2007년 8월 29일 수요일
need a thought
wah 7am only go to bed..and I had a dream..have been missed it so much..I'm not going to tell anything bout that dream..just that I realised that I will be scared also under that situation..haha..today is Xin Yang's birthday, and we did the fourth birthday party in this month..almost all of us are here d..only few are still missing..lol nowadays 'DOTA' will surely be included in our chat..hehe must play gau gau if wanna study properly in the new sem..and during the gathering, I noticed something..time time should be given I guess..no one will be able to do anything..damn I found out that I still care..even care more than ever..what a......teach me how to solve it, or leave it, or anything else..hehe now I'm applying one of the skill in 'wushu','tuo'..means dragging it..and live my life as well even with it bothering me..
2007년 8월 27일 월요일
one more week:'(
lolz it's almost midnite again...one more week then school will reopen, but my hand still itchy,waiting for a nudge...needa turn everything around...had a conversation with family yesterday...but suddenly mum asked:"u have nothing to talk with us meh?"...oh these few words hit me hard,really hard...not that I don't have anything to borak, just that I was too tired that time...can be said as half-awake...oh man all because of my crazy lifestyle...said d wanna have back a normal lifestyle for a student, for effective study...but I just can't...even no dota I'll also stay up until the sun going to give out his first shine...jialat lar...ya today KH and Lionel just shifted...so my house now the only one in Gaebong...the lonely and unique 'house'...again I overslept but still managed to help a bit...really a bit...oh now more and more are coming back from M'sia, to get ready for the new sem...and enjoy ur trip our HK group...haha thanks to Adrian's status in MSN...he messaged me...but I wasn't in just now:P...glad to see and read change in one of my sincere friend...through observation and words...I need changes also^^hmm this few weeks seldom see him online...one of my best friend...I enjoy sharing my experience and thought with him...but then quite hard to get him online...lolz....dunno why suddenly I think bout him...mayb there's something I like to talk with only him...and he can give some nice responses to me...not to say that I'm not close enough with others...I trust them alots too...I just can't find out why...haha dunno whether will u happen to read this...sure will be touched haha...haih whatever I will do tonite, I just need to wake up in time tmr...YH,HK,Xein and Shan are shifting...ex-Gaebong-in too...hmm...mum, dad, not that I purposely wanna conceal my lifestyle from u...just that don't want 2 of u to worry...hehe sounds like a good boy pulak...but I promise...I won't let this sem going like last sem...the disaster-like last sem should be kept only as history...history to be forgotten...work for intel, pride, ...everything...
2007년 8월 26일 일요일
' 宁静的夏天 天空中繁星点点... ...'梁静茹的歌声响起...
静茹啊~~你可否知道夏天可是一点都不宁静...白天, 那热呼呼的热风, 直把人刮的是汗流浃背, 叫苦连天...夜晚, 除了虫鸣, 没有一丝丝的凉意, 那怕是开了多把电风扇, 也还是叫'热'不迭...这热呀, 可是把我熏得晕头转向, 更带来频频的睡意...做什么都提不起劲, 无异于行尸走肉(夸张了点:P)...走在夏天的大街上, 可感受到青年男女们通过服装释放的十足活力, 也可感到装有空调的商店散发的诱惑....天啊~~这可真的让我体会到空调的可贵...前几天的我, 还在那庆幸着今年的夏天要比去年的好上数倍...原来在后头等着的才是高潮...衷心祈求, 有一架时光机把我带走,那怕是把我送到气温零下十几度的冬天...至少, 冬天能让我的心宁静下来, 把所有的烦恼冻结, 也把心湖冻结, 到时那怕是狂风飕飕, 也激不起一阵涟漪...
静茹啊~~你可否知道夏天可是一点都不宁静...白天, 那热呼呼的热风, 直把人刮的是汗流浃背, 叫苦连天...夜晚, 除了虫鸣, 没有一丝丝的凉意, 那怕是开了多把电风扇, 也还是叫'热'不迭...这热呀, 可是把我熏得晕头转向, 更带来频频的睡意...做什么都提不起劲, 无异于行尸走肉(夸张了点:P)...走在夏天的大街上, 可感受到青年男女们通过服装释放的十足活力, 也可感到装有空调的商店散发的诱惑....天啊~~这可真的让我体会到空调的可贵...前几天的我, 还在那庆幸着今年的夏天要比去年的好上数倍...原来在后头等着的才是高潮...衷心祈求, 有一架时光机把我带走,那怕是把我送到气温零下十几度的冬天...至少, 冬天能让我的心宁静下来, 把所有的烦恼冻结, 也把心湖冻结, 到时那怕是狂风飕飕, 也激不起一阵涟漪...
first time...
lolz...last nite should be a nice and memorable to KS...and to us too...after acting for the whole day and KS feeling sad I guess, we gave him a surprise...had a party for him one hour b4 his birthday passed...I think everyone expecting KS to drop his tears but didn't happen...haha sobz...we went to 안양천,a 'well-known' riverside for us^^we had had a nice time there...with chicken and cake...the atmosphere so nice until one Korean guy interrupted...he asked for a lighter...his weird behaviour made us to recognize him as drunken...after he lit his cigarette with the lighter we lent him he just walked away...his return after that started the chaos...asked us whether want to play with them(he meant drinking gut)...our mood was spoiled...lazy to 'layan' him and we just ignored him and intended to leave...shit he suddenly got frustrated tracked us all the way...he even left his shoe print at JT's face... isshh...whacked Wawa pulak!!!keke Wawa shouted at him,with the loudest voice I heard from him:P...he gave a flying kick...but received a punch from Wawa which brought him to the ground...everyone must 另眼相看 to Wawa d...Xein even regretted that she can't see the scene(didn't wear her con...blamed MP for that somemore)^^lolz even I am quite alcoholic compared to others(:P), but I always look down at those who take chance to act irrelationally when they're in drunken state!!!I pray hard that I won't come to be like that ever...oh KS don't feel guilty...not ur fault also but surely this will be the most unforgottable birthday for u^^salute to Wawa also...stop dota lar u...sayang ur fingers...
2007년 8월 25일 토요일
wanna talk bout my title 无言以对(wu yan yi dui)...meaning can't even say a word when facing certain situations...hope that I didn't explan it wrongly^^hehe the purpose I put this Chinese idiom for my title...hmm...mayb I think that when I found myself been under this kinda situation, doing a post will be one of the best way...not only speechless under situation happened with things or ppl involved, something speechless to myself also...I wonder whether this should be considered as psycho problem or else...haha won't let it disturbing or spoiling my life also...just sometimes it makes me down...haha seems like I already addicted to a bad habit...always don't like to use things the proper way...even idioms also:P...lolz...anyhow this is my own way...learn things...then use or apply them as I like, following my own style and my own will...I won't mind even anyone said it's weird(though sometimes I do)...