昨天是外婆的大寿..外婆也有六十多` 将近七十岁了吧..前天老爸考我, 让我猜隔天是什么日子..也许我太醒目或太孝顺了吧, 灵机一动猜到是外婆的生日^^不久前小姑才告诉我我们家族一年一度的扫墓日子又过了..祖父祖母的坟..这两之间差不到两周的日子, 屈指一算我已四年没到了吧.."求学在国外, 身不由己"啊.. 我还蛮在意这两大日子的, 或许这就是在长辈与兄弟姐妹眼中的好孩子吧:P
从我呱呱坠地那刻起, 从来没有机会体会祖父祖母的爱..普通小孩都可轻易做到的, 坐在总喜爱把玩孩孙的老人家膝上撒娇`讨这讨那的, 竟是我兄弟姐妹四人无从体会的遗憾..已是不可及的祖父祖母, 也只能从残久的照片`从长辈口中接触了..祖父母是以传统持家, 祖父在长辈口中更是标准的'重男轻女'主义者..从懂事起, 每逢农历十月十四到祖父母坟前祭拜`打扫成了我们家族的常年活动..祖父祖母, 我没机会让您老疼, 也没机会孝顺您俩..偶尔, 我希望您俩能出现在我梦中, 疼疼我, 让我过过当孙儿的瘾..也非常感谢祖父远度重洋, 来到这仔芝麻大小的鱼米之乡, 与祖母一起把老爸和他一大群的兄弟姐妹带到这世上来, 也让我们这第三代有了存在的可能..也让我们一族在这弹丸之地称'王'道帝^^这四年来, 我能做的只有暑假或寒假回家时, 在您俩灵前报个到`上注香, 以及在离家前向您俩叩首告个别..
从小, 永远慈祥如一的外婆就非常疼爱我们兄弟姐妹四人..我想, 是因为老妈是外婆的长女??还是因为我们的乖巧与懂事??:P..也许自小就没了祖父母, 我们只管把外婆叫"婆婆", 每每吞了个'外'字..偶尔, 长辈们会拿我们开个玩笑, 说我们强占了表弟妹的祖母..当然, 没有人会介意这芝麻绿豆的小事..对于我, 饭吃得越多, 年纪越大, 离家越远, 越是感到家人长辈爱的可贵..每当订回乡的机票时, 总是抱着能赶上外婆寿辰日子的些小希望, 虽然老爸总说不必强求..外婆, 就算您老不太可能会到访我们年轻一族的部落格, 孙儿在这祝您:"福如东海, 寿比南山, 福寿与天齐(^)"..
2008년 11월 29일 토요일
2008년 11월 26일 수요일
what do I concern about recently??exams??holidays??money and etc?? I just can't convince myself to concern about any of these..
well, I'm going to call my study life an end and entering society as a part of it in about 2 years, if and only if nothing happens abruptly(hopefully)..recently I talked quite frequently with my colleague hc about career and global economy..sounds serioussss??hmm some may think that it's too early to talk about this kinda stuffs now, by the way gets to know about it earlier is better than late right?? or some may say that future is full of unknowns and uncertainties, so it's vain to talk about it too early..every opinion has its point, but this is not my main concern either(too)..
this sem I'm the one who attend the most heavy elective courses among all of us(I guess??).. Korean cultural History, Philosophy, Leadership..and I'm attending Leadership class alone, compare to other subjects where I attend together with some friends..well, some may think that it will be troublesome and hard if attending alone, since it is taught in Korean, and I thought so too at the start..well, it isn't that hard, just that every week must hand up at least one assignment..the class itself is quite fun, go to the class and talk with ur group members, maybe doing little presentation if u r chosen..just like go to class and have fun..
why I explain so much about Leadership class??stuffs taught(or discussed, more precise) in class aren't about how to become a leader, how to lead ppl or organization..so far what been discussed are more about self-development, we call it 자기개발 in Korean, and 自己開發 in Mandarin(lolz..)..know better about urself, have ur own target, mission and vision, self and time management..these kinda stuffs aren't hard to learn right, some are even general knowledge.. well, self-development..do u think u r 'developed' enough??I will definitely answer "NO" for myself.. when u look at others and make some comparision, surely u will find ur own strength, and ur own weakness too..the higher stage u get to, the more weakness u will find out, perhaps.. I'm not sure whether the 자기개발 I learnt means to develop urself from there, but I would like to define it as improving urself in whatever fields and aspects possible.. and, this is my biggest concern now..
well, I'm going to call my study life an end and entering society as a part of it in about 2 years, if and only if nothing happens abruptly(hopefully)..recently I talked quite frequently with my colleague hc about career and global economy..sounds serioussss??hmm some may think that it's too early to talk about this kinda stuffs now, by the way gets to know about it earlier is better than late right?? or some may say that future is full of unknowns and uncertainties, so it's vain to talk about it too early..every opinion has its point, but this is not my main concern either(too)..
