well, why I mentioned holidays while I'm having my summer vacation?the holidays meant are holidays for my internship, at a company processing semi-conductor, SIGNETICS, a US-based company..hmm, must say a great great thank you to our head of Department, Prof Oo, for getting us this job, which promises the most income, legendary..who knows, we happened to be rumbling just at the first day starting the internship.
back to the very first day, 8 of us(thanks god there're 8 of us!!!) woke up superb-early in the morning(around 5), went to Sindorim in order to catch the bus provided by the company..actually it's quite satisfactory that the company is not that far away(need to wake up b4 6am wor)..it's just that the working time starts at 8, till 5 in the evening..ok just after we arrived, dunno who is the staff we should refer to, watching other staffs and workers arriving for work, and finally we were provided something(so-callled and looks like 'shoe condom) to wrap our shoes b4 entering the office..wah..sitting and borak in the education department, while waiting for the ppl in-charge to register for us, and decide the department to send us to..we're given one whole set of uniform as well, deducted from our salary=.=ok here go the work that we need to do..have a look at our outfit first.
hair must be covered, mask, handgloves plus finger-coat at each finger..damn ggot..and here's the chip we need to work out and the tools needed, sandpaper..

let me introduce the things that we need to do..after being briefed about the steps and methods by the supervisors, we started to grind the chips given..omg chips given in trays, 5 trays once and each tray contains 60 chips!!!well, we need to grind one chip firstly 45 degree to the sandpaper, then 90 degree then horizontally..every direction grind twice, and all 4 sides of the chip, so 24 times each chip..imagine if u r pro and skillful enough, 2 chips grinded per minute, 48 times grinding@@
about our working environment and colleague..in a rectugle-shaped room, very bright, with some tables and 2 ion blower attached to wall at each table, 4 microscopes for examining the chips grinded..our co-workers are all female, ladies or women having part-time, and few male seniors or supervisors..wearing mask all the time, didn't talk much during working, while 8 of us are the source of noise, boraking, until been sounded somemore:D..
ok now I understand the feeling already..go to work, waiting for lunch time..after lunch waiting for the time to go home..guess this will be a help for my working career later??of coz NO!!!I'm not going to have such a boring job later with my degree..yet lunch time is our best moment besides the time we are off..2 menues provided, both nice everyday, got ice-cream somemore at the first day^^just kesian our Malays mates, like eating as vegetarian only while 4 of us enjoying the meal..and a comfortable room for workers to rest after lunch, with luxurious sofa and LCD TV..
on the 2nd day, already felt sleepy and panas even just started working for half an hour..here's the response, showing the unsatisfaction.(nah mid-finger .!.sorry too rough:P)

about our working environment and colleague..in a rectugle-shaped room, very bright, with some tables and 2 ion blower attached to wall at each table, 4 microscopes for examining the chips grinded..our co-workers are all female, ladies or women having part-time, and few male seniors or supervisors..wearing mask all the time, didn't talk much during working, while 8 of us are the source of noise, boraking, until been sounded somemore:D..
ok now I understand the feeling already..go to work, waiting for lunch time..after lunch waiting for the time to go home..guess this will be a help for my working career later??of coz NO!!!I'm not going to have such a boring job later with my degree..yet lunch time is our best moment besides the time we are off..2 menues provided, both nice everyday, got ice-cream somemore at the first day^^just kesian our Malays mates, like eating as vegetarian only while 4 of us enjoying the meal..and a comfortable room for workers to rest after lunch, with luxurious sofa and LCD TV..
on the 2nd day, already felt sleepy and panas even just started working for half an hour..here's the response, showing the unsatisfaction.(nah mid-finger .!.sorry too rough:P)

we tried to require for change of work, or at least for a switch in work daily or weekly..really sick of doing the same action, same thing everyday, every minute and every second..well, rejected..so we tried to make fun of the work, chit-chatting, playing with the chips with unknown price:P..so, it's time to show creativity in playing puzzle^^

2 words just to show the frustration:P

chips and finger-coats that look like condom..lazy to upload the video shot, but hc posted it.
for the 2nd day, around 200 chips grinded, more than 15 pcs of sandpapers used?lolz..
I guess they just wanna make us to have the 归属感, required us to work like the company's staffs as well, only one day-off every 2 weeks..wtf..yet, we need to work on Saturday as well, where the working hour is longer, from 8am to 6pm=.=luckily can get off on Sunday, if not gotta work from 6am to 6pm, 12 hours!!!the 'bas kilang' that brings us there will depart right at 4:25..insane..
now, life is like: go to work early in the morning, back from work and have entertainment for few precious hours><..maybe I should feel grateful that I can be off earlier, working just 14 days due to my trip to S.E. Asia:P..well, on the 3rd day, since there aren't that many chips to be processed, so we were ordered to do slowly, and to our gladness, given 4-day-off, from Friday till Monday due to lack of chips to be processed also:D..yet, as Rubhen said:"di samping kegembiraan hati sedih gak"..coz can't earn money..hc:"기뻐하면서 마음에 피가 흐르고 있다"..wow2..anyway, happy continue back chips grinding, and KAOGONG DAJI^^
for the 2nd day, around 200 chips grinded, more than 15 pcs of sandpapers used?lolz..
I guess they just wanna make us to have the 归属感, required us to work like the company's staffs as well, only one day-off every 2 weeks..wtf..yet, we need to work on Saturday as well, where the working hour is longer, from 8am to 6pm=.=luckily can get off on Sunday, if not gotta work from 6am to 6pm, 12 hours!!!the 'bas kilang' that brings us there will depart right at 4:25..insane..
now, life is like: go to work early in the morning, back from work and have entertainment for few precious hours><..maybe I should feel grateful that I can be off earlier, working just 14 days due to my trip to S.E. Asia:P..well, on the 3rd day, since there aren't that many chips to be processed, so we were ordered to do slowly, and to our gladness, given 4-day-off, from Friday till Monday due to lack of chips to be processed also:D..yet, as Rubhen said:"di samping kegembiraan hati sedih gak"..coz can't earn money..hc:"기뻐하면서 마음에 피가 흐르고 있다"..wow2..anyway, happy continue back chips grinding, and KAOGONG DAJI^^
1 개의 댓글:
haha jiayou
earn lot lot of money
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