simply, I went to 茶水間... unexpectedly, a man with his back to me, talked to me, knowing that I'm Malaysian... ops, he's one of the 3 interviewers during my 1st Daewoo interview... phew~~ I guess I've met 2 so far during these 3 weeks... kindly, he asked whether I still remember him, and how come I looked so tenderhearted during interview... lolz... I was super nervous la that time... I really wanted to thank him, but I didn't, will be too awkward right if doing so?>_<... anyway, my great appreciation to me, for his kindness, and his congratulation, lolz^^
as soon as office hour started, I was asked to participate in the team meeting... expected it to last long, formally and seriously... it turned out to be another way, short and with lepak-ly.... just the team leader directing inquiry to certain members, and they responded and reported each other's items... just an experience, hehe~

lately, my belief seems to be changing, gradually... sometimes, I got a feeling from others' conversation that power of fate is irresistable... 因緣, affinity, is something that u can't analysis and explain with logic and scientific theory...
anyhow, whatever it is... HAVE A NICE DAY^^
3 개의 댓글:
wah.u everyday sit in front of the comp at company there to update ur blog ah?ur blog=diary d lo~hahah^^
haha not good meh?? like this only won't be that dusty mar~
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