2008년 7월 28일 월요일
no one expected that we used so much Korean in Vietnam huh??a story started with 'ban gap sem ni da' in Hue, Vietnam..yet, it will continue for one mỏre day, that's today..
I'm locked outside!!!
lolz I'm blogging here, but guess not enuf time to blog about my trip gut..coz just woke up kinda early just now, b4 8am..nothing to do so I came down to computer room, surfing net while others still sleeping(like pig??) in the chilling air-con room..wanted to go up and have a shower, but dunno the room is locked, and I chose not to press the bell, and came back here instead@@
2008년 7월 25일 금요일
so far so good, Hanoi^^
finally, I called my summer vacation started, and a real start now..23rd July, departed to Taipei just for transit, where the final destination is Hanoi Vietnam..arrived in Taipei and we 5 chose to stay in Xi Men Ding Backpackers' Hostel for one nite..yaya here going to promote EVA flights abit, not abit but alots:P..the food was nice, the entertainment available was tremendous, and was the cabin..yawww..well, saying the nite is still young(not really it's around 11pm dee that time?), so some suggested to go for a movie, in Taiwan man!!!and so ngam, The Dark Knight available already!!!so we paid around RM30 per person(??) and entered the so-called cinema..damnit it's so small, only not enough 10 rows in total??and the scene is freaking small, about half of the normal size that we use to have..and the price..haiz but nvm since pop-corn and coke included in the ticket price..well the movie was superbly nice!!!must watch it!!!kh even said he going to watch it again after getting back to Korea, just bçoz of it's really nice..2 and a half hours long, twist-and-turn story-line, action scenes..wow..go to watch if u haven't!!!so after the movie it's already 2:30am something, and we needed to go to airport by 6:30am..well just 2 to 3 hours of sleep..ok then around 11am local time in Hanoi, I had my first step onto Vietnam land..not expecting much lar act..and as expected the city not as advanced as those cities that I travelled to b4, even worse than M'sia, and my home-town as well..lolz..and, I admitted that I was a little bit dull, seeing the surroundings..not very well-planned and developed, a little bit dirty(the street), and the traffic in a quite mess..traffic-lights not really obeyed, enormous numbers of motorcycles wooing past, and passengers passing streets like in a madness..and the motorcycles like not following the traffic-lights at all..those disciplined way of passing road learnt in Korea gotta be thrown into rubbish-bin, and I doubting whether a Korean will be able to pass a single street even one day provided??lolz..and, after walking past few streets, can't hardly find a 'xiang yang' one restraurant or place to have meal, like Vietnameses never have their meal outside..didn't eat anything other than the breakfast provided in plane, and with a freaking hungry stomach..finally we met 2 ang-mo foreigners, sitting beside the street and were about to leave after having their meal..Kinn asked them about the food, and since the answer was positve, we parked there and had our first meal in Vietnam..glutinoused rice with chicken and some other materials..sincerely it tasted quite great, and the price also reasonable, around RM2 per bowl..after that we had noodles, egg cooked with special recipe, and fruits-shake..Kinn is just too active, asking around for direction, talking to most ang-mo's, pretty active in social:P..it happened that we came to a lake in the city-centre of Hanoi, watching few youngsters fishing there, illegally we guessed..there a Vietnamese guy, same age as us, approached kh and started a long chat..and turned out that he became our guide for the rest of the day, bringing us around, explaining to us with his considered pretty English, brought us to have a nice nice dinner, Vietnam noodles with beef..awesome!!!we had some desserts similiar to some we have in M'sia afterwards, and back to our hostel again..so I'm blogging here, while others doing other stuffs, reading in room, went out looking for supper..and tmr, we're going to Halong-Bay, and spend 2 days there..first day, we gonna have kayaking, wow first time in my life..it's gonna be fun and cross my fingers praying that the weather tmr will be pleasing, and going to have caves-explore for the 2nd day there..sounds great rite??ok here's my trip so far, things getting more fun, and more exciting..yeah^^almost forget, not many handsome guys here, but most of the girls having good-looking features, and super-fit body..lolz..and I said, Vietnamese guys are the most lucky guys in the world:P..alots of pretty girls around, wear nicely, and dare to show!!!katok..
