2007년 12월 31일 월요일
haha at home dunno what to do..everyday online not many ppl on also..checking results only lor..so far..no eye to see lar..
2007년 12월 25일 화요일
a post from Taipei
2007년 12월 20일 목요일
tell me why...
为什么为什么!!!今天, 可是我打从上周就引颈长盼的一天..为什么事实都是如此残酷..为何还要困扰我多十数来钟??真想就此器械投降..或许换了别人, 人家会说迟点考倒好, 多点时间准备..实则不然.. 真想什么都不做, 明早进了考场就乱涂一通..就算考了个乱七八糟倒也甘愿..这样的考试, A+ 拿了又怎么样..只不过是拿来摆美而已..拿着父母`人民的血汗钱, 我在这都干些啥来着??同流合污吗??
2007년 12월 19일 수요일
it seems short, but still long away..
thinking thinking..I think I'm absorbed into this kinda lifestyle totally..and kinda like it..sad that only these few days left, before I depart for a tour in Taiwan, and back to my motherland..intead of dota, we enjoyed Pudge War more today..and my house members,me, ty and jh shouted like hell while playing it..really a fun..with no stress of losing, but with laughter..and terribly, I tertidur while playing the last dota game of the nite, or morning more precisely..omg how can this kinda stuff happen..oh oh oh ..and whatever it is, whatever ppl say, now I only wanna live my life, and finish the exam just to finish it..and forget about this damnit semester..and..find back the brighter me..morning in the 4am morning~~
2007년 12월 16일 일요일
2007년 12월 14일 금요일
feel like wanna war the whole world
목요일은 참 이상한 날이었다..왜냐..아침 수업에는 교수가 말한 대로 노트정리 숙제를 검사했다..지난 번에 완전히 망쳤고 이번에도 희망을 가지지 않았다..근데 내가 한 숙제를 보시고 나서 아무 질문도 안 하시고 그냥 잘 했다고 하셨더라..그리고 영어로 훌륭하다고..참 내가 당장 무슨 말을 해야 되는지 모르게 되었다..이 과목 기말 시험을 잘 봤다 싶어서 점수가 잘 나오는 걸 바랄 수 있다..저녁에 보는 물리 시험..중간 시험에 벌써 망쳤으니 이번 기말에 준비를 열심히 하는 것도 아니다, 다른 친구에 비해..시험 문제는 아주 쉽다고 할 수 없지만 문제를 풀 때 예상외로 자신있게 풀었다..시험 후에 에이스와 얘기해 보니 내가 한 문제를 전혀 틀린 원칙으로 풀었대..그 때의 심정을 무슨 말로 표현해야 되는가??그냥 웃기만 했다..오차피 내가 시험 볼 때 자신감을 다시 찾았다..최선을 다 했느냐??그 걸 나도 대답할 수 없고 그냥 내가 할 수 있는 만큼만 다 했다..야 내가 계속 참고 싶지만 그래도 참지 못했다..만약에 좀 시하고 너무한 말을 했다면 정말 미안..스트레스를 받기 때문에 그런가 모르는데 맘에 오래동안 햇빛이 안 쪼인다..아마 심정을 평형하게 못하는 거다..남은 다 맘껏 웃고 놀 수 있으면서 내가 아직도 벗어나지 않는다..이런 건 나한테 더 심한 것이다..남은 다 할 수 있는 걸 내가 못하는 사실을 받기가 싫다..이 성격은 좋지 않은 걸 잘 안다..참...
오늘도 한 시험을 봤다..다행히도 내가 한 것에 만족하다..이런 자신감을 유지하고 싶다..벌써 늦은 것이지만 이런 느낌이 세상의 최고이다..그래 이번 시험 기간에 내가 스트레스를 거의 안 받는다..스트레스에 잘 대응해서 그런가..아무튼 해피 기말이 되었으면 좋겠다..다음 주에 시험이 끝나고 여행을 하고 고향에 돌아갈 거다..할 준비가 아주 많다..준비할 시간이 충분할 지 아직 모르는 거다..내일(토요일) 친구들은 파티를 한도고 계획을 세웠다..내가 아직 공부할 게 많이 남아 있다..그냥 시험을 하루만 잊고 같이 파티를 할 까??아니면 그냥 참여하지 말고 마지막의 노력을??모른다..친구아..정말 같이 안양천 옆에서 소리를 지르고 싶다..또 이렇게 늦게까지..정말 앞으로 어떤 날 갑자기 쓰러질 수도 있다..야야야 아자아자..울면 안 된다..그냥 사소한 일일 뿐 아무것도 아닌 것은..잠이나 자라!!!
2007년 12월 11일 화요일
another one..
today finished 2 exams..everyone seems like 100% serious with the final this time..but luckily I not being psycho..act I face the exam this time with little little hope..really thin and slim one..but then after the first( second act) exam I can finally exhale the sigh of relieve..guess what I can't finish the drawing today, for CAD..haha we're nothing compared to some Koreans, those who can finish in time and mantap enuf..didn't even feel sad..can't finish mah can't lor..no one cares..yea this is the spirit I missed so long..just like what Yu Han said(and she wrote in her status)..an illness called "bo rasa"..but for me, it's not an illness but it's kinda immunity..immune to stress??or desire to chase for glory..and the 2nd exam in the evening..glad to say that I did pretty well( if no unexpected stuffs happened)..as usual firstly damn blur while getting the question sheet..but then managed to finish it in style^^자랑:P..ops suddenly get the reason why am I immune to stress from exam dee..it's coz of homeworks, assignments!!!others all don't have any class during exam week, can focus 100% fire on their study..but me..class still on..and the nearer to exam period all the damnit lecturers suddenly so semangat to give reports..just finished one and still got one to go..tired, tired of homework!!!
