before the concert, we were wondering about who 휘성 is, and I could onlyl keep telling that he will be one worth seeing..in fact, I didn't even know whether is a 'he' or 'she', but I knew that I have few songs of his/her in my com~~dang dang dang>>he was the first performing, Insomnia, OMG a song I listen quite often, from him!!!

2 SNSD(Girl Generation) 'freaks' who went with me told that SNSD had a minor accident days ago, and were cursing the introduction of special guests going to perform>>Brown Eyed Girls..they cursed like SNSD's performance is going to be replaced..I wondered whether will it be a chaos if it really happens, 난리 난다..
윤건, performed '벌써 일년' with piano, with one playing violin at the back, and three making the background sing..this really impressed me, a r3al performance, I called..'Way Back into Love', with this song he brought out Tae-yeon, one member of SNSD..

the day before, a visit to SNU, to cang ve, and the party of juniors, met up few 선생..the night after, went for a movie, G.I.Joe..last night, just because Wawa ajak, went to City-Hall to watch dynamic light show..the name made ppl expect much, expect something like what we watch in Hong Kong..haha, well it's still kind of art~~continuous outing for 4 nights, tiring and money-killing~~!!!
3 weeks before the holidays come to its end..how nice if I can squeeze my butt into the little bus for summer trip held by PPMK..grrrr let me in!!!aiks sad that I reacted too late to the mail=.=
different from weeks ago, now how I wish that I can have longer holidays haha..3 weeks are just too short, for too much things to be done~~
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