2008년 7월 23일 수요일
out of frustration, there're still something worth a laugh
hew..thanks to trip to Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand, I finished my internship 10 days earlier than others..ok gonna jot down some happenings that can be read with a laugh, maybe?
hmm..day after I was absent due to overslept, ppl in-charge of us, Ms. Park came to us during our recess, distributing new schedule and asking us to 'respect' our job..then dunno-who(Rubhen I suppose?) asked her whether will we be paid..then she said:"yes."..then comes the following conversation, made and performed by Rubhen himself-->>
Rubhen :"Excuse me but will we be paid for doing internship here?".
Ms. Park:"Yea of course we will pay each of you about 1.8million won, sorry that we can't
pay more than that.".
Rubhen :"Oh nevermind it's okay for us." ]
not funny?ok lor@@
though we working in factory actually, but I assume that it's something the same with working in company also-->>RUMOURS..
well this time we have 2 heroes..Chang Hang and Zhafri..(did I mention about the female supervisor that we call as 'bitch'?) Ha-na her name..she was really bad to us for the first and the 2nd day..just really hate being supervised by her..yet, one day, when almost all of us can't finish the required amount of work in time, everyone's rushing..she helped Chang Hang alone..then everyday calling him quite frequently..wah..then one day we were back abit late after lunch..then she started to not only merajuk, but like manja2 abit..asked Hasrul lah what time supposed to be if she said 5 mins b4 1(1시 5분 전)..then asked not we said that she not that fierce meh(난 안 무섭다매?)..wah..so big of change..then one day, when it's almost the time to go home, she asked Chang Hang whether wanna go enjoy(singing kot) with her anot..but our hero gave a sad answer:"I need to go home."..cool2^^then ar..there's one day when all the workers (excluding us) got their salary banked in gut..then Ha-na treated us beverages as she promised.. but she limitted that the price must not be above 600won..I didn't realise that there's one drink, 싸이다 which costs 700won..then Chang Hang chose that..zz but she just merajuk plus manja abit nia..haha..
Zhafri lak..one of the 2 new aunties..one become his partner, meaning sitting at the same table to work lar..one day, suddenly that auntie asked him to become her partner again(내 짝이 되자)..lolz..then praised alots, said what lar do well, fast and can become teladan wor..acted cute, saying "fighting" cutely somemore..eee all fur stood dee..
hmm..though we already working there for weeks, but very few only will choi us..one day one auntie or dunno how old she is lah, sitting at the table beside me, doing examining work..talked to me quite frequently, asked me to re-grind those I didn't grind perfectly..then during lunch time, they came and sat beside me and Chang Hang, asking few questions, and asked me to buy 과자 for her, and of coz belanja us..ohh I thought she kinda friendly at first..yet the next day, where I made a super big mistake that shook the whole working department quite seriously, then no more dee..lolz..haha I'M THE WORST PERFORMER mah..
day b4 last day, Friday..whole day I did quite well, without any mistake..one more hour to go..who knows suddenly Ha-na brought in one set of grinded chips, scolding "인간 뭔데".. straightaway realised that some probs happened, then my name was called..with face like tiger, she asked me how come this can happen, all the chips being arranged in the totally wrong way, the whole set..ngam2 the monitor entered, and asked who's the one who did..yea it's me who did the grinding work, and it's the monitor himself who did the examining and dimensioning work..after hearing that he straightaway went out of the room..wa lao..hmm..there's no way for me to believe and admit that I did the mistake, whole set wrong..if only one tray or so been arranged wrongly then I still can admit, but the whole set!!!no way..plus that set not done in the same day, but from the day b4 till..so my answer is myself also can't believe it, and refused to go back to my place and kept looking at her..well, and coolly, she asked whether I feeling wai wat, innocent..and a big 'YES' from me..ok she said will keep watching over my performance..come' on lah I will be having my last day tmr:P..wah really kik..must be the monitor!!!
well, even that incident happened, I still asked him to fill in my evaluation form..and on the next day, surprisingly I got 40 out of 50 for my score..wow.. not bad what with performance like this..yet, Rubhen realised that I only scored 4 out of 8 for my attitude..wtf..sure kena scolded one if I hand this up in school..but who cares?!!bye bye stupid SIGNETICS..and fighting for the rest of 7, while I'm going for my tour^^nite..
hmm..day after I was absent due to overslept, ppl in-charge of us, Ms. Park came to us during our recess, distributing new schedule and asking us to 'respect' our job..then dunno-who(Rubhen I suppose?) asked her whether will we be paid..then she said:"yes."..then comes the following conversation, made and performed by Rubhen himself-->>
Rubhen :"Excuse me but will we be paid for doing internship here?".