Thursday..Physics exam will be taking place..and on what earth I still haven't touched that subject..almost everyone screwed up in the mid-term, so did I..and compared to others who treat the final exam of Physics as their only exam this time, all study and work so hard in effort to make the score better, I like tend to let it be, let the bad to be bad..aiks really need to find another 'me'..or the original 'me'??just leave it with no answer bah=.=
2007년 12월 9일 일요일
一觉醒来, 十点正..哇 竟然睡了七个小时有余, 可破了数月来的记录=.=然而精力充沛的感觉全然没有, 脑袋倒是重重的..也许这就是所谓的 'overload'吧..打从早上起又对着那本书..懂了多少??不重要.. 或许真懂了些吧..才第一次和它打交道就须面对考试, 不可要求太多:P..至少这次在集中力上取得了进步, 虽然迟了些..
周末一向来都只呆电脑前` 懒得下厨只等被叫吃的我, 在更该'不理世事'` 分秒必争的此时此刻, 竟然撇开书本, 煮起饭`炒起菜来..不明所以, 也许对着书累了, 想找点别的事做做吧..相对于其他人, 我的时间表还蛮写意的, 该庆幸吗??只是当别人都在蹦蹦跳跳` 高嚷着 "过了"` 把滑鼠及键盘打得响当当时, 我却还在为着未完成的战役而熬..那滋味当真是想了都怕..
一'知己'对我说了:"同是天涯沦落人"..哈哈..怎说呢..都因无法击溃心魔而沦落..明知没剩多少时间了, 还在人天交战..唉.."你还没尽力, 就算不尽力你也行的.." 内心里又响起如此声音, 真是要命呀..这这这, 还只不过是个开始~~
2007년 12월 6일 목요일
over dee??but more to come..
story started on Tuesday..the most lepak day of mine..but this week, since Maths exam will take place on Wednesday so I can feel the tension..back to home and my turn to cook..erm mayb some curry..as usual I'm too clumsy till nearly spoiled the whole pot of our dinner..luckily still can save it but dunno whether it was sux??super spicy?? or just normal:P..after dinner, something terrible that I had been worrying for time finally happened..my thigh, my back, my arms..almost every part swollen..in red.. yuacks..in moment got the feeling like dropped into hell..for heaven sake I got no more time and effort to bother over other stuffs than exams and tones of assignment..still I cooled myself down:"The symptom seems to be different..it's more like the symptom after I took alcohol..or mayb it's because of the heat I get from heater??since I sleep right on the heat spot and haven't had the feeling that it's already winter..it's must be."after 12 I lost all my concentration already..no point to keep myself to the book..instead I had DOTA till the sake of 4 in the morning..with 3 other crazy mates of mine..haih give the feeling like in vacation rite??
ok it's Wednesday..woke up with my body still itchy and in red..can't really make myself stood properly from my mattress..in the kitchen I knelt down helplessly..had the feeling of disaster happening..ya regretted dee..I'm punished for my immatureness.."you aren't an ironman..3++ hours of sleep equals to nothing dude.."ouch pain!!nvm one more night then can have a rest temporarily..it's ok MC..3 hours of Thermodynamics like normal..can concentrate on the lecture, though not 100%..something awaiting scared me out of my wits..already feeling like being burnt inside during lunch(lack of sleep giving its effect), the heat nearly strikes me faint while I entering classroom for another 3-hour-lecture..oh man it's worse than in summer..soon I knew my body did response dee, quite sensitive..and words from fellow Ehsan hit me hard..he said my face in red..how come??was just tired for the whole lecture..can't do any Maths exercise as I planned to do, for the coming up exam..did see myself in toilet..OMG OMG..looked like I'm drunken..all the symptoms.. calm down and we go to hospital tmr ya..managed to keep the condition from getting worse..and had our last exam for Maths..unlike what I heard from Rubhen, I wasn't blur when looking at the first question of the paper( for the first time out of 4 exams:P)..once I did have the feeling of giving up and nervous..actually it was my bad..coz I started my preparation for this exam quite early(my sole hope to score an 'A+' sadly) and found out that it's quite easy..and there started my ego, to leave the last part for the last-minute study..and did pay kinda painful price for that..I have no idea at all how to handle those questions in last part, which came out as the main part of exam questions..cried with no tear..though still able to did my best but let's just pray hard for an 'A+'..if not I will get none=.= last lecture from D. Hwang..he told us something..what he felt after lecturing us for one sem.. and so on so on..the funniest part.."you all got nothing to tell me??"everyone just kept quiet..act I got some to tell u sir..though I think our Daniel can teach better than u in this subject, but I did admit that u did u great job( to me only??lolz)..at least u were able to keep me awake, concentrated to ur lecture..u can make me understand the stuffs u taught whereby reading the book itself makes me blur over what I've learnt..haha..u are at the top in my lecturers' ranking this sem..and mayb 2nd or 3rd for the first year(after 이성오..and 황재호 mayb??)..and for the subjects under those 2 lecturers I did excellent score, so hopefully the rule works this time also:P..argghh another busy night..with the itch bothering somemore..sux!!!
felt better today..5-hour sleep made things better..wtf 민용기..tell earlier mah u not going to check the note today..ppl all burnt midnight oil to rush ur stupid so-called homework..why don't somebody just send u to the sake of hell?!!wow today quite macho also..finished the report just 30mins before the due-time kaka..and the itch strike again..lecture finished one hour earlier ya??hospital lor..I insisted that I want to see the doctor also no matter my prob is because of fever, flu or just a pure skin disease..and so kind of the doctor, listening to my description about my case..yeah my Korean not that bad also^^haha proud proud..ok will receive injection, as I expected..but ouch 2 on the usual part..pain~~and must have some pills over 3 days..yeah let's just swallow the pills and have a nice sleep in Materials class tmr:P..and until night time after finishing Physics class I was in half-concious condition..yet being cheered by the effect of the injection..no more redden face(like cartoon according to XY), no more scratching over my body.. yess!!!!!!wanna have nice condition for the coming exam weeks and holidays:)not mood to study tonite though..just dota lah tmr only start:P..
