th day I'm leaving for Korea again..well, got to at least jot down what I've done during my one month plus back here..
with brothers and sister away for their study, all I can do are going here and there but not far with parents, online, having a look at textbook I brought back(psycho~), dramas, going for morning jog maybe 2 or 3 days out of one week..of course, once friends got back in hometown, even a few, I will call, or I will be called out to yumcha..not much change seen on them after one year, guess more or less same on me, too..some already working, chan yee even resigned and changed job for few times already, some will be graduating half a year ahead of me..again, time flies..oh ya, not far from my house, just super short walking distance, open Summer House Cafe, a new and first so-called 'modern' coffee house in my town..we went yumcha twice, both times there..well, still kind of different with usual and standard one we can find in big town or city, because it's quite noisy there..however, glad to see something new in this small Sungai Besar, a small town with fishing village and paddy fields, is like that~
1st January, my cousin's big day..wow it's kind of crazy at this end of 'Cow' Year..wedding ceremonies here and there..everyone says 'Tiger' Year is 'widow year', that's why those couples all rushing to get marry before it comes??lolz..well, this time my aunt made it small as simplication..there were buffet on the night before and dinner on the right day, but not very big occasion, only really close relatives and friends were involved..wish my cousin and his wife happy and prosperous married life:)..
okay, since I got back home, had been doing survey on laptops for weeks..finally, end of January we had a family trip to KL, and I got my laptop too..driving from hometown to Klang, Klang to Selayang, and Selayang back to Klang..'song' lo driving on highway for the first time, but still alot to be learnt, like all the manners as a driver, and to know and master the route and journey to take to destination..sadly, my ASUS K40IN got problem at startup..OH MY GOD this shouldn't happen on a new one, pretty sure it's hardware but not software problem..for my new com, I got to visit LOWYAT 3 times, and got it settled in the end, received one-to-one exchange for a new one..sweat, must be the young staff there who installed extra RAM-board for me, spoiling the RAM-slot!! anyway, it's running and performing great, YAY~~my little brother who will go to Korea soon as well, spent over RM500 for all the necesssary accessories for winter, ouch! I brought a jacket as well^^though the price is abit over for me as in RM, but, DON'T CARE..the moment I saw it I told myself, I will get it~~near thousand gone in that Universal Travellers..Times Square, Sungai Wang..it maybe great to shop there, but it was too crowded>.
ramah mesra on 30th..I took bus to KL to settle my lappie on the day before, 29th..followed my aunt back home on that day also, I drove to Klang with dad again on 30th morning, had to??attend ramah mesra, didn't know how come my name could be listed as ..ended up I had to lead the group for the whole section, explaining and sharing my experience and knowledge from over 4-year life in Korea..didn't really want to accept that myself going to be the eldest batch soon, in final year..well, looking at little juniors, more or less I could see myself back in 4 year ago..
addicted to, and finished 'IRIS'..maybe it's abit late to watch it, but still I enjoy watching it, first Korean drama since I graduated from Korean language lessons..like 김태희 alot, and 소연 as 선화 as well..yet the ending is bad, how can 이병현 died in the end, NO!
at last, like my laptop, so that I can simply carry my computer around, sitting on sofa with tea at my side, writing blog..though no wireless, hooray still~~shopping tomorrow, ayuh^^
2010년 1월 22일 금요일
就以“倚天”一书来说。书中倒还不少文言文,古著言论` 经义等等,想说全懂还是不可能。然而,尝试去了解还是别有一番‘风味’~昨日,又从报章上看到某某大师诠释的’心‘论,不能说感慨万端` 体会良多,可也是在我的‘心’湖激起了阵阵涟漪。此类经论云云,撇了修行` 修禅不说,实之于处事之道也未为不可。
打从看了‘황진이’之后就不再看韩剧的我,也许是无所事事,或是因正学着韩语的佳佳,陪着看了些‘미남이시네요’。‘IRIS’,买了笔记本电脑后,等着哦‘金泰希’~ 从‘미남이시네요’,最近迷上了‘여전히’, ‘매번 숨겨 왔지만 내 맘은 자꾸 너를 부르고’, 好听~~