Ms. Park:"Yea of course we will pay each of you about 1.8million won, sorry that we can't
pay more than that.".
Rubhen :"Oh nevermind it's okay for us." ]
not funny?ok lor@@
though we working in factory actually, but I assume that it's something the same with working in company also-->>RUMOURS..
well this time we have 2 heroes..Chang Hang and Zhafri..(did I mention about the female supervisor that we call as 'bitch'?) Ha-na her name..she was really bad to us for the first and the 2nd day..just really hate being supervised by her..yet, one day, when almost all of us can't finish the required amount of work in time, everyone's rushing..she helped Chang Hang alone..then everyday calling him quite frequently..wah..then one day we were back abit late after lunch..then she started to not only merajuk, but like manja2 abit..asked Hasrul lah what time supposed to be if she said 5 mins b4 1(1시 5분 전)..then asked not we said that she not that fierce meh(난 안 무섭다매?)..wah..so big of change..then one day, when it's almost the time to go home, she asked Chang Hang whether wanna go enjoy(singing kot) with her anot..but our hero gave a sad answer:"I need to go home."..cool2^^then ar..there's one day when all the workers (excluding us) got their salary banked in gut..then Ha-na treated us beverages as she promised.. but she limitted that the price must not be above 600won..I didn't realise that there's one drink, 싸이다 which costs 700won..then Chang Hang chose that..zz but she just merajuk plus manja abit nia..haha..
Zhafri lak..one of the 2 new aunties..one become his partner, meaning sitting at the same table to work lar..one day, suddenly that auntie asked him to become her partner again(내 짝이 되자)..lolz..then praised alots, said what lar do well, fast and can become teladan wor..acted cute, saying "fighting" cutely somemore..eee all fur stood dee..
hmm..though we already working there for weeks, but very few only will choi us..one day one auntie or dunno how old she is lah, sitting at the table beside me, doing examining work..talked to me quite frequently, asked me to re-grind those I didn't grind perfectly..then during lunch time, they came and sat beside me and Chang Hang, asking few questions, and asked me to buy 과자 for her, and of coz belanja us..ohh I thought she kinda friendly at first..yet the next day, where I made a super big mistake that shook the whole working department quite seriously, then no more dee..lolz..haha I'M THE WORST PERFORMER mah..
day b4 last day, Friday..whole day I did quite well, without any mistake..one more hour to go..who knows suddenly Ha-na brought in one set of grinded chips, scolding "인간 뭔데".. straightaway realised that some probs happened, then my name was called..with face like tiger, she asked me how come this can happen, all the chips being arranged in the totally wrong way, the whole set..ngam2 the monitor entered, and asked who's the one who did..yea it's me who did the grinding work, and it's the monitor himself who did the examining and dimensioning work..after hearing that he straightaway went out of the room..wa lao..hmm..there's no way for me to believe and admit that I did the mistake, whole set wrong..if only one tray or so been arranged wrongly then I still can admit, but the whole set!!!no way..plus that set not done in the same day, but from the day b4 till..so my answer is myself also can't believe it, and refused to go back to my place and kept looking at her..well, and coolly, she asked whether I feeling wai wat, innocent..and a big 'YES' from me..ok she said will keep watching over my performance..come' on lah I will be having my last day tmr:P..wah really kik..must be the monitor!!!
well, even that incident happened, I still asked him to fill in my evaluation form..and on the next day, surprisingly I got 40 out of 50 for my score..wow.. not bad what with performance like this..yet, Rubhen realised that I only scored 4 out of 8 for my attitude..wtf..sure kena scolded one if I hand this up in school..but who cares?!!bye bye stupid SIGNETICS..and fighting for the rest of 7, while I'm going for my tour^^nite..