arrgghhh seems like my schedule for exam going to be disastrious again..got 3 papers on next next week..the week going to depart to Taiwan=.=shit lar like no time to walk around and get some nice nice souvenirs back dee..erm next week got 5 gua..dunno whether wanna face it with little hope or face with the giving up mood:P..just let it be lar:P..and now the x-sleep plan cancelled dee..will cost me alots de..luckily realised dee now than to experience it next week.. haha seems like I'm doing what baba asked from the very first when I came to Korea-->writing diary..is this a diary??dunno..but too sad he won't be able to read some of these also, since written in English lolz..eyelids getting heavier~~
2007년 12월 5일 수요일
2007년 12월 3일 월요일
oh it's past 2 in the midnite..at least I can be cheered up by study of Maths and notes of Fluids which I did today??pls lar Maths..I need to get at least one A+ and u r the one..that I got hope and find it not so troublesome..now thinking of x-sleep during exam week..but then must be alert..whether it will bring the satisfying outcome??else my so-called 'SACRIFICE' will be in vain..and mayb with my core squeezed to dry..
today got in touch with my cousin that we didn't meet for years dee..she's studying in Taiwan..but all on her own..she works and earns all her expenses, even her schooling expenses.. heard before from baba mama that her mum(my aunt) just don't need to worry bout her daughter..months before she went to US somemore..though she's already my idol since I was a child..now I salute her more and more..I will never be able to get behind u, though once I thought I did..hehe it's my trip to Taiwan few weeks later made me to get in touch again with u..it's my bad..but then do inform me if u coming to Korea..treat u gau gau if it happens( as long as I haven't graduated and finished my course here:P)..and get one nudge from a friend of mine.. warned me must reach SG. B on 29th Dec..since he's leaving for campus on the next day..haha surely will be able to do that..c ya that time..
story of fool again..it's a rojak feeling..sometimes will think I'm smart and able to poyo in certain aspects..sometimes:"I'm not bad also what, compared to others."..sometimes:"I'm so so stupid, on what earth am I going to compete with others?"everybody knows this is something to do with confidence..ya when boosted with confidence, can easily feel the momentum like unstoppable..but confidence is just like a balloon..confidence will leak away pretty fast, like a penetrated balloon..ending of the story:"I'm not really a fool, but I wanna be one."
2007년 12월 1일 토요일
still can't get past=.=
无可否认 我也想去了解
其中的奥妙` 高超`神奇
这些这些 都是促使当初的我做出如此决定的因子
无奈的` 可悲的
它是短暂的` 昙花一现
也许` 真的也许
我只不过是个永远都挣不脱那 '怕输'枷锁的普通小伙子
一被赞 我会飘飘欲仙 仿佛 on top of the world
我也想有用不完的 resources
口沫横飞` 双唇相碰的频率高得超乎想象
一句句的高丽话` 以波的形式萦绕在耳边
思绪已经飞到了九霄云外` 远在十万八千里外的某地....
(2007年 11月 30日 기계재료학 수업에
作白日梦동시에 쓴 끌....)
2007년 11월 28일 수요일
Am I a fool??
questions like these also can't solve..a simple fact, theory also can't understand..what lar!!!
keep doing like this bring no good, not even a single little reward or feedback..why keep doing it?? sometimes it brings harm somemore..r u such a fool that dunno to stop even knowing that u r actually knocking door of an empty house??no one will answer u!!!
ya it's easy to say:"let things go when it's hopeless."..tell you how many times dee don't waste ur time anymore..but then..mayb too stubborn, a stubborn coward..why don't u go and give everything in one bet??coz u r a damnit coward..u scare that failure will be waiting there..u scare u will lost everything..so u rather do it in a coward way, even knowing that it won't bring u the thing u longing for, and will never bring u to the destination..
ahew u stupid coward fool=.=
2007년 11월 26일 월요일
鼓起勇气 看得起自己
我要别人能看见 另一个自己
想飞 想飞
我要寻找另一个自己 另一个自己
哦 这样太刺激
想飞 想飞
经历 风雨
2007년 11월 25일 일요일
뭐라 해야 되는지...
어젯밤도 영화를 봤다..'쏘우 4'라는 영활..공포편으로 분류해도 될 까??사실은 무서움이 하나도 없고 그냥 끔찍한 거뿐이지..작년인가??'쏘우 3'을 봤기는 했는데 아무 이상한 느낌도 없었고 웃기까지..이번에 한 장면에 왠지 토하고 싶은 느낌이 생겼더라..왜 왜 왜??그래도 대단한 영화였다..아 이번에 새 극장에서 봤거든..멀기는 좀 한데 크고 화려한 극장ㅋㅋ
시험은 이주일만 남았나??아직도 헤매고 있다...요즘 오랜만에 '생활적인' 생활을 하고 있으니 다행이네..계속 이러도 싶다..왠지 모자란 것 좀 있지만..분명히 뭘 바라고 있는 거..잘 안 되어도 괜찮아..희망을 가지고 살아라 목준아..이 세상에서 다른 찾아 다닐 만한 거 무수히 많아..만족을 느낄 줄 알아야 진정한 행복이겠지...참 뭘 좀 쓰려고 했는데 생각 안 나네..정말 늙은가 보다..
