2008년 1월 28일 월요일
2008년 1월 23일 수요일
2008년 1월 22일 화요일
22nd..date to go and continue my journey in so seashore can be found anywhere, easily..we simply went to one before the afternoon tide..wow the sunshine was so so irritating at 2pm..my skin got reddened instead of suntanned=.=ready with special instruments needed(some cages to bait crabs to go in), we put some fish as bait and left all the cages there, went home and waited for the tide..afternoon of coz needa have some tea-time..then only went to collect our gains..sadly the first round was so miserable, managed to get only one crab=.=however, it boosted me, who was in down mood and bored with the waiting..after waiting for 40mins(under the sun!!!), baba and me started to pull up the cages placed in the seawater..and this time both of us were cheered..we got 3 in this round^^wakaka..though the next 2 rounds gave nothing, at least we didn’t balik with empty hand:P..guess the last round trapped one but might be stolen by the Malay who was fishing there while we went home to wait..curse him curse him!!!baba said those caught crabs can be one dish dee for lunch or dinner..kaka my favouriteJ..worthy gak spending the whole afternoon for only 4 or 5 crabs?? Doesn’t matter..a nice experience what, can eat somemore..haha next time maybe looking for some oysters??lolz..
2008년 1월 19일 토요일
“ 从前从前,在山上的一个小庙里,住着一位老和尚和一个小和尚。某一天,老和尚跟小和尚讲个故事。老和尚道:“从前从前,在山上的一个小庙里,住着一位老和尚和一个小和尚。某一天,老和尚跟小和尚讲个故事。老和尚道:“从前从前,在山上的一个小庙里,住着一位老和尚和一个小和尚。某一天,老和尚跟小和尚讲个故事。老和尚道:“…… ……
…… …… ”
2008년 1월 17일 목요일
kenot dee kenot dee.. thing getting too serious.. guess what I slept for almost 10hours today.. woke up only when baba waking me up for the 2nd time.. the clock showing 9.30.. awww.. mama said young ppl like me too hamfok dee can sleep for so long time:P.. kaka.. pig liao lor.. never slept for so long b4 this.. aiya gotta do like this also lar since can’t so little only in
this’s the 3rd week dee hor since getting back?? Old thing first, transportation.. public transportation here already ‘well-known’ for the inconvenience and uneffectiveness already.. no need to talk bout that.. then ar.. air, dirty and dusty air.. guess my nose isn’t that sensitive( compared to my skin which is superbly sensitive:P), but recently I sneezed quite frequently..arrgghh.. my kampong is countryside, a fishing village, paddy fields also got.. so the air is supposed to be cleaner, or at least less polluted than city areas mah.. even in
about positive stuffs pulak.. of coz the warmth at home is incomparable.. everyday nice nice home-made food.. even now not the festival I also got ‘zong zi’ to eat^^ compared to more than one year in
2008년 1월 16일 수요일
2008년 1월 14일 월요일
somehow the most meaningful day:P
Bro went back to his campus dee, with xiaugu.. sis pulak started her part time at The Store while waiting for STPM results.. youngest bro ler, attending the final year of his secondary education.. left me at home, with baba and mama.. the funniest part, now I’m the one in my family with the steadiest and the most income now, receiving near RM2000 per month from JPA.. swt.. k stop about that.. CNY still 3 weeks away?? Today mama started ‘da sau chu’, cleaning here and there.. halfway through the process my eldest uncle called, asked me to lend him a helping hand at his workshop.. oh man I never touched this kinda of work for years dee.. nvm lar at least no need to stay at home with nothing to do.. but then one thing expected, that I’ll come back with smelly, sweaty and ‘blacky’ body.. ok moving metal spare-parts of engine here and there, one old Japan-made gearbox discovered.. oh don’t tell me it’s going to be the main ‘character’ today!! Yes it’s.. soon my uncle and me started working on it, splitting it into parts.. oh shit my hand, my specs.. all with fuel, lubricants, products from pertroleum.. isshh.. eee oily, blacky and smelly.. after lunch work continued.. message to those in Korea, especially xy, jt and sh: I’m doing 실습 here also=.=hehe no wonder I’m Mechanical guy:P.. working working till I didn’t even know the time, guessed it’s almost 5pm?? Then my another uncle and my cousin came back dunno from where.. and I got 2 fresh fish, they brought back from the place they went to work gua.. as my rewards?? Kaka mama just said can’t buy any fish from pasar, and I got it:P.. haiz 역시 got home with hands and legs with dirt, whole body with diesel smell=.= and hooray the whole afternoon past dee^^guava and papaya..long missed^^
원래 이 끌을 쓰고 싶지 않다.. 근데 거의 2달동안 한국에 없을 거라서 연습 좀 해야지:P.. 다른 사람한테서 말레이시아 집에서도 가끔 한국말을 하곤 한다고 들었어.. 집에서 가족에게 말했는데 엄마가 왜 나 그렇지 않으냐고 물었더라.. 그 질문에 나도 대답하지 못했어.. 왜 내가 집에서 한국말커녕 한국어 단어도 거의 꺼내지 않으냐?? 이상하게.. 설날 후에 한국에 다시 가면 한국말을 못하게 될 걸 까?? 걱정:P
2008년 1월 12일 토요일
what to do??
2008년 1월 5일 토요일
first week...
home for one week already.. can say that I did nothing at all.. went to see some elders, followed my bro to his UKM hostel, attended my uncle’s wedding dinner, what else?? No more.. arrgghh finished one drama lor, gaming.. it’s stupid of me checking my results everyday, appealing and checking whether the lecturer got replied my appeal anot..I’m quite lucky to get one of my 2 appeals successful^^ can’t say my results this time excellent but kinda satisfactory.. though I don’t deserve it at all.. yesterday morning I woke up at 6.30am.. kinda insane.. slept at around 11 the nite before.. dunno whether need to appreciate or to be speechless having a ‘coach’(my dad) to guide me a super-healthy lifestyle haha.. followed parents for morning exercise, and made 4 laps on standard 400m trackJ heard from my fellow classmate that he going on tour around the whole M’sia.. while I like a bird locked in a cage.. not that I’m not allowed to go gai gai but kinda lazy to:P.. anyone who do plan any trip count me in pls.. haha if I’ll be able to join:P.. fear that boredom will start killing me when time goes on.. act can go and have a part-time as mama asked for it but dun like that kinda of work... aigh next time may wanna stay in Korea if wanna have part-time..