
2012년 2월 7일 화요일


也许, 回到这小天地越频繁, 越不是件好事...
过往还蛮兴奋的, 可以在这唯我的空间留下自己的一点一滴, 以容日后缅怀或反省...
真的很不高兴, 我试过 EMO, 可从没有过持续这么长时间的...
是能力有限的问题吗? 还是时不于我?
当初的豪情, 坚持已渐渐离我而去...
正所谓 '天将降大任于世人....', 我现在只想做普通人...

爱情 - 糟  : 无可奈何吧 谁叫你一支公呢?
事业 - 糟  : 正正是我当下的写照...
健康 - 糟  : 哇 用不用啊? 谁叫你酱 STRESS 呢? 吃又不戒口, 还酗酒...
财运 - ?    : 忘了, 还是赶快把手头上的'红'放了套现吧~

天啊, 现在我只能祈祷, 但愿光阴真的似箭呗~

2012년 2월 1일 수요일

钱, 作怪~

it's been long since my last post here... and even me myself couldn't expect the changes happened....
I, as time goes on, am walking further and further away from the ambitious goal I set for myself....
yet, gain in figure is followed by depletion in other aspects....
3 weeks of vacation, and today is the exact 21st day after I came back here, a prison called 'RRE'....
being the richest-ever me in my life so far, I am having the poorest, and the most lonely soul now....
well, the saying that when u gained something, u lost, or are losing something for it, is always true....
it's still long to start the countdown now, yet I told 2 of them, time is ticking really slow....
when I turned my head back, few more days are going to make it a month, the quarter mark of the duty before the next freedom....
I dunno what's awaiting in the future, I couldn't even expect how my mood is going to be tomorrow, less than 10 hours from now....
After all, I still appreciate what I am having now... some beloved who are always behind me, giving me endless support and power... some spirits that help me to stand against the loneliness, and mentally torture by an insane....
I seldom pray, yet I would like to thank and pray for the blessings, please, hold me strong till the end which might be not far away~