2007년 11월 22일 목요일
worth a thought...
hmm..guess I quite used to stay in a group(or lepak with) of Malays friends..and surely u can hear about something that u seldom, or never hear b4..Syidi, one of the macho guy in our batch..he's kinda nice man, with humour..today he talked bout his study in college, and his plan for the coming final..ya since we 're in different major there's no chance to know about their development..one by one..all the subjects were mentioned..with the scores in mid-term, and the mininum condition to do a comeback during the final..don't wanna deny that I have a feeling of paiseh, re-thinking of the scene happened during the afternoon, though I just responded with some jokes and laughs this afternoon..seriously such plan never occur in my mind, not even for a single second..and very shameful to say that none of the subjects that I have the confidence to score an 'A+'..haha comeback is just like a term used in football or sports event for me..
and another thing..he said mood and spirit to study like being affected abit...guess what??coz there's no gal..zzz..but understandable..study for pride..just that he wants pride in front of gals..kaka never think of this kinda theory:P..secondary school time we fought for prizes, anugerah..never tired of trying to get more prizes than others:P..so so realistic..then Physics story followed..ya a sad story for almost all of us..just let it be a history to forget^^at nite class being lectured gau gau by the lecturer somemore..critisized so teruk..I hurt de lor hehe..fire me lor since I never complete my job as a student, to study hard as u said..ya study is a job for student..but it will be different case for scholars(lolz I'm not blowing any trumpet here and be boasting the status!!)..just that so hard can grab a chance to study overseas..it'll be a waste if u don't take this chance to experience something different, different system, different life, culture and etc. during the period u r abroad..life-living is also one kind of study..
talking about Wed..finished Maths exam only mah..why after that got the feeling like holidays only..went for dinner..took so long time to finish..then after dinner lei..can accompany our 배달 guy xy go here go there..kaka..how nice will it be if everyday can do stuffs like that..loafing around..no syllabus, assignment and homework pressing..though in a chilling winter nite, having an ice-cream, no matter indoor or outdoor is kinda enjoyment..life life life..
2007년 11월 19일 월요일
厌倦了`也享受了解陌生`再由了解到陌生..自身`周遭..都如变幻风云般深不可测..明知近不得..却硬是要身陷其中..却是为了什么呢..是不是见到的`接触的越多,就越容易迷迷失掉最单纯` 最简单的自己..说到了心坎里去了..人类这复杂的动物, 总是有把事情弄的极其复杂的倾向..今天, 分明跟自己说了:"算了吧"..明天却又再牵肠挂肚, 久久不能自已..叹道:"不过弱冠, 何来如此多的感触!!"..答案..何处去找..就让它成为不解之迷吧..又有谁人会费劲去找`做这吃力不讨好的苦差事..
六十出点头..并不是那么在意..而是..抚心自问..倒底都在干些什么..抬头一望..墙上贴着: 别忘了你是谁!!我是谁??不下于十来个的化身..倒底化成了哪个..'一身是胆', 满肚苦水倒还差不多..又向谁吐呢..笑, 是真心在笑..哭, 也是放怀痛哭..
双眼..透视力越来越强..有些事, 看明了凭添苦恼..有些看了哭笑不得..有些则让你不免抿嘴一笑..跟你会心一笑的, 也是自己..自言自语..所言所语的, 都是些在对话中找不到的料..一些不可低估的料..
2007년 11월 16일 금요일
a just just...
ya one report handed up today..but things not finished yet..can someone find an excuse for me..excuse for what huh??excuse not to care..excuse to let it be..nothing dee I'm free from the stressful and miserable exam period dee..but then still feel at a lost..argh it's so challenging when u can't find out what's going wrong..when u got feeling like this u will be able to understand the meaning of '답답하다' fully^^SP ar I wanna chat with u...guess u r darn busy with ur study gut.. hmm today I come up with this:
"when u feel there's a hope,
it will be put off by something in no time
when u feel despair,
a ray of hope will be shining there, luring u to carry on
it takes no time to get a wound,
but takes long time to get it recover
a small strike will make a shining point dim,
but it will be a tall order to get it shining back
cups of beers can make u drunk,
but hours of sleep always needed to get awake back..."
rules of nature??who said that?!!
weekend..tmr nite's annual dinner..most prepared something for that..ya mayb it acts to give a short break..luxurious venue..well make-up mates..delicious and inviting food..haha will be a great Saturday nite..ops must be alert..temperature will be killingly low..and windy..ouch a big challenge..as preparation for the coming winter..Sunday..time for our Physics results to be announced..haha I asked my roomie dee to tell me the announcement of the results only at the late nite..a reasonable move to keep my mood for the day I guess..hehe..
half of November passed already..2007 also approaching its end..one more month then will be going back..it's too early to think of plan to have in M'sia..mayb needa plan for the one month left in Korea gut..aiya really dunno what to do now=.=here wanna post an advice:"don't underestimate the bad effect of insufficient sleep!!!"..ya for few weeks dee I barely slept longer than 6 hours per day..continuously..b4 this the only effect felt is keep fishing during class..it won't matter coz mayb the failure to understand what the lecturers talking about is also a factor..but this week..even cycling in cold wind I can feel the tireness too..freshness gone though just woke up hour ago..argghh..and last weekend..guess what??can fall asleep sitting on my chair one hour after waking up..and during class..instead of drowse..got a feeling that my inner side like being squeezed..very hard..and painfully..really scare of one day will loss consciousness like dailou, collapsing in a big crowd..I don't want that to happen!!!
