
2008년 10월 27일 월요일


human being,
always seek for perfection
always act due to their desire
but still, there's God upon us, human being,
judging and controlling what mankind doing on this earth
sometimes, we are given something from God
sometimes, God takes away something from us
sometimes, we gain something just like that
but we will lose something instead of the things we get
everything in this world needed to be in balance
a rule, a phenomenon that can't be opposed
so, don't complain when u lost something
so, do appreciate when u r given something
Am I a stubborn person??
for the stubbornness, I collided hardly on wall quite some times
and I learning from there
to avoid myself from colliding,
or to collide even gently
when u feel something's going wrong
when u feel somebody's looking or glaring or staring at u differently
that's the time
the time for u to re-think, to find out what's going wrong
thus to work on it
to prevent things from getting worse
to send things back to the right track
the track that things should be on

2008년 10월 25일 토요일


试 考完了
知我者如我 尚不知为何 更何况不知我者如他人
时光飞逝 人来人往 人聚人散
我 仍踏在原地 左顾右盼
或许 没了目标的日子要比往常难过吧
引句:"知我者谓我心忧, 不知我者谓我何求"

2008년 10월 15일 수요일

bla bla bla~~

hoho tmr(today morning to be precise) will be my turn to do my presentation for Korean Cultural History!!!issit the reason I stayed up so late??no no no I should have my presentation rounded up even before 1, but since wz's here, then I layan the 'GUESS THE SKETCH' for few rounds(I promised that won't touch it b4 exam:P) lor..that guy is really super brilliant!!!(in small small font size-->>why all so crazy over it??yea I admit I did go crazy while playing, but only tonite:))

what did I learn today??wanna talk mainly about 철학 philosophy..the topic today is: what made u say that u r u??all about identity, existness, continuity...and so, how to distinguish people or object from the others??how to claim that A is same with B or different with C??by outlook, appearance??or by internal, by soul??I promise, if u aren't ready with ur mental, u will get ur brain twisted and turned gau2..

well, what made me to write this here??a sentence from the lecturer is the prompt I guess..are u always the real YOU??or there's some sides that are still unknown to u and others as well?? the one that appears in front of other people, is the real YOU??or a disguised one??hmm this made me think, deeply..some are disguising themselves in front of people all the time..hmm what about me??I think I do sometimes..disguising..and, when I'm not, I'm showing the real me, the original MC..
after class we guys did play basketball in school..well, undeniable one of the time that I'm 'opening' myself, unleashing all the energy inside is the time when playing sports..I run, I sprint, I shout, I 'moo', I jump I heap I everything..or u wanna say that I'm 夸张`大动作 least I feel the happiness..I 骄傲, I lan shi, I ba bai when people praising me, kagum over my movement or shot..I blame myself, punch my own palm when making mistake or missing this is the real MC??yea almost!!!

haha now xiaugu also become a 'almost-full' blogger..few days ago she blogged about her name..why grandpa gave her the name..and, why I'm given name as 王睦俊 aka Hing Mok Chun aka MC aka aemc??because I'm a KING??because I can 和睦相处 mix well??because I'm leng cai??anyhow I own this name, I like it!!!thanks to 大姑 who made me this name muacks..我是王睦俊, 王睦俊是我!!!绝无仅有`유일한 목준이~~