2008년 7월 13일 일요일
from the title can know dee this won't be a positive post..
a disaster-like story started like this, from last Wednesday..me, having my 3-week internship, gotta get up from bed early as 5:30am..and need to catch the SIGNETICS' 'bas kilang' by 6:50am.. yeah Tuesday 8 of us continued back our internship, after a 4-day-off till Monday..then on Wednesday, our 'bas kilang' broke down, after moving not even more than half a kilometre..as a result, we were late for like half an hour, like other staffs..dunno how much gaji will be cut off@@ can't remember any special event happened on Thursday liao..
and on Friday, I, MC became the first one to 'gantoil' gau gau..I woke up late!!!act not b'coz of waking up late lar, I did wake up at the first alarm, but I lied back after that, until a call from hc.. dunno whether my 2nd alarm failed to wake me up or my hp really no battery..when the phone rang, immediately I told myself:"shit!!!"..6:48am, 2 minutes b4 the bus' departure..hc also told me to rest at home lar:P..so, 어쩔 수 없이 gotta tell lie to the ppl in charge, simply with a better excuse than sick..so, whole day dota and drama at home@@some asked why am I home, why I came back so early from work..wakaka..at night, we went for a movie, War of Chi Bi, the most high-cost Asian movie..sadly, it will be boardcast in 2 parts, so commercial one=.=aigh next day got 10-hour work..
Saturday!!!oh f***ed up..got one representative visited the room where we work at..closing the door, he showed his real colour, not like usual looked just kind..questioning about our so-called 'commitment', all 8 of us and all the unties having part-time there.."u all come here to play?".."what are all these?"..oh just like shit..finally, he said:"if not doing properly, then u all don't need to come."..wah ok give us holidays then u alone with all ur crews go and grind those damn damn chips..days b4, our team monitor was scolded badly by a conductor, so loudly in front of all workers, didn't give face at all..I felt kesian with him that moment, but today(Saturday), it's proven that I was wrong to feel kesian with him, blasting us(especially me, Rubhen and dunno who else) who didn't complete 2 sets of chips..oh really u can cover all the work even without us??do it then!!heww until 6pm on Saturday, and we found out that>>no bus provided to Sindorim!!!gotta take the only available bus till So-sa Station, not far away from home lar act..but from 6:20, a little busy traffic, we reached around 8, with hungry and super-tired body@@aiks..sad sad Saturday..
first and the final Monday for me in SIGNETICS..on the way to work in the morning, traffic in Monday's morning was as busy as usual..that f***ass monitor set 3 hours for us to finish grinding 320 chips..did try to do as fast as I could, but still failed to make it, and of course we didn't know the price to pay for it before..so, 3 of us were given so-called first warning, with our name jotted down..DAMN!!!ok from those who managed to did it, no need to be so 'yim jim', simply do nia..as all agreed last Saturday, they want quantity, we give, but no quality!!!
Tuesday..nothing special happened??all ok but just like usual, no one back in good mood..
Wednesday..today hc's turn to 'gantoil', overslept..so just 7 of us..same, 3 hours for one set of chips..the frustration today>>even though obviously can't finish by 5, he still asked us to finish it, almost all ppl rushing in helping..finish then only end for today..wtf..we were left off at 5:05, 5 minutes late..though it's only 5 minutes, it may cost us alot if we miss the bus!!!really f***!!!haha can remember that I still in a super black face even after reaching home..lolz:D
Thursday..again, we were given kuliah(as hc said) by the representative..and b4 that I kena sounded by the f monitor again, asking me to did properly(똑바로 해)..wa liao didn't tell me what I did wrong, left me in sweat and blur blur question mark..hng the representative threatened us that if things still going wrong then we won't get any credit for our internship..what the fUCK!!! and those who doing part-time may get fired??can't really hear what he said clearly..the prob caused was that some of the chips have some sides that totally not grinded..wondering, am I really the 害群之马??maybe coz carelessness may happen when speeding while grinding, as being asked to do fast..but on Wednesday the worker who doing examining work asked me to re-grind again those chips with some sides that I didn't grind at all..how come still got??arrgghhh..later only found out some did the same mistake too..but why always me!!!aigh the worst performer among 8 of us..sobz..yet, today something pleasing and funny happened..but since all here complaints and curses only, so save it for next time:P..2 days left, and tmr I need to hand the evaluation form to the *** monitor to fill, where he just sounded me today@@another, the 2nd B+ awaiting..