2007년 11월 11일 일요일
Sat..the whole day packed with activities..firstly I wish a very very late 'Happy D33pavalli' to all the Indians here..and thanks for the open-house..the tremendous food^^5 of us went for shopping in Myeong-dong straight afterwards..so long didn't travel out of this area dee..can't remember when was the last time since I had my last shopping..unlikely, we guys went for stuffs in our list..for the first time, I really feel the satisfaction of spending money like water.. haha very shuang..syok..aigh if money can be auto-refilled also..dunno whether is '乐极生悲' anot an accident happened on the way back..luckily it's nothing serious:P..auch my Sat not yet over..joined a movie somemore..crazy liao..siau liao..back from shopping..panic and frus over troublesome com..dota..and rushed for movie..midnite movie..arggh 3 only got home..a tiring day..
miserable Sunday morning..reformatted com..studied nothing except getting my Physics 80% done..isshh keeping troubling me only this com..even after reformatting..big big possibility can't play dota dee after this..sad:'(..why I screwed up my mid-term wor..if not I surely change a new com next year=.=k lar tmr a new new week..and surprise waiting^^
2007년 11월 9일 금요일
out of control...
2007년 11월 6일 화요일
人 有个安身之窝
极须寄托的 却又何处为家呢
曾经的梦` 豪得可以的凌云志
唯有叹以一声: "唉~~~"
2007년 11월 5일 월요일
yea finished study for tmr exam liao..dunno lah how it's going to be..just enter the exam hall..sit down and spend one hour there lah..the outcome will be different story..yet it's not the exam which bothering me for the whole weekends..reports, assignments, homeworks..arrghh..can only have back life like before after finishing all those=.=missed the call from family while I'm dotaing..guess they pissed off with no response from me..auch gotta find an excuse liao when speaking to them next time..just don't have mood to call back today..aigh..baba mama must be sad, having a son like me..
recently quite bad-tempered..bad mood..emotional..until I even can't believe myself..before this no matter how my mood is, extremely excited, extremely down or else..I managed to control it.. didn't show in front of ppl..and was quite proud of this..but then sad to say things changed.. I did show my bad temper sometimes..bursted in front of others..sorry ya to those I did offend .. hopefully things will change back during the coming week..just finished dota just now..ya of coz I lost the game..kept cursing during the late stage of game..still feeling the frustration..something wrong with me dee..my brain just vacant, looking at the darn damnit Physics book in front..I just can't go to bed like this..must cool down first..and..wondering what kinda of day will tomorrow be..anyhow next week is going to be great..exam will be over for me..thought I'm the latest to have it finished..and will be a party-week also I guess..really need this kinda things to boost me up..hmm the posts recently all so so negative, despair and miserable..and hope this will be the last one..the last one..
(haha just watched a darn funny video^^now can't stop laughing pulak:P..thanks wor to that guy who found it..kaka)
2007년 11월 2일 금요일
花, 是美丽的
以期寒冬之后 立春之时
有盛开` 调谢之期
忘掉该忘的` 放下该放的
别再直直叫苦` 四处投诉了
知足常乐呀 你这大笨虫` 小傻蛋~~
2007년 11월 1일 목요일
over but not yet over..
and hor..the weather really crazy ler recently..mayb should stop cycling to school liao..sad sad later can't have any sports liao lor..winter already knocking the door..promise dee to give myself a long long sleep..but still..I hang up till this late again..haih..
2007년 10월 31일 수요일
rAZOR Lightning R3L3van~~
this afternoon almost lost my USB..I forgot to plug out after connecting it to computer in school..luckily still can find back..haha can't express my mood that time..失而复得..the feeling is just nice..like a sunshine shining in my heart^^tmr maths test..ok lah my preparation..at least I did try to do..haven't touched the subject that the exam will take place on Thursday..now just simply enjoy only since lost of hope dee..tired of fighting already:P..hmm got no idea how to face Physics lecturer on Thursday..but then after his class I sure will call DOTA..act I kesian u all didn't play for 'so so long' dee..I pui u all play lah:P..then weekend again liao..
what to do during weekend??need to call family liao..gonna tell them how teruk I did in mid-term..and see how their response will be??ask me not to care??or scold me like hell..u all dunno me..I am not smart..so don't always expect too much oo..hmm this Saturday Arsenal will take on Man United at Emirates..glory glory MU let's get a win and climb over the damnit f***ing gunners..must find a way to watch also anyway..Lionel u must figure out something oo..TVU player^^
today get the air ticket dee^^cost me 550000 Korean Won o..pain..hehe 22nd Dec will be in Taiwan..for one week..then by 29th noon will reach KLIA liao^^guess all miss me very much hor..I dunno whether I miss u all that much also:P..so still got half day to loaf, travel around in KL b4 getting home..my lovely home..my lovely bed and my bike..must go Xiaugu's house to see see..haven't been to her new house..less than 2 months..this darn disastrous 2nd sem will end..wah think so long de..something I already know..I know..I know..I know..very nice~~마리서사 (Mary 敍事) - 너 없인 행복할 수 없잖아..very nice also..and good night to this nice nice nite..
2007년 10월 29일 월요일
2007년 10월 27일 토요일
it's time to change...
2007년 10월 23일 화요일
否则 处处碰壁
'百忙之中' 尚能在这 '不知所云', 能否羡煞旁人??
另类的室友, 让我不至过于压抑, 也感到庆幸^^
2007년 10월 21일 일요일
the weather is amazingly cold...
the wind is amazingly penetrating...
the time is amazingly fast...
the exam is amazingly close...
the circuits are amazingly annoying...
my notes is amazingly long...
peoples are amazingly stress...
the DOTA heat is amazingly irresistible...
the cushion of my chair is amazingly hot...
the CPU is amazingly noisy...
