22nd..date to go and continue my journey in so seashore can be found anywhere, easily..we simply went to one before the afternoon tide..wow the sunshine was so so irritating at 2pm..my skin got reddened instead of suntanned=.=ready with special instruments needed(some cages to bait crabs to go in), we put some fish as bait and left all the cages there, went home and waited for the tide..afternoon of coz needa have some tea-time..then only went to collect our gains..sadly the first round was so miserable, managed to get only one crab=.=however, it boosted me, who was in down mood and bored with the waiting..after waiting for 40mins(under the sun!!!), baba and me started to pull up the cages placed in the seawater..and this time both of us were cheered..we got 3 in this round^^wakaka..though the next 2 rounds gave nothing, at least we didn’t balik with empty hand:P..guess the last round trapped one but might be stolen by the Malay who was fishing there while we went home to wait..curse him curse him!!!baba said those caught crabs can be one dish dee for lunch or dinner..kaka my favouriteJ..worthy gak spending the whole afternoon for only 4 or 5 crabs?? Doesn’t matter..a nice experience what, can eat somemore..haha next time maybe looking for some oysters??lolz..
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