this sem I'm the one who attend the most heavy elective courses among all of us(I guess??).. Korean cultural History, Philosophy, Leadership..and I'm attending Leadership class alone, compare to other subjects where I attend together with some friends..well, some may think that it will be troublesome and hard if attending alone, since it is taught in Korean, and I thought so too at the start..well, it isn't that hard, just that every week must hand up at least one assignment..the class itself is quite fun, go to the class and talk with ur group members, maybe doing little presentation if u r chosen..just like go to class and have fun..
why I explain so much about Leadership class??stuffs taught(or discussed, more precise) in class aren't about how to become a leader, how to lead ppl or organization..so far what been discussed are more about self-development, we call it 자기개발 in Korean, and 自己開發 in Mandarin(lolz..)..know better about urself, have ur own target, mission and vision, self and time management..these kinda stuffs aren't hard to learn right, some are even general knowledge.. well, self-development..do u think u r 'developed' enough??I will definitely answer "NO" for myself.. when u look at others and make some comparision, surely u will find ur own strength, and ur own weakness too..the higher stage u get to, the more weakness u will find out, perhaps.. I'm not sure whether the 자기개발 I learnt means to develop urself from there, but I would like to define it as improving urself in whatever fields and aspects possible.. and, this is my biggest concern now..
2008년 11월 20일 목요일
三个桑巴产的"黄金右脚"让本人想起了"既生瑜, 何生亮"这句名言..
虽然本人既不如孔明先生有借东风的通天本领, 也不似周瑜都督般有有美貌如花的小乔, 但若假设本人是诸葛亮(或周瑜), 那谁会是我的周瑜(或诸葛亮)??2008년 11월 13일 목요일
untitled, again@@
DYTC's students' committee election just over yesterday..candidate no.3 emerged to become the new 'leader', according to xy..well, I already forgot their manifesto though had been reading it for few times since last week..and as I remember, one of the 3 candidates promises to improve the food quality of school canteen, and personally I agree with that manifesto, strongly X 100!!!why??-->>I am suffering from it since last week, and guesss will continue till sem over:'(
for information of those who never been to the school canteen or not that concern over it, there are 양식, 한식, 일품 and rameon for u to choosee there..not to talk about 양식, everyday 까스..and other menu, maybe nice only once in few days??what did I eat today??한식, where the staff gave me damn lots of rice, with 짜장 sauce, and cold cold ham@@ and a bowl of almost-cold soup..whether for convenience or what lar, I gotta bong cang the canteen everyday, but ended up-->>mou dam hou sek, so kesian..but can do nothing, since I want to work so much, gotta tahan for anoter few weeks, or else everyday eat bread, kimbab or dabao something from outside..aiks..started to miss the life, where I can layan friends eating outside, or cook myself at home, rameon, spaghetti, fried this fried that also don't mind..just walked out from the contron center to check whether all the computer labs opened already or not, and saw funny stuffs,, students facing computer screen with starcraft or warcraft or any other games, while the lecturer talking in front..wakaka this is our DYTC students do^^
for information of those who never been to the school canteen or not that concern over it, there are 양식, 한식, 일품 and rameon for u to choosee there..not to talk about 양식, everyday 까스..and other menu, maybe nice only once in few days??what did I eat today??한식, where the staff gave me damn lots of rice, with 짜장 sauce, and cold cold ham@@ and a bowl of almost-cold soup..whether for convenience or what lar, I gotta bong cang the canteen everyday, but ended up-->>mou dam hou sek, so kesian..but can do nothing, since I want to work so much, gotta tahan for anoter few weeks, or else everyday eat bread, kimbab or dabao something from outside..aiks..started to miss the life, where I can layan friends eating outside, or cook myself at home, rameon, spaghetti, fried this fried that also don't mind..just walked out from the contron center to check whether all the computer labs opened already or not, and saw funny stuffs,, students facing computer screen with starcraft or warcraft or any other games, while the lecturer talking in front..wakaka this is our DYTC students do^^
2008년 11월 8일 토요일
Obama vs McCain
since Obama won the American election, reports, interviews, articles..u can see all these whether from newspapers, news, internet and all other media sources..aiyo anything wrong or weird with a candidate with black-skin won the election??come' on lah don't be so racist and colour-ist please!!!
2008년 11월 4일 화요일
2nd day working in computer lab in school..didn't really know what to do to get the time spent, I simply surfed on internet, tried to access as many sites as I remember..and this caught my eyes:
Women get more education and the number of them engaged in employment has increased. But the number is still far behind that of men, and the disparity in income between males and females is high, according to a report.
The Ministry of Gender Equality and the Korean Women's Development Institute released a report on the changes of Korean women's life Monday at a symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the nation.
The report showed that only 5 percent of women in 1966 were high school graduates, but the ratio rose to 32 percent in 2005. The ratio of females with college diplomas jumped to 20 percent from less than 1 percent during the same period.