I'm amazingly hardworking today:P...
beer is amazingly tempting...
ears are amazingly painful...
brain is amazingly overworked...
eyelids are amazingly heavy...
tomorrow is amazingly scaring than ever...
the night is amazingly nice^^still~~~
2007년 10월 19일 금요일
blessing??or disaster??
sometimes, it'll be just great to you
sometimes it'll bring you down
till the lowest point..
it all depends on your point of view
sometimes it'll look totally different at another angle
don't mind too much to be weird or different from others
the so-called difference might turn the dilemma in front into a straight, wide highway
when it's time for others to have party, to enjoy
it's so pity of me who still need to dig inside the book with my little head
the unfinished battle, the final battle lies ahead
the only one, the different one
going to fight joy and laugh with dullness and tension??
you'll never win with the stupid way
it's joy to chase dullness away
it's laugh to get tension loosed..
you'll be part of joy after the battle
will be sweeter??since you suffer more
you can have your great time while others having tension
blessing, can be disaster sometimes
disaster can also be blessing as well
make no complaint, then you'll be blessed
that's the way, the way out of no way^^
(P/s#warm~~killed off the cold which froze my face, stiffened my hands..haha what kinda experience of cycling in such weather^^kaka recharging my brain..drained to dry=.=)
2007년 10월 18일 목요일
那是 衷心的笑~~
源自欢愉` 幸福
源自大喜大悲` 发泄
haha guess what??today on the way to class..I realised something weird with my face..I was smiling without any reason, or funny scene..lolz..suddenly felt my face also brighter, and mood also nice..guess should be a great start to my busy Wednesday gua..indeed..today 2 of my 3-hour class all finished one hour earlier^^the funniest thing happened during Maths class..as usual most of us blur blur only when lecturer was teaching..but then I felt more confident over last week and this week's lesson..seriously I will say sorry if u ask me to solve questions or do calculation but I think I can understand quite lots^^then there's one part..which the lecturer explained with light-like speed..arrghh can't understand even 10%..but that period was that one when I kept laughing..inside my heart maybe..firstly, I dunno what he talking and writing about also..really no idea on what to do..looking at him, and some blur blur faces around me, the only thing I can do is to laugh:P..苦笑 I guess..with KH sitting behind me also pissed off dee, cursing..(maybe not syok the lecturer explaining some terms in English gut..his English level:P)..then doing notes at home time..mou la la blamed by ppl pulak..hng!!anyway..17th Oct a smiling day^^nitez..
2007년 10월 16일 화요일
2007년 10월 14일 일요일
a short break
had a nice time during the raya party..really..the food..the atmosphere..just that like there're something stucked inside..have no idea what it's..lol let it be..oh ya have no talent in taking nap..napping on the chair like 'discharging' more than recharging me=.=haha hate to talk about exam..still wanna talk but about the plan after exam..I proposed to wawa and dailou already weeks ago..we go for a meal in VIPS after exam..u can anggap as to pamper our own self or as a recognition to our effort..whatever lar..and shopping perhaps??I want the time-machine from Dorae-mon:P..ahha I guess I got some answers for those questions over the reasons of staying up late everynite..first, night atmosphere is so nice..quiet..cool..give me the feeling like there's only me in this world..second, updates in soccer world always come at this time..kinda stupid right..I can recall back the time when I was at home after SPM..always woke up early(unnecessarily) just to get updated with football news in newspaper:P..third, by staying up late, u can get asleep faster since already tired..what a twisted arguement.."家有儿女"(Chinese comedy series) until episod 50++ already..bring me unstoppable laugh..sometimes Dota also:P..ya need some medicine to cut down appetite dee..huh 3:22 already..damn!!!
2007년 10월 12일 금요일
见一个 爱一个=.=
I damn bu shuang with the DOTA game just now!!
bu shuang coz lost the first war of this new Utopia age!!
bu shuang coz still keep wasting time though exam is just around the corner!!
bu shuang b'coz of the weather!!
bu shuang b'coz of some unknown stress!!
bu shuang b'coz of down mood!!
bu shuang b'coz of my stupidness!!
bu shuang b'coz I not geng enough!!
bu shuang b'coz some people!!
bu shuang b'coz of this!!
bu shuang b'coz of that!!
bu shuang b'coz of everything!!
I wish that I have the right or power to mess everything up, break all into pieces and make them restart..arggh I wanna shout but now already past 2 in the midnite..ish..
2007년 10월 10일 수요일
为自己而活 方才称为生活
为生活而活 乃是受苦
so fast next week going to have the first exam for mid-term already..Mechatronics~~swt this whole Saturday seems to be gone dee..gotta go Embassy to celebrate raya, with international fireworks fest at night somemore..if everyone going sure join what..nevermind already came up with a so-called 'well-planned' schedule..focus fire on Mechatronics..then only Physics and the damnit Materials..the unexpected early-made Mecha exam seems like making things better..at least I can focus on other heavy and lot-to-cover subjects right after next Wednesday^^pray hard my plan will work well..
k talk about my supper( can say as dinner also)..a 매운 바베큐맞 닭꼬치^^one of the attraction of Gaebong..I saje, purposely put in status to lure ppl:P..kaka..it's still as nice as before..so long didn't buy whoe chicken from there dee..paiseh dunno whether the price go up anot..nvm we got 꼬치..the uncle..so nice..so friendly..borak abit..damn the fried chicken there almost finished, even it's not 11 yet..terribly laku..this chicken shop will be the one I will miss the most if happen to leave..arrghh hate tmr..hate Fluids..hate the exhibition tmr..
2007년 10월 9일 화요일
骑着自行车上学, 一路上不停的叫喊, 他是疯了吗^^
这 '冷'呀..带来的是无法抗拒的睡意 站着也有点想闭上眼睛去会会周公的感觉..
没有 '冷' 就不能突显冲完热水澡所带来的舒适..
还是好想念昨晚那令人 '坐立不能' 的冷风^^
哀莫大于心死~~ 稍加修改
悲莫大于 '心冷'
相比于周围多人的热衷 你算的了什么?? 什么都不是!!
