2009년 5월 27일 수요일
2009년 5월 20일 수요일
2009년 5월 15일 금요일
did nothing since I came back from 열람, was fooling and wasting time around instead..thanks that I have good mood today, even physically feeling sux and like going to get sick..
ppl say study hard play hard..I gonna make another one my dream: study smart play hard!!hope that this will become true a day not far away~~
today Sam gave us back our exam paper, yeah my score came out as expected..just a little 아깝다 coz I lost marks in stupid way, should have stayed longer in the exam hall few weeks ago@@..I top my group in the score^^not meaning to compare, just feel happy over it~~( grant me all ur luck for my physics 2nd exam tmr! I know history won't be repeating this time, but I will try my 200% best, PROMISE!!)
ppl say study hard play hard..I gonna make another one my dream: study smart play hard!!hope that this will become true a day not far away~~
today Sam gave us back our exam paper, yeah my score came out as expected..just a little 아깝다 coz I lost marks in stupid way, should have stayed longer in the exam hall few weeks ago@@..I top my group in the score^^not meaning to compare, just feel happy over it~~( grant me all ur luck for my physics 2nd exam tmr! I know history won't be repeating this time, but I will try my 200% best, PROMISE!!)
2009년 5월 14일 목요일
my current personal message: 只要灿烂过, 就再无遗憾~~
tmr will always be a better day..yea I have been 灿烂过, and sure will be 灿烂 again..lalala~~
tmr will always be a better day..yea I have been 灿烂过, and sure will be 灿烂 again..lalala~~
2009년 5월 10일 일요일
mother's day
一直以来, 都不曾为爸妈大肆庆祝过父亲节或母亲节..也许爸妈向来以传统持家, 也许咱兄弟姐妹四人在感情表现上都含蓄了点..然而含辛茹苦的双亲也不以为意..只要心中有孝, 不做些足以惹他们生气的事就得了..争气点, 努力过好每一天, 天天都是双亲节, 很特别, 不是吗??
话虽如此, 我想今年老妈算是收到份大礼吧..家中老么的出路终于有着落了!!母亲节大礼, 一卷奖学金状纸该是再好不过了..兄弟姐妹四人的升学途径都尘埃落定, 爸妈也就公德圆满, 老怀安慰, 可翘定脚等享清福了..您俩是最棒的了! 母亲节快乐 妈咪^^
(堂哥梓, 祝你新婚快乐, 白首和谐^^)
写着写着, 发觉自己的中文还真烂, 哇塞 退步了好多耶!
话虽如此, 我想今年老妈算是收到份大礼吧..家中老么的出路终于有着落了!!母亲节大礼, 一卷奖学金状纸该是再好不过了..兄弟姐妹四人的升学途径都尘埃落定, 爸妈也就公德圆满, 老怀安慰, 可翘定脚等享清福了..您俩是最棒的了! 母亲节快乐 妈咪^^
(堂哥梓, 祝你新婚快乐, 白首和谐^^)
写着写着, 发觉自己的中文还真烂, 哇塞 退步了好多耶!
2009년 5월 9일 토요일
2009년 5월 5일 화요일
just can't make it!!
everything is so so well-planned, and more-than-sufficient time..well, I'm just not in the mood to make it done, with something hanging on my heart, the stupid transmission drawing..hmm stop complaining and go dig in the book again!!!
(why my dl speed so slow?!!just wanna dl one movie to watch only, dAmN!!!!!!)
(why my dl speed so slow?!!just wanna dl one movie to watch only, dAmN!!!!!!)