In 1970, 38.2 percent of women were employed, while 48.9 percent of females were in 2007.
Despite the growing number of working women, they do not earn as much as men ― the average annual salary for men increased to 41 million won in 2007 from 2004's 26 million won, but that for women was almost half ― 21 million won in 2007 from 12 million won in 2004.
Public posts saw the largest improvement in women's social status. Females made up 49 percent of people passing exams to become government officials last year, compared to 3.2 percent in 1992. In an exam selecting foreign affairs officials, the ratio grew to 67.7 percent in 2007 from 10 percent in 1992.
But Korea ranked 63rd among 93 countries in the United Nations Development Program's gender empowerment measure in 2007, which shows women's status based on the ratio of female politicians, public officials and professionals.
Amid such changes, the average age at which women got married rose to 28.1 in 2007 from 24.5 in 1987. That of men during the same period also increased to 31.1 from 27.3.
Consequently, women are giving birth to babies later on in life ― in 2005, 50.3 percent of women delivering babies were in their 30s and 47.6 percent were in their 20s, while the ratio of 20-something mothers was over 60 percent up until the middle of the 1980s.
In 1970, 91.5 percent of all marriages were between men and women marrying for the first time. The ratio decreased to 73.9 percent in 2005, with the number of marriages involving people getting married for the second time rising.
now already 21st century, where equality between male and female is greatly promoted..well, I never expect the condition in Korea still remains about the same, even already been here for 3 years..even in M'sia, numbers of female students in high education institutes overtook numbers of male students..worth a thought?As a guy, I more or less wish to see how the society will appear when the equality is reached..perhaps a better living condition, or rather become controversial??no one will know..my opinion is that the equality means the social roles played by male and female, there will be something that can't be changed anyhow..
oh well, back to my title, working life..even though it just started for 2 days, but I think, and hope I will enjoy it..not to talk about earning money, at least I no longer stay in room, sitting in front of com, doing nothing, sleeping, wasting time..can't deny that now really sleep less than before, but don't care lah..November, everyday go out before 9, 5 only get home, or even late than that if going for to sprint up and down on basketball court..one month and more, I will be on the flight back, back to my Big Big River again^^
Women get more education and the number of them engaged in employment has increased. But the number is still far behind that of men, and the disparity in income between males and females is high, according to a report.
The Ministry of Gender Equality and the Korean Women's Development Institute released a report on the changes of Korean women's life Monday at a symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the nation.
The report showed that only 5 percent of women in 1966 were high school graduates, but the ratio rose to 32 percent in 2005. The ratio of females with college diplomas jumped to 20 percent from less than 1 percent during the same period.
In 1970, 38.2 percent of women were employed, while 48.9 percent of females were in 2007.
Despite the growing number of working women, they do not earn as much as men ― the average annual salary for men increased to 41 million won in 2007 from 2004's 26 million won, but that for women was almost half ― 21 million won in 2007 from 12 million won in 2004.
Public posts saw the largest improvement in women's social status. Females made up 49 percent of people passing exams to become government officials last year, compared to 3.2 percent in 1992. In an exam selecting foreign affairs officials, the ratio grew to 67.7 percent in 2007 from 10 percent in 1992.
But Korea ranked 63rd among 93 countries in the United Nations Development Program's gender empowerment measure in 2007, which shows women's status based on the ratio of female politicians, public officials and professionals.
Amid such changes, the average age at which women got married rose to 28.1 in 2007 from 24.5 in 1987. That of men during the same period also increased to 31.1 from 27.3.
Consequently, women are giving birth to babies later on in life ― in 2005, 50.3 percent of women delivering babies were in their 30s and 47.6 percent were in their 20s, while the ratio of 20-something mothers was over 60 percent up until the middle of the 1980s.
In 1970, 91.5 percent of all marriages were between men and women marrying for the first time. The ratio decreased to 73.9 percent in 2005, with the number of marriages involving people getting married for the second time rising.
now already 21st century, where equality between male and female is greatly promoted..well, I never expect the condition in Korea still remains about the same, even already been here for 3 years..even in M'sia, numbers of female students in high education institutes overtook numbers of male students..worth a thought?As a guy, I more or less wish to see how the society will appear when the equality is reached..perhaps a better living condition, or rather become controversial??no one will know..my opinion is that the equality means the social roles played by male and female, there will be something that can't be changed anyhow..
oh well, back to my title, working life..even though it just started for 2 days, but I think, and hope I will enjoy it..not to talk about earning money, at least I no longer stay in room, sitting in front of com, doing nothing, sleeping, wasting time..can't deny that now really sleep less than before, but don't care lah..November, everyday go out before 9, 5 only get home, or even late than that if going for to sprint up and down on basketball court..one month and more, I will be on the flight back, back to my Big Big River again^^