2007년 10월 8일 월요일
what I've learnt
낙엽이 떨어지는 가을이 온다. 날씨도 쌀쌀해진다. 기분도 영향을 받고 이상해진다. 답답하기도 하고.. 왜 이랬으 까?? 가을이 원래 슬픈 계절인가?? 기분 좋은 얘기를 하려 했는데 꺼내지 못하네~~아니면 그런 얘긴 없는 건가?? 그럼 다른 얘길 할 까?? 이번 툐욜에 불꽃축제에 갈 사람 있나?? 소핑하러 하자는 사람 있나?? 하루 종일 책과 지내지 말자고..정말 잃은 자기를 찾아야 된다..점차 추워진 날씨같이 맘도 차가워져 버리면 아주 슬픈 얘기지..오래만에 한국어로 이런 글을 쓰는데 선생님한테 체크 받을 까?ㅋㅋㅋ..야단만 맞을 거지..이렇게 늦게까지..쌀쌀한 바람 창문에서..어두움에서 불어 온다..귀신..설마 있으면 뭐가 생기면 나쁘지도 않다 싶다..미친 놈??그냥 마지막 한다니: 추워~~
2007년 10월 5일 금요일
a nudge~~
a guy named SP..get to know him since Form 1..we get close very fast..though I was still in gang with those I know since primary school..haha mayb something similiar between both of us become the magnetic force gua..we criticised teachers, zat our own friends badly, acted very chuen and etc..kinda miss that time ler..but then soon we became 'opponent'..tried darn hard to beat each other for position in exam kaka..can't stop laughing if I have a flashback of our school-life that time..k I can say that u're my best friend after all..can't describe my joy when I heard both of us going to the same Matrix, KMNS^^yeah..yet we separated there after one month..it's so short of one month..outing together..gathered and borak in my room till midnite..hostel guard shouted down there somemore..that was the first time for me to share my feeling and opinion so so freely and openly..who else with us har that time??Ang ang and Yen Chew??guess so^^
anything changed since I came here??yea there're lots of changes but our friendship remains unchanged..should appreciate it rite:)..hmm were there only 2 of us last time I went back??yum cha at mamak at nite..so jiwang meh:p..one of my biggest secret became nothing to me=.=wakaka u dota also^^oh ya and thanks for ur advices, ur support and ur willingness to listen..not forget about ur kindness to share ur experience with me..I buy u a souvenir lor when I go back this winter??see first lar haha..
ok back to this morning..though that's only a chat less than 15 mins I guess..but then everything covered..what a nice chat though..kinda shock hearing that u ponteng class so so frequent..but then if it was me guess I'll do the same also..really pah be do(打不倒)..good luck in ur exam ya..good luck to me also in Maths exam which will take place 16hours later..today slept too much in class dee gut till now still quite fresh..must go sleep liao tmr wanna go school earlier..looking forward to our next chat..hope that we can share good news lar that time^^
2007년 10월 4일 목요일
a story...
time flies..and changed everything as well..a small downfall in his life occurred..new environment.. all too unfamiliar to him..he faced problems to accustom to all the new stuffs..was too dull, too 'pathetic' for one year..he's no longer the one who can receive awards with ease like before.. seriously, things are like kinda weird for him..after crouching for so long came a bounce back from him..things go well as what he had been expecting..his hunger to hunt for pride and position was back..just in a different form..finally he accomplished the first major dream in his life^^
now..he came to a brand new life and environment..he entered a bigger platform, a bigger stage.. his background is acting as a force, pushing him to continue his hunt for glory..things won't always go as expectation though..some words from one of his faithful mate worked..his view on things began to change, without he realising it..consequently he felt his mind even closer than ever with his mate though seperated far..learning to live a life is always important..must know how to let things go when it's the time..must know how to face troubles with a laugh..from being too care, too stubborn over something, he's now able to feel satisfied with things easily..small achievements, some even not enough to make him feel proud before, now can simply bring a smile or laugh of satisfaction from him..with this, space and space were created..space to breathe, space to escape from reality temporarily..
#P/S: own creation..copyright reserved^^
2007년 10월 3일 수요일
这样想或许会好过一些 :"我若为了这等事而烦, 那就不折不扣的是世上第一大蠢蛋!"
极力勉强时却处处碰壁, 放下了却反而豁然开朗, 意外的收获也随之而来..都跟你说了放手!!!
人啊 总是那么多的'可是' , '要不然'...这些能当饭吃吗??
既然 '剪不断, 理还乱', 要么一刀断了, 要么任由其适...怨天尤人又有啥用呢..
damn lar dunno what's these about also:P..mayb need someone who will be able to translate to me gut hehe..omg I dozed off=.=suan le bah stop here..
2007년 10월 2일 화요일
ridiculous MONDAY!!!
(1) lets study ENGLISH!! in maths book:P
(2) study maths? more like study english lo~:|
(3) what is linear algebra?
(4) careful~~~~take care...all ikut trend copy sore throat
(5) 요즘 될 일이 하나도 없냐?
(6) goodbye dota...
(7) need changes..something wrong!!
(8) everybody gets sick....
(9) yw is right : lets open maths book n study english!!!
(10) 금요일전에 내게 도타하자는 사람은 사형!!!
'generally', statements listed above can be catogorized into 3..'RED' due to the maths exam which going to take place on Tuesday and Friday..seriously I rather study in Korean than facing those twisted English lor..my English not that power=.=even our ace, MP posted status like that(what is linear algebra?)......
'YELLOW' due to the health problems haunting some of us..dunno who started this..gotta pull him or her out to 'repair' a bit^^(by Xein one)..mayb due to the drastic change of weather..from summer into autumn..ya now it's always windy outside and there's no need to switch on fan liao:p..everyone take good care of urself o..unfinished battle lies ahead..