a disaster-like story started like this, from last Wednesday..me, having my 3-week internship, gotta get up from bed early as 5:30am..and need to catch the SIGNETICS' 'bas kilang' by 6:50am.. yeah Tuesday 8 of us continued back our internship, after a 4-day-off till Monday..then on Wednesday, our 'bas kilang' broke down, after moving not even more than half a kilometre..as a result, we were late for like half an hour, like other staffs..dunno how much gaji will be cut off@@ can't remember any special event happened on Thursday liao..
and on Friday, I, MC became the first one to 'gantoil' gau gau..I woke up late!!!act not b'coz of waking up late lar, I did wake up at the first alarm, but I lied back after that, until a call from hc.. dunno whether my 2nd alarm failed to wake me up or my hp really no battery..when the phone rang, immediately I told myself:"shit!!!"..6:48am, 2 minutes b4 the bus' departure..hc also told me to rest at home lar:P..so, 어쩔 수 없이 gotta tell lie to the ppl in charge, simply with a better excuse than sick..so, whole day dota and drama at home@@some asked why am I home, why I came back so early from work..wakaka..at night, we went for a movie, War of Chi Bi, the most high-cost Asian movie..sadly, it will be boardcast in 2 parts, so commercial one=.=aigh next day got 10-hour work..
Saturday!!!oh f***ed up..got one representative visited the room where we work at..closing the door, he showed his real colour, not like usual looked just kind..questioning about our so-called 'commitment', all 8 of us and all the unties having part-time there.."u all come here to play?".."what are all these?"..oh just like shit..finally, he said:"if not doing properly, then u all don't need to come."..wah ok give us holidays then u alone with all ur crews go and grind those damn damn chips..days b4, our team monitor was scolded badly by a conductor, so loudly in front of all workers, didn't give face at all..I felt kesian with him that moment, but today(Saturday), it's proven that I was wrong to feel kesian with him, blasting us(especially me, Rubhen and dunno who else) who didn't complete 2 sets of chips..oh really u can cover all the work even without us??do it then!!heww until 6pm on Saturday, and we found out that>>no bus provided to Sindorim!!!gotta take the only available bus till So-sa Station, not far away from home lar act..but from 6:20, a little busy traffic, we reached around 8, with hungry and super-tired body@@aiks..sad sad Saturday..
first and the final Monday for me in SIGNETICS..on the way to work in the morning, traffic in Monday's morning was as busy as usual..that f***ass monitor set 3 hours for us to finish grinding 320 chips..did try to do as fast as I could, but still failed to make it, and of course we didn't know the price to pay for it before..so, 3 of us were given so-called first warning, with our name jotted down..DAMN!!!ok from those who managed to did it, no need to be so 'yim jim', simply do nia..as all agreed last Saturday, they want quantity, we give, but no quality!!!
Tuesday..nothing special happened??all ok but just like usual, no one back in good mood..
Wednesday..today hc's turn to 'gantoil', overslept..so just 7 of us..same, 3 hours for one set of chips..the frustration today>>even though obviously can't finish by 5, he still asked us to finish it, almost all ppl rushing in helping..finish then only end for today..wtf..we were left off at 5:05, 5 minutes late..though it's only 5 minutes, it may cost us alot if we miss the bus!!!really f***!!!haha can remember that I still in a super black face even after reaching home..lolz:D
Thursday..again, we were given kuliah(as hc said) by the representative..and b4 that I kena sounded by the f monitor again, asking me to did properly(똑바로 해)..wa liao didn't tell me what I did wrong, left me in sweat and blur blur question mark..hng the representative threatened us that if things still going wrong then we won't get any credit for our internship..what the fUCK!!! and those who doing part-time may get fired??can't really hear what he said clearly..the prob caused was that some of the chips have some sides that totally not grinded..wondering, am I really the 害群之马??maybe coz carelessness may happen when speeding while grinding, as being asked to do fast..but on Wednesday the worker who doing examining work asked me to re-grind again those chips with some sides that I didn't grind at all..how come still got??arrgghhh..later only found out some did the same mistake too..but why always me!!!aigh the worst performer among 8 of us..sobz..yet, today something pleasing and funny happened..but since all here complaints and curses only, so save it for next time:P..2 days left, and tmr I need to hand the evaluation form to the *** monitor to fill, where he just sounded me today@@another, the 2nd B+ awaiting..
