after a tiring weekend, almost late to class on the first day of the week, due to Utopia:P..expected, no ideal seat left, so I'm forced to sit in the first row, first time in my DongYang 'career':P..Prof. Park made me embarassed alots..talking about recommendation letter in working field, he touched me and said:"let say this guy asked me to write some recommendation for him, then I write bla bla bla... ..."..suddenly all the Koreans laughed like hell, leaving me sitting there with a blur expression, not really understand what he said..but obviously something funny, and bad=.=sobz first time sit in front kena treated like this..haha..
ohh 3 hours of Solidworks class after lunch..5th week dee I never did any practice at home, sure ketinggalan dee..but now found that this subject, and the software itself bring fun..can draw alots of stuffs we use in RL, in 3D somemore^^the final drawing for today's class, trying to do the steps like what the lecturer showed, but failed..but then finally found out that I did another step earlier, so can finish the drawing but not through the step that Mang and me were trying hard to do..damn really kik sei that time..
ok guess no one will forget today's Maths class..the lecturer, a nice guy played so-called one happy song and one sad song before starting the lessons..dunno what prompted him to do so..the whole lesson was nice, with no stress at all..he's too far better than the lecturer last sem, who taught us the same subject also..halfway deriving one of the equation, I realised that an arbitrary constant,C was missing..hesitating whether better to ask anot, ywen who sitting beside already raised her hand up, and asked about it..deng ther reply like this:"u want C, then I give u."..haha so so so paiseh, not only her, but me too..kaka I supposed to be the one who I like the lecturer more and more, guess so are others..isshh he promised to give bonus marks tim to who volunteers to erase the blackboard from today on=.=Chiang got it!!!after class alots of C 이야기 came out, until to cup lar, vitamin lar..zadao..YuHan asked somemore, whether I got my whatever 'C' dee anot..|||she suggested to call 31th March as MC's Monday wor, but I don't mind calling it as C's day:P..all sok jor..
the busiest day of week, Monday..b4 this I hated it the most, 8 hours of class!!!but today, from the morning till now having so so good mood^^stress from Japanese test also not that serious dee..if can stay happily every Monday, then I will be enjoying everyday..wakaka..I got a sense that this sem will be the starting of tidy, well-managed sem so far..dunno how will be the last 2 sem in DY, but sure this will be the best, most enjoyable sem so far..subjects not that heavy and irritating, and all the lecturers also nice, kind and hardworking..yeah역시 totally different dee after coming back from sweet sweet home in M'sia..Azaaa~~~
1 개의 댓글:
31st of march is my dad's birthday too kaka not oni the "C" day
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