'OLIVE'?? dunno b'coz of what lar..mayb personal problems..mayb study problems also lar..but then "goodbye dota..." a bit irrational..by the one who has been so enthusiastic, fanatic and crazy over the game..guess he won't be able to stand long gut^^
ok personally I feel better now..can do a bit liao lar compared to yesterday just looking at the question and bengang like that nia..tmr is my lovely Tuesday again..warm welcome from me^^
2007년 10월 1일 월요일
2007년 9월 30일 일요일
wake me up..when september ends~~
tired..tired of what??
getting more confused liao..there's one time when I convinced myself that I'm always optimistic.. can smile and laugh with ease..sometimes walking or bathing also can laugh like what nia.."nevermind sure can do it one"..what a sentence..but then sometimes..will get stress easily..so so extreme de..haha nvm got this idea..think it in a positive way..no one can guess ur mind with such characteristics..arrgh headache liao..let's get back to the report then..need someone to donate flesh to me..and teach me Maths as well coz haven't studied and done a single question at all=.=
2007년 9월 22일 토요일
P/S: come'on MU's return
2007년 9월 19일 수요일
给人们(吾也)带来了长吁短叹的心境 唉~~
也让我 有了模仿自创的题材 哈哈
也偶尔 让人有豁然开朗的那一刻
让前方`未来更加明朗 ^^
当初, 我下定决心
曾经, 我无忧无虑
曾几何时, 我意气风发
忘了何时, 我跌到谷底
回想现在, 我无言以对
展望未来, 我的指路明灯..
为何所困?? 非也非也..
为何所烦?? 也不尽然..
为何所迷?? 从何谈起..
为何所逼?? 岂有此理..
为何所惑?? 不谈也罢..
过关斩将 又是何人设的关 谴的将!!!
2007년 9월 11일 화요일
2007년 9월 8일 토요일
more than one year d~~
more than one year didn't see my family dee..was such a fool last year didn't take a shot of them when I went back,with my digi-cam..swt..haha wrote this for my baba..though he doesn't have high education(only managed to finish his primary school), he's kinda father that all my siblings are proud of..I'm not saimeng about my dad lar..just that all my uncles and aunts said it's a waste that he didn't further his study mah..hehe I guess it's true de..if I have his 'geng'ness then I won't suffer in study d now:P..hmm he dunno English de..only knows to speak some words in English..but one thing..his Mandarin is kinda god-like to me..haha one of my aunt(whose Mandarin not that good) said that baba can even sit for STPM's Chinese exam dee..wah..hehe having a father who is an all-rounder is always great..as a carpenter he repairs fishermen's boat,ship..he can make furniture..most of the furnitures in my house are own-made..though my house is only single-storey house,but we have a double-storey room thanks to his 'magic'^^he knows engine too..or things related to metal(my uncles' field)..can handle some minor electrical stuffs also,such as wiring and fixing some simple electrical appliances..wah we save alots of money with our mighty father..until a friend of my aunt said that my family is stingy,using all own-made stuffs^^lolz..forgot dee since when..I began to fill my father's occupation as 'MECHANIC' in all the official forms or documents..baba is always strict to all of us since we were little kids..hehe almost all of my cousins feeling scared of him..hmm after growing abit older only get to know our real baba..caring, responsible, smart, humor..hehe mayb my Teo-chew before that sux gua..he's kinda nice and funny man to his friends, old classmates and our relatives too..humor, making ppl laugh..aiya I didn't inherit this good characteristics from him:|..guess it's baba's strictness that made all my siblings '乖乖仔' in eyes of our relatives,and even school teachers..(ok I admit that I'm not guai,not at all)..can't figure out how big is the effort he paid to make sure we have good education..hehe wanna talk about his weird weird hobbies..practising calligraphy..riding motorbike around..(kinda enjoy going out with him on motorbike:P)..hehe I promise(to myself) that I'll practise again lor writing with you when I go back end of this year, if I got the mood lar that time:P..Chinese literature..wanna 자랑 also..I touched Chinese literature bcoz of his influence gut..now mostly 'given back' to him again lor..forgot alots liao..but can't reach his level to write 'dui lian'..stop!!!now talk something bad lar about baba..a traditionalist..mayb I got some smell of that also??wah last time, even I already in secondary school, but still not allowed to be outside till late in night..Form 4 or Form 5 time, once I went hanging out with friends till a bit late(over 11pm), he will start finding me,by calling or else..that's why never experience staying overnight with friends that time..now I can see some changes in him..mayb all of us are grown up dee??dunno ler..that day modified one of his favourite poem haha..guess I didn't miss any about you hor..both good and bad:P..wanna go sleep dee..first weekend of our new sem..any plan??!
2007년 9월 4일 화요일
what had happened to me:@
2007년 9월 2일 일요일
from now on~~
2007년 8월 29일 수요일
need a thought
2007년 8월 27일 월요일
one more week:'(
2007년 8월 26일 일요일
静茹啊~~你可否知道夏天可是一点都不宁静...白天, 那热呼呼的热风, 直把人刮的是汗流浃背, 叫苦连天...夜晚, 除了虫鸣, 没有一丝丝的凉意, 那怕是开了多把电风扇, 也还是叫'热'不迭...这热呀, 可是把我熏得晕头转向, 更带来频频的睡意...做什么都提不起劲, 无异于行尸走肉(夸张了点:P)...走在夏天的大街上, 可感受到青年男女们通过服装释放的十足活力, 也可感到装有空调的商店散发的诱惑....天啊~~这可真的让我体会到空调的可贵...前几天的我, 还在那庆幸着今年的夏天要比去年的好上数倍...原来在后头等着的才是高潮...衷心祈求, 有一架时光机把我带走,那怕是把我送到气温零下十几度的冬天...至少, 冬天能让我的心宁静下来, 把所有的烦恼冻结, 也把心湖冻结, 到时那怕是狂风飕飕, 也激不起一阵涟漪...