2008년 7월 9일 수요일
上班` 下班` 电玩` 戏剧...
空洞的生活` 空洞的心..
多想长着一对翅膀, 飞在空中
上班` 下班` 电玩` 戏剧...
空洞的生活` 空洞的心..
多想长着一对翅膀, 飞在空中
2008년 7월 7일 월요일
missed, y3t missed
monday, last day of my 4-day-holidays..and if I don't post anything here, then it'll be abandoned for at least one more month..
well, why I mentioned holidays while I'm having my summer vacation?the holidays meant are holidays for my internship, at a company processing semi-conductor, SIGNETICS, a US-based company..hmm, must say a great great thank you to our head of Department, Prof Oo, for getting us this job, which promises the most income, legendary..who knows, we happened to be rumbling just at the first day starting the internship.
back to the very first day, 8 of us(thanks god there're 8 of us!!!) woke up superb-early in the morning(around 5), went to Sindorim in order to catch the bus provided by the company..actually it's quite satisfactory that the company is not that far away(need to wake up b4 6am wor)..it's just that the working time starts at 8, till 5 in the evening..ok just after we arrived, dunno who is the staff we should refer to, watching other staffs and workers arriving for work, and finally we were provided something(so-callled and looks like 'shoe condom) to wrap our shoes b4 entering the office..wah..sitting and borak in the education department, while waiting for the ppl in-charge to register for us, and decide the department to send us to..we're given one whole set of uniform as well, deducted from our salary=.=ok here go the work that we need to do..have a look at our outfit first.

well, why I mentioned holidays while I'm having my summer vacation?the holidays meant are holidays for my internship, at a company processing semi-conductor, SIGNETICS, a US-based company..hmm, must say a great great thank you to our head of Department, Prof Oo, for getting us this job, which promises the most income, legendary..who knows, we happened to be rumbling just at the first day starting the internship.
back to the very first day, 8 of us(thanks god there're 8 of us!!!) woke up superb-early in the morning(around 5), went to Sindorim in order to catch the bus provided by the company..actually it's quite satisfactory that the company is not that far away(need to wake up b4 6am wor)..it's just that the working time starts at 8, till 5 in the evening..ok just after we arrived, dunno who is the staff we should refer to, watching other staffs and workers arriving for work, and finally we were provided something(so-callled and looks like 'shoe condom) to wrap our shoes b4 entering the office..wah..sitting and borak in the education department, while waiting for the ppl in-charge to register for us, and decide the department to send us to..we're given one whole set of uniform as well, deducted from our salary=.=ok here go the work that we need to do..have a look at our outfit first.
hair must be covered, mask, handgloves plus finger-coat at each finger..damn ggot..and here's the chip we need to work out and the tools needed, sandpaper..

let me introduce the things that we need to do..after being briefed about the steps and methods by the supervisors, we started to grind the chips given..omg chips given in trays, 5 trays once and each tray contains 60 chips!!!well, we need to grind one chip firstly 45 degree to the sandpaper, then 90 degree then horizontally..every direction grind twice, and all 4 sides of the chip, so 24 times each chip..imagine if u r pro and skillful enough, 2 chips grinded per minute, 48 times grinding@@
about our working environment and colleague..in a rectugle-shaped room, very bright, with some tables and 2 ion blower attached to wall at each table, 4 microscopes for examining the chips grinded..our co-workers are all female, ladies or women having part-time, and few male seniors or supervisors..wearing mask all the time, didn't talk much during working, while 8 of us are the source of noise, boraking, until been sounded somemore:D..
ok now I understand the feeling already..go to work, waiting for lunch time..after lunch waiting for the time to go home..guess this will be a help for my working career later??of coz NO!!!I'm not going to have such a boring job later with my degree..yet lunch time is our best moment besides the time we are off..2 menues provided, both nice everyday, got ice-cream somemore at the first day^^just kesian our Malays mates, like eating as vegetarian only while 4 of us enjoying the meal..and a comfortable room for workers to rest after lunch, with luxurious sofa and LCD TV..
on the 2nd day, already felt sleepy and panas even just started working for half an hour..here's the response, showing the unsatisfaction.(nah mid-finger .!.sorry too rough:P)

about our working environment and colleague..in a rectugle-shaped room, very bright, with some tables and 2 ion blower attached to wall at each table, 4 microscopes for examining the chips grinded..our co-workers are all female, ladies or women having part-time, and few male seniors or supervisors..wearing mask all the time, didn't talk much during working, while 8 of us are the source of noise, boraking, until been sounded somemore:D..
ok now I understand the feeling already..go to work, waiting for lunch time..after lunch waiting for the time to go home..guess this will be a help for my working career later??of coz NO!!!I'm not going to have such a boring job later with my degree..yet lunch time is our best moment besides the time we are off..2 menues provided, both nice everyday, got ice-cream somemore at the first day^^just kesian our Malays mates, like eating as vegetarian only while 4 of us enjoying the meal..and a comfortable room for workers to rest after lunch, with luxurious sofa and LCD TV..
on the 2nd day, already felt sleepy and panas even just started working for half an hour..here's the response, showing the unsatisfaction.(nah mid-finger .!.sorry too rough:P)

we tried to require for change of work, or at least for a switch in work daily or weekly..really sick of doing the same action, same thing everyday, every minute and every second..well, rejected..so we tried to make fun of the work, chit-chatting, playing with the chips with unknown price:P..so, it's time to show creativity in playing puzzle^^

2 words just to show the frustration:P

chips and finger-coats that look like condom..lazy to upload the video shot, but hc posted it.
for the 2nd day, around 200 chips grinded, more than 15 pcs of sandpapers used?lolz..
I guess they just wanna make us to have the 归属感, required us to work like the company's staffs as well, only one day-off every 2 weeks..wtf..yet, we need to work on Saturday as well, where the working hour is longer, from 8am to 6pm=.=luckily can get off on Sunday, if not gotta work from 6am to 6pm, 12 hours!!!the 'bas kilang' that brings us there will depart right at 4:25..insane..
now, life is like: go to work early in the morning, back from work and have entertainment for few precious hours><..maybe I should feel grateful that I can be off earlier, working just 14 days due to my trip to S.E. Asia:P..well, on the 3rd day, since there aren't that many chips to be processed, so we were ordered to do slowly, and to our gladness, given 4-day-off, from Friday till Monday due to lack of chips to be processed also:D..yet, as Rubhen said:"di samping kegembiraan hati sedih gak"..coz can't earn money..hc:"기뻐하면서 마음에 피가 흐르고 있다"..wow2..anyway, happy continue back chips grinding, and KAOGONG DAJI^^
for the 2nd day, around 200 chips grinded, more than 15 pcs of sandpapers used?lolz..
I guess they just wanna make us to have the 归属感, required us to work like the company's staffs as well, only one day-off every 2 weeks..wtf..yet, we need to work on Saturday as well, where the working hour is longer, from 8am to 6pm=.=luckily can get off on Sunday, if not gotta work from 6am to 6pm, 12 hours!!!the 'bas kilang' that brings us there will depart right at 4:25..insane..
now, life is like: go to work early in the morning, back from work and have entertainment for few precious hours><..maybe I should feel grateful that I can be off earlier, working just 14 days due to my trip to S.E. Asia:P..well, on the 3rd day, since there aren't that many chips to be processed, so we were ordered to do slowly, and to our gladness, given 4-day-off, from Friday till Monday due to lack of chips to be processed also:D..yet, as Rubhen said:"di samping kegembiraan hati sedih gak"..coz can't earn money..hc:"기뻐하면서 마음에 피가 흐르고 있다"..wow2..anyway, happy continue back chips grinding, and KAOGONG DAJI^^